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how to get rid of the need for personal value (2)

1 Name: whateverwhatever : 2023-04-26 20:41 ID:qbXCBWXS [Del]

Okay so I don't know if I'm phrasing this properly but, like, I know that humans put a value on everything unconsciously and even on themselves and sometimes it's okay and sometimes it's not, but in my opinion I feel like things would be much better if we weren't so attached to the value we arbitrarily put on things because ultimately it is just that, arbitrary and it's just a personal judgement.
So my problem is right there: I feel like I can't separate myself from putting values on everything and I feel like I have no value myself, and I keep comparing myself to other people. I guess what I'm asking is how do I get a better self-esteem, but my self-esteem is so deeply tied to the arbitrary value I put on myself based on society's expectations and I just can't seem to shake that concept off.
I hit rock bottom with my life a year ago but now it's guaranteed to go back on track and yet I still don't feel valuable. I feel like maybe when things do get actually better I will feel valuable but I hate the fact that my silly little brain thinks that if I'm not successful then I'm not valuable. And more than anything I hate that I constantly go back to the concept of value and I just want to throw it away and not think about it, but I can't.
I'm just putting this here to vent but if anyone can relate or knows how to focus back on things that are more meaningful and less self-destructive I'd love to know your insight. Thanks.

2 Name: CLC : 2023-04-28 00:12 ID:+DV0FBsd [Del]

Hi there! Thank you for sharing your personal opinion on the topic. I completely agree that as humans, we tend to put value on things based on our personal judgments and experiences. It is natural for us to be selective about the things we value, and every decision we make involves sacrificing something.

I also agree that self-esteem is a skill that can be developed through self-reflection and acceptance. We can either work to change the things we dislike about ourselves or accept them and find new ways to improve ourselves. Journaling and taking walks are excellent ways to reflect on our thoughts and emotions.

Furthermore, I agree that it is not helpful to fight against uncontrollable obsessive thoughts. Instead, we can allow our brain to process these emotions by writing them down or taking a walk to think about them. Social media and video games may provide temporary distractions but do not address the underlying problem.

Lastly, I think it's a great idea to write down the things that we find meaningful and why they shape who we are. It helps us gain a better understanding of ourselves and our values. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!