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A few years ago, I was going to kill myself. (5)

1 Name: JP : 2022-06-19 01:57 ID:O+TlOJ7V [Del]

Hi, my name is JP and 3 years ago, I made a thread about asking the way to die but without feeling any pain. On that thread, I called myself a coward for not facing death properly and I also explained on why I wanted to kill myself. Mainly because I've disappointed my parents.

Now some people have helped me get on with life on that thread and I'm really grateful to them. They made me double-think about my actions and now I'm here, not dead and still making mistakes.

I am facing the same issues right now as I think that I'm on the verge of killing myself. But instead, I would like to ask the people out there for words or perhaps a thing to say because quite frankly, I don't want to kill myself. But instead, I want to ask, in situations like these, how do I help myself stand up? Everything is starting to hurt a lot and I don't know anymore...

(old thread I made

2 Name: Uzamakii : 2022-06-20 08:26 ID:9mItSDph [Del]

Please do not hurt yourself, do you have any older adults or counselor who you can talk to?

If you have the ability to get a therapist please do! I have a therapist and it's saved my life in many ways. If you are a man I recommend looking at Kevin Samuels videos to help (older ones) it will help you to get closer to finding your true purpose in this world! Please do not throw away your own life. Suicide hotline is 800-273-8255

3 Name: DefterMoon : 2022-06-29 14:58 ID:xVorYf9a [Del]

My friend, I've been where you are now. The best advice that I can offer is to put it off. Just keep putting it off and things will get better. Time heals all wounds and that's all you need to do give it time.

And reach out for help to any family or friends that you may have. Having someone to talk to means all the world when you're in that situation trust me. Stay safe. Post again if you need help.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2024-02-26 20:07 ID:Oyrk9/Bn [Del]

you're still here? OH BROTHER

5 Name: MaxnCheez : 2024-03-25 10:43 ID:AtHddaen [Del]

@anonymous MAN ur such a ray of sunshine aren't u? I've been seeing u on everyone's threads saying awful things, maybe stop projecting the fact Ur a miserable in Ur own life onto everyone else, this is an old post but THIS IS SOMEONES LIFE! not a joke. and I bet ur getting such a kick out of it but wait until someone actually hurts themselves.