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What r the Dollars too you (25)

1 Name: Juniase : 2010-09-29 09:51 ID:V21tI9OR [Del]

I was standing in the rain this morning.. wet with some headphones in my ear, waiting for something too happen. A bus, a car, anything really... but of course nothing did. I was alone on the street, no friends or family, just me and some noise :| I realized that ever since I moved I had no one anymore.. no brothers or sisters, friends, or even acquaintances..
The bus never came, no idea why, didnt care much either so I walked 20minutes back home. I felt so wrong you know like I had lost something wen I left Coral Springz..

Wat im getting at is that I felt more lost than I ever did in my life, because of.. rain haahahahaha.. But wen I got back home and went on the computer I saw none other than wat u guys r looking at right now, and I couldnt of felt any better^^

I want too know wat being a Dollar means to you.
And why its so easy not too run around telling people that ur sorta in a gang.... actually that's a question without an answer lol!
Being a Dollar to me is... something that I've wanted to do for long time, I just didn't know it. Yes this was all start because of a anime but that same anime changed almost every one who watched it just a little bit on the inside, so go ahead and write your definition of you being a Dollar. We all have our reasons.

2 Name: Firo : 2010-09-29 14:23 ID:AyhVWhpS [Del]

for me, members here have become my closest "internet" friends lol. this site is a good site to connect around the world. we all share at least one single thing. being a Dollars to me means being part of a whole. being part of something so secretive and well known at the same time. our site may end big in the future or vanish, either way i am still glad i was part of it.

i might add on some more stuff later, but that's all i have to say for now.

3 Name: ScyRan : 2010-09-29 15:28 ID:wC+oORTf [Del]


That's how I feel. The Dollars has the same appeal real gangs have, to be part of a whole, but with the Dollars you are who you are. There is no responsibility with the Dollars, there is no objective, it's not a gang which tries to make money or anything like that. It simply exists to allow people to be a part of something bigger than themselves. It allows people to connect with something, even if they have nothing or nobody. The Dollars gives you a sense of security that you are not alone in the world. Junaise, I felt the same way, this may have started because of an anime, but I wanted to feel like a part of something long before I watched DRRR!!, and I wasn't going to join a stupid gang. That's why I liked DRRR!! so much, but I hope the Dollars will become so more than that.

4 Name: Kaori : 2010-09-29 20:27 ID:6ZDJqz2k [Del]

aw you guys have such touching words it makes me haf to go to the bathrm! x333 lil' cutie pies!

Being part of the Firo, makes me feel like im part of something so FUN AND COOLIO! :D IRL, im just that quiet 'smart' asianic, artsy poopy poo person in the back of the class. On the internet, i can forget everything i've learned and actually be someone i WANT to be instead of having ppl classify you and tell you who you are supposed to be. I luf the Dollars. They are my family basically. x3 im constantly having you guys on my mind for some reason. especially aya, misuto, than, firo, deau, ORANGE...etc, you guys are so specialz to me! T^T

5 Name: Misuto : 2010-09-29 22:54 ID:lWt5QLG3 [Del]

>>4 ...It was so touching it saturated your bladder?

Everyone took all the good parts already, what can I say.

I joined the Dollars at first because of Durarara, and though I advocated it, in the back of my mind I never imagined it would be the kind of benevolent force/entity it was in the anime. I hoped it would be close.
I think, despite not necessarily banding together to rid the world of gang activity, the main point has come across.
I stayed in the Dollars because of a sense of belonging, a sense of camaraderie, and even that sense of anonymity. The Dollars allows people (read: me) to interact with others from everywhere with no restraint, a feeling not often encountered unless with a tightly knit group of friends. In some ways, the Dollars is a better medium for making acquaintances.

Aside from entertainment, I can say I've learned a great deal from the Dollars as well, just from reading the opinions of others and talking on chat all day. I can't name off what exactly I've learned, but they aren't really list-able points anyway.

I'm grateful, excited, and proud to be a member of such a community, regardless of its form and features. The Dollars to me is the people in it.

Be it an interesting discussion or a +9 Epic Smash to the Face, I look forward to talking to everyone I've met through this site every day I get on.

But enough of the cheese.
Traps and Lolis.

6 Name: Nakura : 2010-09-30 02:22 ID:1LX2BSDp [Del]

I'm proud being a Dollars.
Dollars like a place where a place that people who want to experience new life, new stuff, new stories that you don't know from the people around the world.
Dollars are like a new 'family' for me...
Except we haven't met each other yet.
Yet, I'm proud being a Dollars even we haven't met each other.

Sorry for my bad english.XD

7 Name: Xeloid : 2010-09-30 09:36 ID:9sIjRypH [Del]

A place where I can relax and talk to people around the world.
It is a place I call "home". I hope that someday our Dollars family would be recognized worldwide.

