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Career Crossroads (2)

1 Name: Hige : 2023-05-15 12:12 ID:ioCwaH1P [Del]

I just wrapped up a graduate education program. I've wanted to be a teacher for the past 8 years, but I worked with 2 host teachers that broke my spirit this year. I want to become a teacher to help outcast kids deal with the B.S. of the U.S. education system, but after seeing the needless hoops I need to jump through, I'm wondering if I should just get an office job. What should I do?

2 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2023-05-16 00:50 ID:JDqWrUW/ [Del]

My advice: follow your passion.

I had an office job. Paid well, remote, and great people I worked with. But I couldn't stand it. I had to force myself out of bed every morning. It was draining me. The work wasn't even hard, but I never had energy after work. And most importantly: I never felt fulfilled with mely job.

I've since left that job and am also working on becoming a teacher, for the same reason as you. I want to help those students. I want to give them a solid foundation that so many other teachers won't. I know what you mean about the hoops... it is pretty frustrating. But despite this, it's the first time I've felt excited about the idea of working. It's much more work than my previous career, and so much more hoops to jump through, but ultimately, I'm sticking with it because this is what I WANT to do.

Imo, you shouldn't lose sight of why you want to do this in the first place. It's for those students. You've already put in so much work. You've devoted nearly a decade of your life to this. Is it truly something you'd want to leave behind? Would you regret that later in life? Would you feel fulfilled at an office job?
Sometimes, the thoughest things are what will bring you the most happiness in life.

I wish you the best of luck, from one aspiring teacher to another. And may you find happiness and fulfillment in whatever decision you make.