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Dollars Confessionals (138)

1 Name: Tsuki : 2010-11-02 19:50 ID:8HHvCpp9 [Del]

Well, if anyone has anything that they want to get off their chests, then this is the thread to do it in.

REPLIES SHOULD BE ANONYMOUS, unless you really don't mind people knowing who you are. SO IF YOU WANT TO LEAVE AN ANONYMOUS COMMENT, remember to remove your username from the "Name:" field if you're posting here ^_^

2 Name: Anonymous : 2010-11-02 21:01 ID:Le7IasCz [Del]


3 Name: Rogers : 2010-11-02 21:04 ID:FGx0ZlMD [Del]

I hate it when someone feels bad b'cus of me! x.x and then I feel worst!!!! XD

4 Name: Anonymous : 2010-11-02 22:06 ID:Fx9a+0px [Del]

hmm...i just wanted to see how this works..

5 Name: Enni : 2010-11-03 02:48 ID:KUHdoYC1 [Del]

Although I say I'm 80, I'm in fact 5 years old.

6 Name: Firo : 2010-11-03 08:52 ID:UhTz3mm5 [Del]

we have a SERIOUS case of Benjamin Button here.

7 Name: Thanatos : 2010-11-03 10:03 ID:XIoVVECu [Del]

That would be the second case of Benjamin Button in the Dollars. Misuto is Benjamin Button in turbo mode.

8 Name: Tsuki : 2010-11-03 10:37 ID:Fy7n7coD [Del]

So, this like...the bbs for reverse agers anonymous?

9 Name: Kaori : 2010-11-03 20:32 ID:Le7IasCz [Del]

im scared of enni....its a backwards pedo....benjamin button

10 Name: Firo : 2010-11-03 22:41 ID:UhTz3mm5 [Del]

here's a confession: i love you all, especially the regular once that logs on chat. you guys make me laugh. its addicting.

11 Name: Rogers : 2010-11-03 22:58 ID:FGx0ZlMD [Del]

after I experienced an earthquake...I can no longer be at peace!!! :S
>>earthquake trauma! X.X<<

12 Name: Kaori : 2010-11-03 23:21 ID:Le7IasCz [Del]

D: aw....that makes me wanna pat ure head rogers

13 Name: Bacurik : 2010-11-04 03:06 ID:1+mLb82Q [Del]

>>10 Here I am thinking I would be the first to confess my love to everyone and you beat me to it. Well played Firo

14 Name: Rogers : 2010-11-04 07:08 ID:FGx0ZlMD [Del]

>>10 we all luv u too!

15 Name: Rogers : 2010-11-04 07:44 ID:FGx0ZlMD [Del]

Confession: I hate the uni's internet!!!! >:[

16 Name: Firo : 2010-11-04 08:34 ID:UhTz3mm5 [Del]

another confession: there is already a porn of us.

17 Name: silverb : 2010-11-04 09:14 ID:0UHNs6jx (Image: 300x300 jpg, 6 kb) [Del]

src/1288880058360.jpg: 300x300, 6 kb
i don't know who i am..

i don't what i want to..

i don't have any wish..

i'm not interest for anything..

i don't have a dream..

that's so..


it just make me a little sad..

i just need an objective!!

i need a dream!!

18 Name: Rogers : 2010-11-04 20:34 ID:1uTz+TRS [Del]

>>16 eh? how? whaa...

19 Name: Kaori : 2010-11-04 21:30 ID:PUELjCuL [Del]

confession: i like to eat candy

20 Name: king : 2010-11-05 03:37 ID:vVl9+nkT [Del]

>>17 isnt that what the dollars are for?

21 Name: Cactus : 2010-11-07 15:00 ID:CFwrpNnE [Del]

I am going to confess...
I'm not actually a cactus, I'm a loli.

22 Name: Tsuki : 2010-11-07 20:39 ID:Rrh1+HNE [Del]

I'm actually a prostitute robot from the future!

23 Name: Thanatos : 2010-11-07 21:09 ID:yvSUgNMp [Del]

>>22 No, you are Edward Cullen.

24 Name: Kaori : 2010-11-07 21:54 ID:PUELjCuL [Del]

either way, i really wished that could've been written anonymously o-o xDDD

>>21 well~ i am slightly disappointed xDDD welcome fellow loli

25 Name: lurksalot !/aPzExRzGw : 2010-11-10 16:13 ID:z13QG9vq [Del]

I seem to be obsessed with the fact that my right armpit hair grows longer than the other....

26 Name: lurksalot !/aPzExRzGw : 2010-11-10 16:14 ID:z13QG9vq [Del]

crap that was supposed to be anonymouse!

27 Name: Misuto : 2010-11-10 16:17 ID:VpVl8kR+ (Image: 100x144 gif, 5 kb) [Del]

src/1289427447401.gif: 100x144, 5 kb
>>26 Anonymouse...

You can delete the post you know.
...ah well, we all read it already.

