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Intimacy (3)

1 Name: M : 2023-01-01 04:15 ID:0JDA8rMu [Del]

The clunking sound of 4123.

The sound the vent on the roof would make when it was windy. The one for the exhaust of the bathroom fan.

Itadakimasu! Ikema-sho!

The small things come to me out of the blue. Prompted by even vaguely similar situations or stimuli.

Intimacy. The intimacy of a life being lived in a certain space. The sounds of the house, the sounds of the partner. Sounds I didn't even like.

The physical knowledge of a space, the topography of a particular human being. What are you supposed to do with that familiarity once it's gone?

Intimacy. Intimacy, knowing.

Why are people so awful to one another? Why so much so to the ones that are supposed to mean the most?

I wish I could live without people, without intimacy.

Why is it so hard?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2023-01-01 06:44 ID:eEtjIMiR [Del]

Why are people awful to each other? Well the reason always varies. Maybe someone is poor and stealing food is their only way to survive. Awful, but necessary. Someone can be awful by telling another person they have an awful singing voice (in this scenario their singing makes your ears bleed) while others were trying to be nice and say it was alright, in both causes everyone involved except the tone deaf singer was awful. Someone was awful because they told the honest truth even if it hurt another's feelings and the others were awful for lying. You can be awful for telling someone to 'go die' or bully them throughout years at school for seemingly no reason. The word 'awful' can apply to nearly any circumstance. Why do people mistreat others, why are people evil? It often draws back to wanting to feel superior, wanting to feel better, prejudices, or other inconsequential reasons. The last time you called someone 'stupid' or thought they were why was it? Was it because the way they look, something they said, because you know their IQ score? Humans will abuse and be abused by each other until the end of the species. I don't personally believe anyone is 100% good or decent. You just have to take what you can get.

Why is it so hard, you asked after stating you wish you could live alone. Well we are social creatures who long for connections, good or bad. That's just our biology so take it up with nature unless we were biologically engineered then take it up with our creators (alien or god). I once was watching a series where an angel stated if they could they'd kill God for creating humans with bodies that get sick. If you're religious do you blame God for evil? As if God created everything in existence that includes the concept of evil, so would God not be to blame for our mistreating of each other? That's only for the religious folks out there to ponder.

3 Name: E : 2023-03-29 09:47 ID:Dra98nHC [Del]

Beats me.