8 Name: Tsuki : 2010-09-30 19:35 ID:xc6bs6VN [Del]

I like it ^_^ it's fun talking at other daladala members :p

9 Name: Juniase : 2010-09-30 20:34 ID:V21tI9OR [Del]


10 Name: Kaori : 2010-09-30 21:51 ID:8LLB9FWw [Del]

>>7 i hope so too. we'd be FAMIOUS (FAH-mee-oos) :D

>>8 i like yo' daladalas! ;)

>>5 Yes, it, it didnt xD i just had to use the bathrm really badly just then but i wanted to chek the site first (see how much i luf u guys? x3) and then i had to super use the bathroom after reading those. hehehehhe...

i just remembered this thread earlier today. we were sitting down as a class reading Les Mierables and we were all split into 5 groups:
1) the group probable to get a simple job and watch sports, etc. that kind of life

2) the group most likely to succeed and go to college

3) group most likely to be seen on broadway

and last but not least
4) the group who were most likley to be in a gang....guess wat? i was in that group. i laffed and then suddenly became quiet and pale. i was stunned....had my teacher...seen me? o-o

yes, i think the Dollars are a gang. a GOOD GANG. i believe in us :3

11 Name: Kaori : 2010-09-30 21:52 ID:8LLB9FWw [Del]

oh and my teacher didnt split us up like that. we just sat down with each other....well at first i was alone, and then all these 'gang' guys came after me >_> xDDD

12 Name: ScyRan : 2010-10-01 04:35 ID:wC+oORTf [Del]

>>11 Did you tell them you were in the Dollars? xD

13 Name: Kaori : 2010-10-01 21:33 ID:8LLB9FWw [Del]

nah, they likes to make fun of mes cuz im azianic. xDDD so im all: too bad, you all get to die without witnessing the most awsumness in the world! >:O

14 Name: king : 2010-10-04 00:12 ID:8cEb5Xy2 [Del]

wow, everyone has such a high opinion of the dollars. not that im any different. i think everyone has a need to be a part of something bigger then themselves, a place something like a family when your other family cant meet with your needs. in that way, yeah, we are like a gang, but like kaori said, a good gang. and hopefully with us in there lives less people will go astray. for me its just as important as to the rest of you, and without it i may very well have ended up in a very dark place. hopefully we can save as many people as possible.

15 Name: Apple : 2010-10-04 13:54 ID:5C7gy1tN [Del]

A place that equals my paradise.

Everyone is equal, nobdy cares who you are, everyone seems content. Tere are no loners and inviting.

When the hars realitly of the world comes crashing down, All I do is have to read the posts to know that there are decent people out there.

Enough with the Seriousness. AWESOME GANG IS AWESOME. It's not like we go murding over people or such? Fun, welocming, I still barel post on 4chan's /i/ after years of lurking, here, two weeks and i felt at home and ready to post. ♥

That or i miss them T-T

16 Name: Anonymous : 2012-09-24 00:21 ID:teg345TP [Del]


17 Name: Whisper : 2012-09-24 00:32 ID:dPoXXit3 [Del]

Like Kida and the Yellow Scarves.. it's something to be apart of when you feel like you don't belong any where else. I can meet other people who share the same idea for making the world better, as well as make crappy drawings on MS paint. Its my place to find peace, hope, comfort, acceptance, and humor. Its something no one can take from me.

..unless of course you steal my laptop..

18 Name: Luciferus Hellsing !ALCL315MiU : 2012-09-24 03:31 ID:B2q2tzw8 [Del]

The only gang on the planet worth anything (perhaps 'gang' is not the best word, but...). We are all completely equal and we all set out to make the world a better place in our own way without intimidating outsiders.

19 Name: Takara!!VpW7gX2l : 2012-09-24 05:00 ID:2Liliw5p [Del]

Comfort in the form of the internet.

20 Name: Takara!!VpW7gX2l : 2012-09-24 05:00 ID:2Liliw5p [Del]

Comfort in the form of the internet.

21 Name: Anonymous : 2012-09-24 06:51 ID:Yowfassh [Del]


22 Name: Kalos : 2013-01-06 21:32 ID:M1PPtJAg [Del]

A place that will always put a smile on my face. Being a member of the Dollars gives me a purpose. I may sound foolish, but that's what I feel. I love being with the Dollars, because I don't feel like I'm alone.

23 Name: pierrto : 2013-01-06 23:24 ID:xsoZKMNN [Del]

it a place where i can be with other like me.or when i wont to no worry for once. the dollars is my home and i would do any thing for thr dollars.

24 Name: konkon : 2013-01-07 08:27 ID:Gy19nUjR [Del]

I recently joined dollars but I knew the anime some time ago... I searched for this site and finally, I found one. I kinda feel the same way as you... so lost... and sorry for overreacting, I didn't know what to do with my life. So when I tried this and then everyone was soooo nice it felt like "woah, I've been searching my whole life for this, why wasn't I able to know this before"? That's how I felt sooo
Dollars, for me is the place where I belong and where I can talk about anything to my heart's content without really worrying about how other people might think of me... I'm not alone anymore, hahaha... I love Dollars!!! :)

25 Name: OjamaThom : 2013-01-07 21:30 ID:gK8m4gBf [Del]

"Something like gimme all your dollars?"

The Dollars is an organization from one of my favorite anime. Being a part of this group makes me feel closer to an anime than anything else I've been a part of. When I first saw this site and figured out the password, I thought: 'I'm in! I'm a part of The Dollars!' I was so exited!! A colorless gang with many members... they do what they want and believe in peace. These people right here believe in that statement and are the shining light in the center of a generation in deep darkness.
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