28 Name: lurksalot !/aPzExRzGw : 2010-11-10 16:51 ID:z13QG9vq [Del]

eh, now i'm too lazy....>_>

29 Name: Kaori : 2010-11-10 19:55 ID:ESKnx1HH [Del]

@_@ nice pit hairs lurks -strokestroke- oh gosh, now i just remembered the time tsuki was touching everyone *O* -flees-

30 Name: Anonymous : 2010-11-10 20:35 ID:W44xCVDA [Del]


31 Name: Kaori : 2010-11-10 21:04 ID:ESKnx1HH [Del]

tsuki. leave. jk xDDDD oh gosh -fear of slenderman touching-

32 Name: Sirnak : 2010-11-11 11:57 ID:siaoX2cN [Del]

>>21 And I have to confess I'm crazy for lolis. /o/

33 Name: Cactus : 2010-11-13 06:10 ID:RjMb7FT9 [Del]

>>32 *hops away and pretends to be a tree* You're a nice loli-thief, right? :O

34 Name: gao : 2010-11-13 19:33 ID:MiAaQ4aF [Del]

>>33 cactus-nechan... wouldnt it make more sense to pretend to b a cactus~? it hides u AND provides protection >u< uguuu~ /o/

35 Name: Kaori : 2010-11-13 20:50 ID:j/DPVRNu [Del]


36 Name: Sirnak : 2010-11-19 12:16 ID:fQ/i2iJZ [Del]

>>33 I'm actually more like an... watcher! >:3

I just acts when I get your soul. Or when anyone is watching.~

37 Name: Anonymous : 2010-11-23 14:19 ID:ixGQvhWj [Del]

I'm lazy and pathetic.
I can't seem to keep pet birds alive either.

38 Post deleted by user.

39 Name: Kaori : 2010-11-23 22:02 ID:wEEWtEsc [Del]

im scared that ure a whore.
im happy im not a bird.

40 Name: Anonymous : 2010-11-24 08:19 ID:ixGQvhWj [Del]

...I feel burned.
My works nights and it is a pain it the arse to remember about those dang birds. Besides alot of them are, DUN DUN DUN, old. The only 4 I have lost that weren't old were lovies, but their parents had been overbred.

41 Name: Anonym... : 2010-12-29 09:54 ID:Ko1Pa5hz [Del]

I can possibly be dying... I have to take care of me. I feel bad atm. :/

42 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-01 03:56 ID:BQpgey62 [Del]

im sad a lot and depressed...but that makes me laugh at myself for being sad. i feel stupid. i just realized that i have an avoidant personality disorder and am passive-aggressive. It makes me glad to know what's finally wrong with me, but now it seems like i will never be happy. i feel stupid. that is why.

43 Name: EverMore : 2011-01-01 15:10 ID:HqPbUV6w [Del]

Just saying... if you guys need anyone to talk to.. (like a councilor...) you can find me at It's all confidential... and yeah. Just want to put that out there.

44 Name: Misuto : 2011-01-01 16:39 ID:VpVl8kR+ [Del]

>>42 Don't dwell on the names of disorders and such, they're a way of classifying a state of mind, not restricting yourself to them.
Passive-aggressiveness isn't a bad thing given the alternative is flat out aggressive. It's not really a disorder, more like a method of handling things.
Avoidant personality disorder is just another way of saying you like to be alone. Doesn't mean you have to be sad, and it certainly doesn't mean you have to conform to its symptoms.

Finding out "what's wrong with you" in a psychological sense is just finding your current flaws so that you can fix them. Unless your brain is physically handicapped, you can definitely change it. You will not "never be happy."

Don't be this.

45 Name: Kazuma : 2011-01-06 14:27 ID:LcdW+ibI [Del]

I am sorry.... I haven't done heroin

46 Name: ryan : 2011-01-06 18:13 ID:86/2bFhT [Del]

ok i'll admit it im a lolicon
oh and i smoke weed a little

47 Post deleted by user.

48 Post deleted by user.

49 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-07 04:56 ID:FAuWUOY3 [Del]

I dunno if I should tell this, but...

I, most of the time, like to be ALONE...
And also, at school, I have no friend...sometime, they seems like to alienate me...even if they try to be close with me, it sometime disgusting me...but for my family, I will hold it until I finished my studies...
And, I hate smokers because it make my mood change
(become angry).REALLY

I also have girl that I like but she is in different race and religion(but she is kawaii), and cannot be straight to her...

50 Name: Silver : 2011-01-07 10:42 ID:RrsgIPjM [Del]

>>49 Go for her. You'll never know if you won't try.

51 Name: setton : 2011-01-08 02:28 ID:FAuWUOY3 [Del]

>>50 ...

52 Name: Enni : 2011-01-08 03:45 ID:KUHdoYC1 [Del]

What? You can't even utter the words "I love you" to another person?
Spineless coward.

53 Name: Silver : 2011-01-08 09:22 ID:RrsgIPjM [Del]

>>51 what's with the "..."? ;A;

54 Name: setton : 2011-01-08 09:37 ID:Yfze3ftg (Image: 768x432 jpg, 54 kb) [Del]

src/1294501072892.jpg: 768x432, 54 kb
>>52 this should be a section for confession, not to anger someone...try to understand, if someone in different relegion and race, think about it! What would be affected...

55 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-08 10:50 ID:x8ep0Ehv [Del]

People should not be forced to speak in front of the class in schools! There are many shy people suffering from this, me included. Teachers should be more understanding. It was tough for me when I was younger.

