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I'm tired (8)

1 Name: Xamers : 2023-01-24 15:56 ID:KWd4Wf2f (Image: 498x358 png, 76 kb) [Del]

src/1674597366873.png: 498x358, 76 kb
I'm tired of my life!!
I feel totally frustrated and sad with my life. I'm a guy who can't get a good job and I get constant pressure from my whole family. I feel totally alone and I have no one to vent to, I feel very dead inside because of my family problems, my professional failure and my personal satisfaction.
I don't know what I should do to be able to improve all this. I constantly feel that I shouldn't even be alive anymore and that I'm not important to anyone in this world.
I can't stand lying in bed every day and thinking that my existence is a complete mistake..

2 Name: Ketchup : 2023-01-26 19:48 ID:a3a70C6S [Del]

The same thing happened to me an year ago.. Honestly, it was the worst I’ve ever felt, but I came out of it. How? Many people might say to you that talking to other people helps, it does, but in my case I had to pull myself up. I was at a stage where even talking wasn’t helping. It is very painful, you might not feel like doing anything, knowing you have to do something. You have to pull yourself up, I know you can because I did the same, and trust me once you come out of it, you will become stronger than ever (Have a strong will power and motivation). Just keep telling yourself that the time is limited, and it is your choice, whether to waste it or actually utilize it and start doing something useful. There is always time to rectify your mistakes, the only thing matters is the moment you start working towards it. Once you start, then you have a path to follow. I hope you will soon come out of it.

3 Name: Xamers : 2023-01-30 11:27 ID:chhXpiKG [Del]

Thank you for your words friend, but I confess that everything is getting more difficult with each passing day.

4 Name: 志村クルム : 2023-02-05 16:35 ID:ssCWsTVk [Del]

Hang in there! If it helps you, maybe think about what you would like to achieve and how to get there and not pay any mind to the expectations your family puts on you. If there was no pressure on you from other people, what would your goals be?

5 Name: S.O.R.A!MO4LVZZpbQ : 2023-02-25 04:21 ID:y5HxGjl5 [Del]

sometimes life obligate you to take options by force so time can be cruel

6 Name: Saika : 2023-03-21 02:24 ID:xGy36HEh [Del]

Hey. Life goes on. It won't be like this forever. just don't give up. Try a little longer. I know it's hard. I know. But never forget, that there are people who would miss you. Who love you and want to spend time with you. Do what you want. Enjoy your life. Do somethin for yourself. Just don't give up. You can do it. I believe in you.

7 Name: electroliz : 2023-03-23 01:58 ID:Dh3g3bZ8 [Del]

im kinda having that feeling now, with retail being so soul sucking. but i found the tiniest littlest thing to get me through my sucky life...a massive music library! and a backlog of books, games, an app or 2 for instant serotonin. and if your lonely, buy a drink from a tea or coffee shop, and people watch.

ngl, i would ask for more info, but this is dollars.

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