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So... Was going around Youtube... (86)

1 Name: *insertnamehere* : 2011-07-21 02:52 ID:ja1dxHc2 [Del]

And I saw this video in my recommended thingy thing. And I clicked on it. I watched it and thought to myself "God, what the hell is this and why am I watching it" it was that stupid. And then I went into this girl's profile. I don't know what the hell possessed me to do so, but I did.

Looking for more stupid videos, I ran into one of this creepy ass video she made. Goddamn it was creepy, I thought she was gonna pop out of the goddamn screen and take my soul. I thought she was a fucking succubus out to take my man hood, I was so scared.

There's her profile. Shit got so scary so fast, I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight.

Anyways, people, you may post scary/creepy/funny/whatever youtube videos or profiles and say whatever, I don't care.

2 Name: マシンガン : 2011-07-21 03:02 ID:gWesFHs3 [Del]

All she does is stare at the camera, right? There was a creepy girl like that and I vowed never to watch her videos ever again.

3 Name: *insertnamehere* : 2011-07-21 03:03 ID:ja1dxHc2 [Del]

>>2 Sometimes she dances. But yeah, she stares into the goddamn camera... Goddamn it all. If I ever meet her, ever, I shall rage at her. Rage like I've never done so. And I would never feel bad. Because I feel, I might be doing her a favor yelling at her for her creepy ass videos. Thank god she hasn't uploaded shit in forever.

4 Name: マシンガン : 2011-07-21 03:12 ID:gWesFHs3 [Del]

But then she would stare at you as you yell...just stare and stare....

5 Name: aLex : 2011-07-21 03:12 ID:LcMPcykf [Del]

Ever seen Magibon?

6 Name: *insertnamehere* : 2011-07-21 03:23 ID:ja1dxHc2 [Del]

>>5 I have unfortunately... Why... Why do all them white girls who love Japan so goddamn much make videos about them staring damn it. Well, not all of them. YOU GET WHAT I MEAN. So much... I... I just...

7 Name: *insertnamehere* : 2011-07-21 03:31 ID:ja1dxHc2 [Del]

Damn it, why is this scary ass video still in my history. It's fucking staring at me when I click that thing in the top right corner. And I fucking deleted it from my history. Damn Youtube. Always gotta be glitchy. Bastards.

8 Name: Hamtaro~ : 2011-07-21 04:17 ID:Fl5qn54w [Del]

I can't help feeling bad for her. LOLOLOL. People like her, who don't know when they are too fucking into Japanese things. Sure, I want to move to Japan one day, but that's because it just seems like a good place. Not because of all the anime, even though I like anime. :P

9 Name: Yani!Ly7MRw0CGU : 2011-07-21 07:26 ID:aq8F5oME [Del]

I think it's more CREEPY than scary. ~.~

10 Name: Pineapplez : 2011-07-21 09:50 ID:0eDo0PiE [Del]

Oh my God, what the FUCK was that? =_____=

11 Name: Thanatos : 2011-07-21 13:43 ID:Orw+67Z+ [Del]

>>1 What the hell....
Damn it Donut. That was creepy.

12 Name: *insertnamehere* : 2011-07-21 13:48 ID:ja1dxHc2 [Del]

Now, you all know how I feel when I watched that shit. Now, if you guys watched that "Where was Ruari" video, you know more how I feel. Because I had nightmares last night man, it was fucked up. she just kept looking at me with that gothic make up. Goddamn. GODDAMN IT ALL. I just... I... I... I wanted to stab her eyes out but then that'd make it even more fucked up.

13 Name: Pineapplez : 2011-07-21 13:59 ID:0eDo0PiE [Del]

Now, be nice, >>12. Everyone knows that she's been fucked into the depths of weabooness with no way of return.

But yes, her eyes are emotionless pits of darkness that suck out your soul.

And that was the fucking scariest thing I saw this whole summer.

Although, in the "Where was Ruari" video, I think she was tryna copy this lady at the end of this video.

14 Name: マシンガン : 2011-07-21 16:57 ID:gWesFHs3 [Del]

I'm not even gonna see what that link is. I don't want to be stared at....TT__TT

15 Name: Pineapplez : 2011-07-21 17:03 ID:0eDo0PiE [Del]

It's her with creepy make up staring at you. Just staring. With soulless eyes.

16 Name: Blue !/sDD8ChYP6 : 2011-07-21 17:37 ID:s/14NRqV [Del]

Oh dear. This girl really doesn't have much talent when it comes to dancing and I wish I could say "Oh well, at least she looks like she's having fun" but... yeah. How old do you think she is anyhow?

17 Name: aLex : 2011-07-21 19:35 ID:LcMPcykf [Del]

>>16 i think they say shes 25.

18 Name: *insertnamehere* : 2011-07-21 19:47 ID:ja1dxHc2 [Del]

>>17 ...................... 25? She.... That's.... I.... No words. No words at all.

19 Name: マシンガン : 2011-07-21 22:21 ID:gWesFHs3 [Del]

This is me on a daily basis:

20 Name: Blue !/sDD8ChYP6 : 2011-07-22 02:46 ID:s/14NRqV [Del]

25? What. I was gonna guess 14...