56 Name: Anon : 2011-01-08 15:42 ID:0QcCcV/T [Del]

I feel like my best friend gradually replaced me with somebody else because the other person was more available to hang out more often. Now we barely talk... But its weird because I don't feel any different from before, so I'm kind of thinking that my best friends didn't really matter so much to me and that our friendship was a lie...

57 Name: Misuto : 2011-01-08 16:17 ID:VpVl8kR+ [Del]

>>54 That's what I don't understand. Why does being of a different race or religion matter?

>>55 I believe the purpose of public speaking in schools is to get kids to get over social anxiety before it really becomes a problem.
Imagine if you go through all of school never having to interact with strangers? You would be ill-suited for the real world, where that is expected of you on a daily basis. Think of speaking in front of the class as the bottom end to this - that way, whenever you have to speak in public you can use it as comparison: "At least it's not as bad as in school!"

>>56 It's not a lie unless your friend outright hates you now. People drift apart, especially in school settings when there's a lot of option. This is why I don't like to peg any of my friends as "best friends," because at some point that won't always be true.

58 Name: Misuto : 2011-01-08 19:43 ID:VpVl8kR+ [Del]


59 Name: setton : 2011-01-09 07:06 ID:riDDbnu+ (Image: 640x480 jpg, 33 kb) [Del]

src/1294578414957.jpg: 640x480, 33 kb
I don't know why but I often getting depress about something...

60 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-09 16:58 ID:/g42uWrO [Del]

I'm actually a really shy person that has a hard time saying no to anything (then, if i do say no to something, i feel guilty about it)... unless i'm being swayed from something i hold a strong belief in. I haven't cried in at least four months... which probably isn't healthy considering all the issues i've had with family and health. (which also brings me to say thank you to everyone i've met on here for cheering me up when i need it) though, i'm leaving this Anonymous 'cause i'd probably feel embarrassed if i said who i was... >_<

61 Name: Kaori : 2011-01-09 20:29 ID:rdeM5DXh [Del]

>>60 naw man....woman....o-o (?) that's totally a-okay! >:3 we luffles you here, whether i know you or not, but we still duz, do. but i hope you get better, and don't b afraid to say 'no' to ppl, just practice saying it a lot, if ppl get angry at you, say no somemore or something ;3 cuz we'll always back you upz even if u haf to come onto the computer and say: they to' me to say no!

mmhmm, U_Ub so enjoi life and live it intentionally, cuz it is completely rather and bluntly....short. ;3 try new things once in a while buddeh

62 Name: sekisetsu : 2011-01-09 22:21 ID:ensul5o1 [Del]

I get overly stressed when I hear my alarm clock, but now that was progressed to things beeping in general (except microwave, no one can be stressed knowing their food is ready ;3). That and this place is my daily loss of productivity.

63 Post deleted by user.

64 Name: Cactus : 2011-01-10 04:44 ID:ZSFdgtFk [Del]

>>63 That's like... you know how a girl thinks, and you take care of girls to make yourself feel better. That means your a caring person, but I don't understand the trolling bit :S
It's like how people project what they like on themselves, there's a proper word for it, I can't remember what it is... :/

65 Name: Kyaaa!!/m5u7Yc+ : 2011-01-11 19:50 ID:HsrQHcIW [Del]

there was a guy (a teacher assistant who became my love interest) in summer school who acted like a mysterious bishie, sometimes a loner who observes a lot of things, but too bad that he wasn't interested in anime plus he was very mature when he acted(almost like those i see in the anime)... blah.. blah.. blah...
i got scared of myself cause i was acting like a total creeper and the guy barely knew me...
then one day, i made a portrait of him with only his image in my mind and decided to give it to him the next day..
i failed but i didn't give up and tried the next day...
it was very scary cause the atmosphere and his aura was very unexplainable(dead-right disturbing)... feels like he was going to kill me... or was it me?... next time i knew was i gathered all my courage and gave him the portrait and blurted out, "Please accept my Drawing," while extending my arms to him and hiding my face... then out of the blue, that scary, stern face became an angelic laugh.. which made me die cause i never expected a person to hide such an angelic beautiful smile..TT.TT
ahh.. memories...
the rest is a secret..TT.TT

66 Name: Rogers : 2011-01-14 20:59 ID:Ko1Pa5hz [Del]

Love you all guys!~

67 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-14 22:15 ID:3zylF4I+ [Del]

I hate it when people discover dollars, then post it on Facebook. It bugs me in a way. Ugh. I wanna kill alot of people from dollars chat for being pure idiots. And then when I try to play along they get pissed. Fck you.

68 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-15 15:01 ID:ixGQvhWj [Del]

I hate facebook....but I have an uncanny addiction for it.

69 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-16 17:30 ID:54S2cSJJ [Del]

lol i like being alone most of the time, due to my "friends'" unnecessary teasing and my "best friend" siding with them
seems like people i don't know on the internet are way more nicer :)

70 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-17 09:58 ID:ZSFdgtFk [Del]

This... Right, I need to confess.

