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What makes you feel alive? (18)

1 Name: claus. : 2023-04-30 18:32 ID:WE0JnVg5 [Del]

Tell us what makes you feel alive? What brings you joy? What do you feel at this moment: I am living now.
(sorry if my English is very bad)

2 Name: Ppp : 2023-05-01 23:53 ID:AivOx+UD [Del]

Food, running, family, school all the little everyday things that I do in my life brings me joy. I dont think I have that momemt were I tell myself I live because one specific thing. There is so many things to live for, and yeah somethings those things can harm you and others days you dont appriciate the little things in life. Right now I feel better after answering your question

3 Name: payJ : 2023-05-07 12:36 ID:+/jXSMYK [Del]

To be honest, I really like to hurt. It makes me feel alive. I get pleasure when I watch people suffer. And so all my 24 years of life..

4 Name: Lost : 2023-05-09 06:52 ID:JMgN49nJ [Del]

lets be real hear for me nothing makes me feel alive life is boring now soo that is why i became a doller to feel alive again but the same old same old. What hapend to the dollers there was so many people living life like drrr but now its just a bunch of hermit crabs not doing anyting.

5 Name: Kitty : 2023-06-03 18:25 ID:9BPPsy+W [Del]

My partner, their family, the pets we have together, the thought of living together and getting married- right now I feel content

6 Name: CLC : 2023-06-04 08:29 ID:9AfYbHis [Del]

The concept of God can be interpreted in various ways, depending on individual beliefs and perspectives. For me, God represents the creator and ruler of the universe, the supreme being who shapes reality. I personally find the idea of polytheism in religion problematic, as it raises the question of which deity one should worship. With countless gods to choose from, there is always the possibility of worshipping the wrong one and facing punishment from other gods in the afterlife.

Furthermore, if we define God based on the ability to control nature or human fortune, it raises the question of whether beings like Satan and Engels could also be considered gods. After all, they possess extraordinary powers and can significantly influence human experiences, as seen in cases of claimed demonic possession. This highlights the complexity and diversity of interpretations regarding the concept of God.

For me, God represents true independence—an intelligent being that transcends space, time, and materialism. It is an entity that governs everything and has bestowed consciousness upon human minds. A God who provides us with the opportunity to experience joy and love is certainly worthy of worship and admiration.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-28 17:18 ID:r6GGUNyN [Del]

getting shit done, especially bucket list shit

8 Name: Forsakin : 2023-09-01 07:42 ID:AafzjSom [Del]

I don't really know the purpose of my life but at least to this day I still live to appreciate my God's creation. and maybe my feelings during this life have been normal, just a few small problems

9 Name: red 560.0 : 2023-09-07 16:12 ID:xLtMMprt [Del]

My cat

10 Name: LumièreMorte : 2023-09-08 14:45 ID:Po7bAEZ5 [Del]

Sometime, feeling alive is excruciating

My regrets, my pain, my self hatred reminds me regularly that I'm alive unfortunately

11 Name: liz : 2023-09-14 22:17 ID:nbL40OiZ [Del]

listening to my favorite songs

12 Name: Roma : 2023-09-21 19:23 ID:k7N+nQRl [Del]

euphoria (not the...), like being alive when you surpass yourself, whatever the domain

13 Name: Decim : 2023-10-10 17:00 ID:m8r4fguh [Del]

Laughter, especially laughing with my baby. This Joyful feeling makes me feel alive :D

14 Name: Kaster!eVHHrdPaJg : 2023-10-16 17:02 ID:sLOXZsG1 [Del]

Mm I feel like I've seen a thread like this before, but it's been a while so ugh whatever.
- Staring at clouds, stars and flying airplanes makes me feel alive.
- Feeling the wind around me without actually feeling cold, as well; for example being in a car with some of the windows open works as well.
- Laying on the floor, especially on grass, this makes me feel soo alive.
- Petting plants (yeah, literally, + literally any plant)
- hugs

15 Name: wxbb : 2023-12-07 15:28 ID:iqpWzYCz [Del]

tight hugs, dancing with someone, meeting new people and instantly bonding, late night talks, falling in love, ect.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2023-12-11 14:08 ID:TR1gWo+M [Del]

My dog has such an expressive face and seeing him looking excited over something as tiny as me making faces at him brings me joy
Projects posted on youtube, when you can see the love and effort put into them, bring me joy
And when I can give joy to someone (or something) else, like giving a pill bug a piece of dried shrimp. They go apeshit, and they can (and do) pick the whole thing up and run with it lol

17 Name: Archi : 2024-01-13 15:24 ID:pNZXXOCf [Del]

Mostly solving other peoples problems. Like.. solving a mathematics equation or question. And talking to my favorite person

18 Post deleted by user.