21 Name: Kaori : 2011-07-22 03:34 ID:BRBW300H [Del]

her parents must be soooooo proud ^^"

22 Name: Xero : 2011-07-22 06:41 ID:KF2B1Sq+ [Del]

s-s-s-s-soooo s-s-s-scary.... I'm-m-m-m-m n-n-n-not gonna be ab-b-b-ble to sleep at night n-nn-n-n-no more....

23 Name: Takara : 2011-07-23 02:00 ID:2Liliw5p [Del]

Very cool. I especially liked her Halloween video. Creepy, yes. But I think I'll be able to sleep after a while.

24 Name: *insertnamehere* : 2011-07-23 02:02 ID:ja1dxHc2 [Del]

>>23 You, sir, have my respect for not pissing in your pants after watching this crazy ass bitch's videos.

25 Name: Takara : 2011-07-23 02:17 ID:2Liliw5p [Del]

Thank you. :)

26 Name: ErRoR : 2011-07-26 22:32 ID:NODv7Kbh (Image: 548x286 png, 208 kb) [Del]

src/1311737546782.png: 548x286, 208 kb

27 Name: *insertnamehere*!k9qxQrkkz6 : 2011-07-26 22:35 ID:ZC0fXrwX [Del]

"How to Live to Be 100".


28 Name: ErRoR : 2011-07-26 23:13 ID:NODv7Kbh [Del]

>>27>>27 oops... there is the right vid

29 Name: Michishige : 2011-07-27 00:28 ID:OwWY92tr [Del]

After watching that, I think I'll add her to the list of characters for the horror novel I'm writing O_O

30 Name: Thanatos : 2011-07-29 21:20 ID:zJonDmxK [Del]

Not as creepy as the first link, but still weird as hell

What the fuck, Japan?

31 Name: *insertnamehere*!k9qxQrkkz6 : 2011-07-29 21:39 ID:nj0g6xqY [Del]

>>28>>30 Oh Japan.

Hurr hurr.

32 Name: *insertnamehere*!k9qxQrkkz6 : 2011-07-29 21:40 ID:nj0g6xqY [Del]

"regular removal of the brain, which smoked the Japanese?"

Oh google translate.

33 Name: Pineapplez : 2011-07-29 21:42 ID:0eDo0PiE [Del]

....................What the.......

34 Name: Anonymous : 2011-07-29 22:30 ID:bpEE8Ssp [Del]

what in the.. dude that's just dumb. and ugly. >>;;

35 Name: Kaori : 2011-07-29 23:07 ID:U95toOp4 [Del]

lawlcatz ^/>x<\^ my goodness, wt* is youtube allowing O-O if you turn ure speakers up loud enuff....

36 Name: Anonymous : 2011-07-30 00:25 ID:x8ep0Ehv [Del]
You can watch this while listening PONPONPON. I think they fit together.

37 Name: xMachinae : 2011-07-30 11:58 ID:Ss2Xyf2o [Del]

Hey, that ruari girl is really cute.

Until she started talking at least... god of gods what is this.

38 Name: Pineapplez : 2011-07-30 12:01 ID:0eDo0PiE [Del]


39 Name: ヤッチン : 2011-07-30 22:38 ID:e6kl3RsI [Del]

40 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-09-09 22:47 ID:ueWmZHdK [Del]

Bumping this back with something funny and silly

41 Name: armchair : 2011-09-09 23:07 ID:AcceQ0MU [Del]

ooft, creepy, but not as creepy as lady gaga! haha

42 Name: Kek-t : 2011-09-09 23:30 ID:ghnZd+Zt (Image: 1440x810 jpg, 156 kb) [Del]

src/1315629042974.jpg: 1440x810, 156 kb

43 Name: Judgement : 2011-09-10 00:19 ID:ILe9fivz [Del]
I dont know if someone posted this already, but I love this video. Its so funny and creepy. haha

44 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-09-10 00:28 ID:kW/XOlBF [Del]

>>43 That was the single most terrifying thing I have ever seen.

45 Name: Forte-Kun : 2011-09-10 01:09 ID:RgKraOS4 [Del]

Watched Insidious tonight.

46 Name: Forte-Kun : 2011-09-10 01:09 ID:RgKraOS4 [Del]

Watched Insidious tonight.

47 Name: Kaori !!tCuPexyb : 2011-09-10 02:10 ID:kvVzJMJY [Del]

>>44 AHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA naw man, thats the most hilarious thing evvuuurrrr! i favorited that xDD

48 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-02-20 22:04 ID:2Liliw5p [Del]

Does anybody remember this girl? I remember feeling bad because I did research about ruari and apparently she was institutionalized for being bulimic. Some people on the internet said that their theory was that she died, or had bulimia because of her Japanese obsession.

I also wondered if she had a tumblr. But that was full of pics of Sarina Valentina and various other trannys.. So I assumed it was a fake account made by somebody who disliked her videos.

49 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-02-20 22:18 ID:QR4TyoYr [Del]

>>48 She still creeps me the fuck out.