I have a strange obsession with teachers. I think of them constantly, I always imagine how shiny their glasses actually are.
It probably annoys a lot of people around me, especially since I sit alone in my room googling pictures of them. Topless.
I also have this huge folder on my computer which is dedicated to their teacherness. Which I suspect is unhealthy?
I'm kind of stuck, and I don't know what to do. Soon I shall be around loads of them, and I might explode again.
I've tried focusing on other things, like doctors or farmers, but it's not working. I don't know how to get over this strange obsession :'(

71 Name: Chaos : 2011-01-17 20:03 ID:0WtpsetD [Del]

at the age of twenty, if i have not found a reason to continue living, i am going to commit suicide, just for the hell of it

72 Name: Rogers : 2011-01-17 21:09 ID:Ko1Pa5hz [Del]

>>71 don't do that yo.
Btw....I forgot what I was gonna say. haha >:B

73 Name: Misuto : 2011-01-18 01:32 ID:VpVl8kR+ [Del]

>>71 Well, how long do you have to figure that out then?

And when you find the reason let me know, I don't think many people can even answer that question regardless of age.

74 Name: Chaos : 2011-01-18 08:55 ID:0WtpsetD [Del]

>>73 im 15 but no matter what people tell me im not going to listen. i have to find a reason myself or theres no point

75 Name: Misuto : 2011-01-18 15:49 ID:VpVl8kR+ [Del]

What. You're 15 and you're worried about finding a reason to live?

You'll be fine. No amount of advice will get through to you at this point, but you'll be fine.

76 Name: Chaos : 2011-01-18 16:27 ID:0WtpsetD [Del]

Misuto you say that but the way i think is different from everybody else. my life has been full of struggle and if i cant find a reason to continue living with it, then i wont.

77 Name: xMachinae : 2011-01-18 18:15 ID:Ss2Xyf2o [Del]

dramatic teenage angst

you'll figure it out eventually.

78 Name: Kaori : 2011-01-18 18:59 ID:IycJSucx [Del]

dont kill ureself chaos. plus it's too messy U_U imagine how much cleaning i'd have to do. also, if u do kill yourself, please clean your room as well 8D should die beautifully cleansed~

BUT NO. don't killun ureself after ure room is clean, having ure room be clean is not just a reason for you to live, but suicide is not for the brave. when people kill themselves you think they have bravity <----if thats a word or somethun---- but they dont. theyre just too coward to actually face their problems and pains and tell them to just sit down and shut up. That's the ---pardon the words---- most hellish and impudent and foolish thing to do U_Ub killing yourself would only make ureself a coward and you hunbun are no coward and even i know that. so whai dont you just find the good things in life. as in:

we are still here for you 8D
you get to enjoi the delicasies of food
you will always be loved no matter what
AND THE MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL: you are you, and theres no one in the whole world before or 'to-come' that can replace you. mmk?

:3 ~dollars

79 Name: Chaos : 2011-01-18 19:32 ID:0WtpsetD [Del]

>>78 thanks for your concern but its not because im trying to be brave, im bored and lifes pointless

80 Name: Kaori : 2011-01-18 20:06 ID:IycJSucx [Del]

well, have you done everything you've ever wanted too? if you're gonna commit suicide, whai not spend all ure money as well to go see everything beautiful and created and designed, whai not go see some nature instead of just boring ol' computah or tv? :3

im sure u'll find something interesting. i mean look into things you never really thought you'd do. live ure life to the fullest then >_> go try a relationship with God or someone you like some bizarre foods and get parasites 8D you're bound to find something fun~

81 Name: xMachinae : 2011-01-18 20:06 ID:Ss2Xyf2o [Del]

how can you expect to know anything at that age? seriously over dramatic and selfish thoughts you have going on there. there is so much in life to live for, just wait and see.

82 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-18 20:27 ID:HqPbUV6w [Del]

Hey Chaos!
You know, I think I can really relate to you. You see, I also used to be tormented and I struggle a lot. I have probably been through EVER TRAGIC event that a human can go through (no drama). Look Chaos, I know the others are telling you not to commit suicide and I will have to side with them.

I really don't want you to commit suicide. Yes, I have attempted quite a few times but realize this. The minute you almost die, that is when you realize how many people care about you no matter what you have done.

And about life being pointless, create something new then. If it is boring, throw in some action! Make this world lively and do something. Being GOOD OR BAD, it doesn't matter at this point. What I do is study, cause some trouble, (I used to flip desks but you know, I mature) and just sit down and help out random people. And one more thing, someone is ALWAYS waiting for you. Heh, funny how there is only one person out of that 5,000,000,000 (making up numbers) people in the world will NEVER stop thinking about you. Can you put up with the guilt of leaving that someone single for the rest of your dreams?

(Damn it now I feel like an old hag lecturing you..... sorry lol)

83 Name: Kaori : 2011-01-18 21:26 ID:IycJSucx [Del]

>>82 wow you are one awsum old hag.

84 Name: Chaos : 2011-01-19 06:54 ID:0WtpsetD [Del]

the reason that i decided this was because i hate people. i cannot stand to be around other people and every second i am tortures me to no end. i cannot possibly be happy while around other people and i dont think killing everybody else is the right solution, so im going to kill myself. the only time i can remember ever being happy is when i am sleeping, when im not around other people. to sleep forever is my dream and im not going to stop my dream unless something amazing and life changing happens to me to change my entire outlook on people.

