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lets turn the dollars back to how it used to be (10)

1 Name: Lost : 2023-05-09 07:03 ID:JMgN49nJ [Del]

I remember the dollars where every ware but now it is empty and with nothing interesting anymore so lets turn it back to how it was like back in its prime years.
Because it was fun and full of interesting people and many got to gather that lived in the same place and talked about drrr and the dollars.
Who is wanting that again?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2023-05-09 10:51 ID:rpvsQBrV [Del]

Make a Durarara sequel/prequel and you'll get more people here. Until than, this site will stay dead.

3 Name: CLC : 2023-05-09 14:05 ID:Kx4aIewB [Del]

How would you do it?

4 Name: IrisLaw : 2023-06-19 22:15 ID:RuUGRg/Y [Del]

More people are returning this year, we just need a mission everyone can do easily (and would want to do) that could bring us together. It would be nice to see the Dollars be a proper group again.

5 Name: ekko3 : 2023-06-24 14:35 ID:oLV6eNLT [Del]

They are? Any guess as to what's the reason?

6 Name: Setsuna : 2023-07-04 01:36 ID:ZyY46Ecq [Del]

I guess I got nostalgic of Durarara and came here haha

7 Name: Celica : 2023-07-18 01:07 ID:HDWBFkRb [Del]

My guess is people are wanting some manner of reprieve from drama-driven social media where they can have a place where everyone can instead feel a genuine sense of community and shared interests; the same kinda thing that's been driving more people back to Tumblr as well

8 Name: Hiraeth !uadmf9SHoI : 2023-07-23 09:26 ID:3asMJCZv [Del]

@Celica Honestly, though. To me, everywhere else seems to be saturated with folks who are chronically online. Sometimes, I really want to delete all of my social media and just live in a cabin in the woods.

9 Name: VikingBlood : 2023-07-23 15:25 ID:fLu+idwX [Del]

I just recently came back. About a decade ago I was active here and something brought me back these last few days and saw the state of this site. I don't think it could go back to what it once was, but I want to be proven wrong for that. I did have some ideas that may help. Since social media is now a heavy influence now, why not do something simple like adding a Dollars tag to posts. Streamers could add it as a tag to their streams. But those are things to just raise awareness. These are just some ideas I had to toss around.

10 Name: 7-Fingers : 2023-08-07 10:03 ID:jkRDT2Hv [Del]

It's fine to honest. Honestly. The site being still up makes me happy.