50 Name: Doremo : 2012-07-17 16:22 ID:+qpU1KCS [Del]

For those who haven't seen it

>>1 I don't get what you're scared about, she's actually kinda adorable.

>>43 That is fucking hilarious.

51 Name: BadAppleSauce : 2012-07-17 16:29 ID:qnMpZyeA [Del]

Holy shit, I remember this chick. D;
I wanted to cry after watching her video.

52 Name: Kaoru : 2012-07-17 17:28 ID:7x5a/NCQ [Del]

The link is broken.

53 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-07-17 17:52 ID:YjSZrPW5 [Del]

>>52 If you're talking about the link in the OP, it's been a year, so that explains that. And I don't very much feel like finding her videos again.

>>50 Adorable my ass. I guess different tastes, but still though. She's the scariest looking female dog I've ever seen. The bitch scares me more than fucking Slender man. And that Slender game. Combined. Fucking hell.

54 Name: Colorless Energy !O1jzujos12 : 2012-09-21 17:18 ID:uIwax7Jl [Del]
This thing eats everything

55 Name: DN !MDoZmU9.I. : 2012-09-22 15:44 ID:jPuQLfhB [Del]

>>54 Their wives must have been fuming when they found out it ate the tampons...

56 Name: Anonymous : 2012-11-09 21:50 ID:siyAXyWu [Del]

Just lol...

57 Name: Pacheco : 2012-12-17 18:47 ID:/73hoGtz [Del]

best video ever...

58 Name: Kiyomi : 2012-12-18 12:39 ID:KhbcHT0Y [Del]
yeah... so that happened...

59 Name: Kiyomi : 2012-12-18 14:02 ID:KhbcHT0Y [Del]
And this. Don't judge me.

60 Name: Anonymous : 2012-12-24 13:17 ID:6FzTvvS0 [Del]

Everyone needs to watch jacksfilms. Especially the people who have bad grammar and spelling, because they need to watch the Your Grammar Sucks series. Fucking epic.

61 Name: Deemo !5ugz4sn22k : 2013-01-22 06:59 ID:pbkiZ+hH [Del]

That one dancer has a dollars t shirt.

O u O

62 Name: Colorless Energy !O1jzujos12 : 2013-05-04 20:30 ID:uIwax7Jl [Del]


63 Post deleted by user.

64 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2013-05-04 23:42 ID:LArJ12Jr [Del]

Just hot a thousand videos a few hours ago. He is an amazingly funny guy. You shoul all check him out. Or get eaten by a Kaernk.

65 Name: Takagi Leigh : 2013-05-05 00:07 ID:sbGGFITG [Del]

Someone in the chatroom showed me the Pon pon way way video.

66 Name: Takara™!!dOFnbQCJ : 2013-09-13 07:27 ID:2Liliw5p [Del]

I cried for 10 minutes.

67 Name: Minus !M9lieYYnPo : 2013-09-14 07:29 ID:YgoH2A9b [Del] this guy is showing you "The train's laugh" Just skip the talking part. The "laugh" starts at 0:15
He's weird lol

68 Name: Kokono : 2013-09-15 01:07 ID:T8l7g9Mz [Del]

Well....I didn't plan to sleep tonight anyway ._.

69 Name: Takara™!!dOFnbQCJ : 2013-09-15 04:14 ID:2Liliw5p [Del]

Pretty much all of the younger people that call themselves "otaku".

70 Name: Moonstone1320 : 2013-11-24 13:48 ID:lev36Rc+ [Del]

Watch this:

71 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2013-12-29 22:09 ID:lHaLov2L [Del]

72 Post deleted by user.

73 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2013-12-29 22:19 ID:lHaLov2L [Del]

74 Name: Tαkαrα!!dOFnbQCJ : 2014-01-04 06:55 ID:2Liliw5p [Del]

I think Tsuki shared this in the chats a while back.

75 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2014-01-04 07:16 ID:xZIip0pc [Del]

76 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2014-01-04 07:22 ID:xZIip0pc [Del]

77 Name: Tsuki : 2014-01-04 11:08 ID:4mp4fjXt [Del]

>>74 I don't remember doing that... :v

78 Name: astin : 2014-01-04 14:19 ID:I/7Os/5E [Del]

>>74 it was bread, i think

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81 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-01-04 15:49 ID:jBEeKcSk [Del]


82 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-01-14 23:51 ID:jBEeKcSk [Del]

83 Post deleted by user.

84 Name: ~Narukami : 2014-02-16 19:33 ID:CzjRgXHa [Del]

So I heard we could post our own videos/videos we find on youtube on here correct? Well I dont mean to be a burden but maybe I could post my videos that I make on here so people can watch them maybe? I play PC games atm, like LoL or Dota 2. I plan to play and reocrd others in the future but heres the link so if you wanna subscribe you can, it would help out a lot tbh.

85 Name: Minus !M9lieYYnPo : 2014-02-17 09:27 ID:YgoH2A9b [Del]

>>84 Actually this thread is about those videos on youtube that make you be like "WHAAAAT?!"

86 Name: Minus !M9lieYYnPo : 2014-02-17 09:28 ID:YgoH2A9b [Del]

Or "What did I just watched?!"