85 Name: Lustral : 2011-01-19 07:48 ID:IPzXTp3j [Del]

You sound like you're trying to be anti!Izaya.

If you stay in that mindset then of course, be my guest. Kill yourself. Why would anyone want someone so miserable and stubborn and stupid to exist, right?
But I'm sure you're a fine person behind your dramatic behaviour. Your reasoning bothers me and it's stupid. Why post on this thread if you're not looking for help. Go post your suicide notes somewhere else.

I'm not helping, I know. But people like you piss me off. Now suck it the fuck up, and get up on your feet. The holocaust survivors didn't /survive/ because they commit suicide. My jobless friends still laugh with me despite not making money.

Put some more thought into what you say before you post it. You're not going to get sympathy from everyone just because you post shit about hating your life. You're lucky this site has mature members. I'd have to say I'm the biggest troll of you all; and what I'm saying here isn't even meant to be trolling.
It's the truth, and I'm just setting it out one post at a time. Now face it, Chaos, because sympathizing with idiots isn't something I do.

86 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-19 12:03 ID:ic2gwdU6 [Del]

Heh, Lustral, that is kindof harsh on Chaos even though what you said is also true....

Hey Chaos, what made you hate people?
Have they done anything?

I know for me, they would tie me and beat me until I can't breathe and they would burn my skin with a lighter. burry me alive and so many more things (if you want I can tell you about it later) but insetad of thinking how bad my life sucks, I look forward to the day when I will look down on those who screwed up my life. (like I said, no drama)

And Chaos, if you want to compare our lifes to see which sucks more... feel free to give me your email or something and I will PERSONALLY take time to list 1/100 reasons why your life is better than mine.

(yeah I am really being kind of mean.... lol XP sorry...)

87 Name: Chaos : 2011-01-19 14:14 ID:0WtpsetD [Del]

im not trying to say my life is worse than yours and im not looking for sympathy. i never asked anyone to try to stop me and im not going to. i dont care if you pity me or not, i dont care if i piss you off, and i certainly dont care if you think im being some stupid teenage drama queen. when i first posted on this thread i did it just to say it, i wasnt asking for anyone to tell me why i should or shouldnt do it. theres still 5 years left until i go through with it so if something or someone can change my way of thinking by then then i wont do it, but unless that happens, im going to do what i think i should.

88 Name: Misuto : 2011-01-19 14:54 ID:VpVl8kR+ [Del]

Ah, I basically meant exactly what Machinae said, I just didn't want to sound mean about it.

Nothing is going to change your way of thinking immediately, and I wasn't telling you to stay hopeful - I was stating a fact that you will change your way of thinking within 5 years. Because you're 15.

By all means, I never said not to commit suicide, go right ahead if that's still your plan in 5 years.
Social Darwinism in action.

89 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-19 16:07 ID:HcLhIC3S [Del]

sometimes i wish i were dead. i wonder what it 'feels' like many a time. but i am much too fond of myself and humans to do that. so i live-day to day. despite my fears. despite my insecurities-or do i even have any? i'm sick of life and everyone in it bothers me. you all have so much potential-yet cease to use it. use it to your advantage. have fun. suck up the bad times-relish in the good.
that's pretty much all i'd like to tell you:)

90 Name: Another Anonymous : 2011-01-19 16:19 ID:zmb4Dkvt [Del]

I admit, when I was reading your posts, tears came to my eyes. If my parents weren't in the house with me, I'd let them out. What you said strongly reminded me of what someone I know said to me before, almost word for word, so I guess while I'm writing to you I am writing to her and anyone else who feels the same way.
Please don't let your hope die. I know that life comes with struggles and sometimes this world can be the hardest thing to live through. There is still good in the world. People are cruel to each other, but they also help each other. I see people around me stretch out helping hands and pull through and stay strong together to fight through anything. Problems may not be fixed quickly, but they do end up being fixed. Even the worst storms end. When I was fifteen, I too was extremely cynical and pessimistic and expected the worst out of everyone, especially myself. That was one year ago. Now I understand that though not everything is perfect, no everything is terrible. People survive, live, and love and that's powerful. I know that inside you you have the strength to fight against your conflicts and emerge the victor.
Also, even if you may not like the people around you, that doesn't mean the feeling is mutual. You will always be somebody's baby. If you go, you will always leave someone behind.

91 Name: Victoria : 2011-01-20 21:31 ID:cHPezXy4 [Del]

I am super shy and almost mute in school.
I get too nervous I'll make someone hate me if I talk to them.

92 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-21 13:30 ID:5ukrmQ9r [Del]

>>91 I'm the same way, Except I like that everywhere, even on the internet. :(

93 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-22 03:23 ID:5LW/I/cG [Del]

I want a HUG!!!!!!!!!!!

94 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-23 15:39 ID:D3HAiKmM [Del]

I feel useless.

95 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-23 23:16 ID:TtrO6qV0 [Del]


96 Name: M. Primo : 2011-01-23 23:51 ID:4owjr850 [Del]

im a big hypocrite and a liar. i tell my closest friends to not do weed, and i tell them i dont it.

