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I have a unhealthy addiction to masterbating/sex (8)

1 Name: Ann : 2022-10-17 03:03 ID:MgM64qHI [Del]

I’m in my mid 20s. I don’t know why but I have a big addiction to masterbating. I do have a partner but I’m just not satisfied.
I don’t wanna cheat either.

Is this even normal

2 Name: NG-S : 2022-10-17 04:38 ID:WmcioHT4 [Del]

From my understanding of hearing so many stories online I'd say it's common. Normal is different to everyone so I refrain from using that word.

3 Name: Ann : 2022-10-17 07:54 ID:MgM64qHI [Del]

I have a lot of weird thoughts and fantasy. They just seem so unhealthy.

4 Name: Marie : 2022-10-24 11:34 ID:hNqgl7Oh [Del]

Sex / sexual gratification can be addictive like many other things in life. It is normal and likely more common that people would care to admit, but like all addictions can become unhealthy if indulged without restraint. I would suggest seeking some kind of therapy with a professional that has experience in sex-related issues.

5 Name: opie : 2022-12-23 10:29 ID:slbWHKhA [Del]

like marie said u should seek help from a licensed therapist. dopamine addiction is hard but can be corrected.

6 Name: NG-S !iPH0rf2lkw : 2022-12-26 17:05 ID:eEtjIMiR [Del]

I honestly disagree with the previous two comments. You don't need a therapist, not if you don't want one. I have a friend who is extremely horns and masterbates a lot and she's in her 20s as well, not to mention I heard guys in their teens to 20s do it daily as well. I once heard that for a woman in her 20s is where she has the most hormonal urges to do things like masterbate, in that case this is completely natural and as you grow older your body will mature out of it, think of it like teething. If you truly don't like masterbating but still feel the need to then go seek a therapist, but if you enjoy it then there's nothing wrong. Sure, it's an addiction, but it can't harm you or hurt anyone else, there are no bad health issues associated with masterbating. It could be a fun, relaxed, and enjoyable experience and if that's the case I see no problem.

7 Name: 4shenfell : 2023-01-01 11:21 ID:spPm5Jek [Del]

I mean having a high sex drive isn't exactly the end of the world. if you're feeling unsatisfied just talk to ur partner about it rather than a sex-therapist like other people are saying. no need to go extreme if it aint getting in the way of your day-to-day

8 Name: Anonymous : 2023-01-05 14:53 ID:8BZgCcpN [Del]

So long as it’s not interfering with your ability to function at work/school or damaging your relationships there’s no need for therapy unless you feel otherwise. Hope it helps.