97 Name: Anonymous!W55QPhuO1U : 2011-01-24 01:15 ID:TSAqevvf [Del]

No matter what, I know I won't have the courage to come out to my parents. I'm afraid of what they will say, more of DO, to me.

I act like everything is okay when I'm about to strike out and kill someone. When I'm angry, all I can do is smile at the person/problem when others are around. I want to let me anger show, but I can't. I'm afraid of the trouble I could get in.

98 Name: Lustral : 2011-01-24 10:17 ID:fymlf6LL [Del]

I'm never too harsh.

99 Name: Anonymous : 2011-02-12 16:20 ID:zeGBf7kb [Del]

I miss you...

100 Name: Anonymous : 2011-02-12 16:20 ID:zeGBf7kb [Del]

I deeply do...

101 Name: xMachinae : 2011-02-12 21:20 ID:apacQ729 [Del]

I must confess, I'm kind of a big deal.

102 Name: Rogers : 2011-02-12 22:00 ID:zeGBf7kb [Del]

Kyle your awesome!~

103 Name: Anonymous : 2011-02-13 02:03 ID:bpEE8Ssp [Del]

For some reason wherever I go on the internet, to like some new place to "just hang out and chat" i feel as though nobody wants to talk to me, and I'm just being ignored. I just want to ask people "whats wrong with me?"

104 Name: Misuto : 2011-02-13 04:09 ID:VpVl8kR+ [Del]

>>103 Don't think that there's something wrong with you, specifically. Try to imagine yourself as anyone else, and see if the same outcome isn't true - you'll find more often than not that your shortcomings are common and not at all something "wrong with you" exclusively.

On the internet, maybe they're just being ignorant in general. It happens.

105 Name: Anonymous : 2011-02-13 19:22 ID:e6AcoF65 [Del]

I ( used to ) have a friend who was really nice at first, but then I started to hear rumors. That she was a liar and blah blah. Normally I ignore the rumors but then she started to change. She started talking things about my others friend and when I would go talk to another friend she would get mad and put me on "punishment " ( Where she would constanly ask me annoying questions and then laugh as if it was funny. ) So then I would ignore her and she would get mad even more. Only to claim that she was sorry later on. Is it right to just ignore her? Or is it the rumors hitting me? Help!

106 Name: Lamb!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2011-02-13 21:25 ID:by8hM2no [Del]

You know, i never read through this thread before, and now i wish i did, i should have read it earlier...I hope i'm not too late. Chaos, I don't know your pain, I don't know your name, but it feels like i know you. I can feel your feelings through this thread, i can feel the emptiness im your life. DON'T SUICIDE. Live. If you need a reason to live then live for yourself. Live to survive. Live to breath, live to feel, live for a miracle. Why does God create people with the intention to die? i don't understand. I'm not going to tell you that there is good in the world, i'm not going to tell you the good in people, but what i want to tell you is to laugh, to smile. So please don't die... Don't suicide...

107 Name: Lamb!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2011-02-13 21:35 ID:by8hM2no [Del]

It won't do the world no good...There's already enough dead people on this planet.

108 Name: Misuto : 2011-02-14 15:13 ID:VpVl8kR+ [Del]

>>105 The "punishment" thing sounds extremely immature. You should probably ignore her, or tell her to grow up. If someone's being annoying, you can't blame the rumors for being true, can you?
They won't learn if you show acceptance for stuff like that. I know the kind of person you're talking about, they crave attention, not unlike babies. Don't let it get to you, just understand when you're being more mature about it.

109 Name: Anonymous : 2011-02-16 22:22 ID:bpEE8Ssp [Del]

I want love! I feel like I'm not bein loved, wherever I go.. I try my hardest, but I think there's something in me that people just can't love? I'm not ugly either.. And I'm not fat... I hope it's not because I like playing video games and reading manga? I mean, that's not what I do all day! Why can't I make friends, gosh. I'm so weak I have to post anonymously in this thread! ...fml
I just want some love...

110 Name: Rogers : 2011-02-17 09:14 ID:FGx0ZlMD [Del]

>>109 For you to post as anonymous isn't weak.
And don't feel bad if you're different. I can say that I'm waay different myself but I know someday, someone will like the way I am. And that goes or you too. Someone will like/love the way you are. Maybe there's people secretly loving you. >:P

111 Name: Mukufro : 2011-02-17 10:22 ID:QXeRF6BX [Del]

well~ this is too dramatic.. i till cry when i reading this..
and so, i'll ask you all
have you all ever thought to disappear from this world? why we must create in this world? how are your feeling when you are dying? are you afraid? how if you go to hell? how about if Jesus said you are dying tomorrow?

well.. my answer: i ever thought to dissapear from this world. and why i must created in this world just for only to make sins.. i scared of dying. i really afraid.. and i scared if i go to hell.. i ever dreamed that hell is really scary there is many evil.. and i think, i'll run away and dont want to be born in this world. i really-really scared~ >..<

112 Name: Mukufro : 2011-02-17 10:25 ID:QXeRF6BX [Del]

and forgive me if i type that

113 Post deleted by user.

114 Name: Boa~ : 2011-02-17 16:04 ID:1xg9mKCn [Del]

>>111 dont worry, its not too dramatic, i am the same at times, really afraid of dying and stuff o.O

115 Name: Rogers : 2011-02-17 16:47 ID:clxi+EgM [Del]

>>111 I bet we all have felt the same in some point in life. But I personally try to enjoy everyday not thinking over that kind of stuff. I AM careful cus believe me, I don't want to go to hell...Putting aside that, I believe we all have a purpose in life, and dying is not the right answer.

116 Name: xMachinae : 2011-02-17 20:00 ID:Ss2Xyf2o [Del]

If you believe in hell, then stop fucking complaining about it and be a good person.

If your "god" is real, there is no way in hell (trololol) that he'd send you down if you are an honest, caring and genuine person. If you're a good person and "god" sends you to hell, we're all fucked, you're fucked, I'm fucked. Fuck everything.

117 Name: Misuto : 2011-02-17 20:10 ID:VpVl8kR+ [Del]

Had similar feelings before, >>111

When it all comes down to it, if there's no helping it either way - whether you're going to hell or going to disappear not - why despair?
Carpe diem, my friend. Seize the day.

Trolly as it is, Machinae is also right. If you're a terrible person - like really terrible and not "low self esteem i'm not the best" terrible - then you may have something to worry about. But you're most likely not. So you're in the same boat as the rest of us. If we are all going to hell anyway, I'll buy you a drink when we get there.

118 Name: Lamb!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2011-02-17 21:12 ID:by8hM2no [Del]

>>111 I remember one point in my life, i vaguely thought about those things, not seriously b though because right now, at the moment, i live for the present and when that time comes, the dying part i mean, i will worry about it then. But for now, put a smile on your face and stop worrying about these things, life can be short, but memorable...
>>109 Everyone on this site is anonymous, as we all are equally weak, that's how humans are. For people to love you, you have to love yourself. Love yourself then love others. People probably do love you but you don't know it, love is a hard feeling to be expressed...

119 Name: red : 2011-02-17 22:07 ID:L24LfHl8 [Del]

the way you act dosent affect if to hell or not.if that was the case, everyone would be going to hell.just saying.

120 Name: Mukufro : 2011-02-18 03:10 ID:mKuII00u [Del]

. . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
waaaaaa~ TT^TT
sorry.. i'll never think like this again.. but, when i sleep, i always gonna think about that kind of things.. like when i die.. u-uh.. a bad dreams~ TT^TT.. but, thanks everyone.. you all opened my mind to ENJOYING MY LIFE~ even if i cant, but i'll try..

sorry.. i'm not good at english

121 Name: Anonymous : 2011-02-18 04:23 ID:+8FiXXL7 [Del]

I'm actually a stalker and have a dark personality IRL.

122 Name: Anonymous : 2011-02-18 05:02 ID:pl/hAYfo [Del]

>>121 . . .
whut o.O

123 Name: Enni : 2011-02-18 08:10 ID:qGBBSPgh [Del]

Then you should totally join

124 Name: Lookie !.GhOWWhAnE : 2011-02-18 08:35 ID:5LW/I/cG [Del]

>>123 LOL I tried immediately the site you gave and I don't why did I do that (I think it is reflex action hahaha) maybe I have a stalker side of my mind hahahahah

125 Name: Misuto : 2011-02-18 14:24 ID:VpVl8kR+ [Del]

>>121 Admitting to having a dark personality usually indicates you don't really have one - or if you do, you're forcing it out.


126 Name: Seika!N8Yn.I/WbM : 2011-02-18 17:34 ID:8ex1h7B9 [Del]

I don't remember almost a thing of my childhood. I mean, practically nothing, just random little things unrelated from eachother. I know i went trough a lot of shit because i forced myself to remember just because I had to.
But it's like if you read it in a book, it doesn't feel like it's real. I don't know how to explain it well. I know it happened because my sister remembers everything... and it makes me feel worst because i can't help her much.
I feel uneasy. Like the fact that when i try to remember something, i feel like throwing up or my head aches or i suddenly want to cry. It scares me a lot, but i'm also too scared of what happened. I don't want to remember the bad things, but i'm not sure if there was something happy neither. After all, my few random memories are about really fucked up stuff.
I think because of this i have lots of issues, like the fact i can't keep friends for a long time or trust anyone at all. I just hope this doesn't ruin the rest of my life (because even if it's awful now, i want to keep living and make it better).

The only one who knows is my sister and, well, now you all. I don't know, I just needed to say it here. Maybe i'll feel better or relieved for taking it out. Or not, but i wanted to.
So... yeah. Sorry if there's some bad english here. I normally speak spanish and i'm not in the mood to check if I wrote it right.

127 Name: Lamb!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2011-02-18 23:15 ID:by8hM2no [Del]

>>126 You know that saying? You are who what the past makes you? Well that's false, you are who you choose to be. And i can tell that you are a wonderful person. Don't let the past affect who you are now!!! Memories are funny...They stay with you, even if you don't want it. You can't forget even if you think you do, make peace with your past, and move on. I'm sorry i can't provide anymore insight than this...I don't know the exact details. But I'm glad to hear that you are trying to make your life better, because it will get better! Promise!! I can only hope this help you, even a little bit.

128 Name: Anonymous : 2011-02-19 04:35 ID:bpEE8Ssp [Del]

I think people who are having trouble should turn to God! He will help you no matter what, and always be there for you. you just have to believe and trust Him, He wants to be with you always. He will always love you.
Not like I'm trying to spread anything. trololol

129 Name: Anonymous : 2011-02-21 21:09 ID:3mTrSs2l [Del]

I am apathetic and pretty much dont care whether I live or die. I thought about countless ways to suicide, well, ways that leave you look beautiful even in death. Anyhow I think that takes too much effort so I'm not gonna do it, just fantasizing. I dont see why I live either, its pretty tiring just to live day by day cuz everything takes effort, little or much. Up to this point, I dont remember much what has happened in my life and feel like a ghost lurking around. Sadly to say that Im fine with it tho, or maybe I prefer it this way cuz I do like to be alone.
I have been thinking about these things ever since I was small so Im just putting it up here, getting it off of my chest, thats all. Thank you all for reading.

130 Name: Anonymous : 2012-09-12 15:12 ID:8V0l7QpC [Del]

I miss all my friends from middle school. I forget how I even made so many wonderful friends in middle school. Now I'm in high school away from my friends, and now I have to make new friends. But I am so shy and awkward... and I act so different than myself when I was in middle school. It's so hard to feel at ease without a friend by you where you can trust, or at least someone I know. But I think usually I'm more at ease once I get into the 2nd semester. Trying to get used to my school. :)

131 Name: Doremo : 2012-09-12 17:15 ID:8dW1kUlg [Del]


132 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-09-12 17:19 ID:KCNLwUGJ [Del]

Drake Ramone : 2012-09-12 16:12 ID:8BshliuJ
P Sean C : 2012-09-12 16:01 ID:8BshliuJ
I feel the need to confess that we have a pedophile in the BBS. A pedophile that does not yet understand samefagging, and needs to go fuck himself instead of little children.
PSA: If any user attempts to solicit "humiliating photos from you in the near future, Dollars are advised to swear him the fuck out and report it to Reltair. That is all.

133 Name: Anonymous : 2012-09-24 00:25 ID:teg345TP [Del]


134 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-04-11 00:49 ID:TQgOYMPo [Del]

i have something to confess.. but nobody's gonna find this out so... here it goes..

i dont have yaoi ships.. i have a fucking fleet.

there. im happy now.

135 Name: .crd=NULL : 2016-12-08 08:37 ID:cW4QBBIb [Del]

About a year ago, my neighborhood drug dealer sold LSD to my sister(11) and other kids from her school. I knew what it was when I saw it and I was pissed. My friend and I got a bat and a hockey stick and went to town on that dude later that night. We fucked him up pretty bad(he had a slack jaw), but we weren't worried. We left for college later that week. Recently we've made about 30-ish USB killers that we are giving away at a small tech fair. It seems like a dick move, but the company hosting the fair denied our university's engineering program it's promised 3D printers. In addition, they influenced a budget cut on the construction of a campus clinic.

Big confession, but whatever.

136 Name: Enigami !c6PjAO5Kw. : 2016-12-08 11:51 ID:c3/9yR0O [Del]

>>135 Honestly, what you did was understandable in both cases.
Today, I rear-ended someone. They didn't pull over, or put on their flashers, or in any way indicate they wanted me to follow them to exchange insurance info. I tried looking for their car in the subdivision they had pulled into a few hours later, but couldn't find them. I did my due diligence, but I still feel shitty about it.

137 Name: Raiyu : 2016-12-08 18:07 ID:rQaGe4c+ [Del]

I love the show Red vs Blue way more than I think I should and if anyone mentions the fact that they also watch it I want to talk about the show. I want to talk about my favorite characters and what season or story arch was the best and if the show has gotten better or worse over the time it's been running. I want someone to talk to about all that but everyone just tells me to stop because they don't know what RvB is or that I'm annoying...

I know this is kinda dumb but I just wanted to say.

138 Name: Anonymous : 2016-12-10 06:57 ID:wd/SXzkI [Del]

My dad's abroad and i live with my mom. they're divorced. My dad already has a new family but still keeps in touch with me. But special occasions sometimes sucks.

It's my birthday soon and a few weeks back my dad asked me what I want to do to celebrate it. I got my hopes up about thinking that he'll provide for my bday (as he sometimes does since the only thing he does for me and my younger brother is to support us financially) but yeah my birthday's soon and we don't have money to celebrate.

I tried to contact him again if he really will send us money but he wouldn't read my messages much less reply to them.

To be honest it's not the material things that bother me. It's fine if I dnt receive gifts. I lived a hard life. But recently, i thought that our relationship was gradually getting better. But i fell disappointed again.

I honestly felt unimportant. like 'i'm not even worth celebrating'. and finance is not a problem with him since his work pays well. So i think he just decided to ignore me again.

My birthday is tomorrow and I'm trying not to break down. Just when things are starting to look good, I just HAD to get my hopes up and hurt myself. I wish i could just abandon him. i'm so tired of this. but for my younger brother's sake and for my mom who's kinda sick, i have to put on a face and swallow everything in. If only I could work already. /sigh/ how could i when i already stopped going to school for 3 years now?

I have nothing. And it sucks that I have to rely solely on a person who isn't even a 100% genuine about his familial ties with us.