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Does the Golden Rule still apply? (21)

1 Post deleted by user.

2 Name: ˢᶤʳ !BgxF79hIoI : 2022-05-27 06:03 ID:+6kEvkO7 [Del]

listen m8- you needa get a grip.

This is exactly how a sociopath would process the world around them. Someone devoid of empathy and totally removed from their own moral compass whom thinks the world is nothing but eating, sleeping, shitting and makin' babies.

You're a self-destructive idiot if you feel as much. Compassion and an earnest ability to foster in others is not only critical to our survival but also to maintain the planet we live on by taking care of it rather than dying on a rock that's been cored to absolute shit.

If you have to ask yourself why do ethical practices take place, why do we put up with the formality of kindness to others, and why should uphold the respect onto others that you should then you're probably a person with very little social skills.

it's because we aren't animals m8, and we aren't cavemen either. We are sophisticated beings capable of understanding phenomena that takes place just outside of the information we as humans can pick up with our five senses.

If everyone started acting like an asshole just bc they don't think there's a man in the wagging his finger at you when you touch your no-no square then society would break down and most of everyone would be killing eachother for food, supplies and shelter. We'd be right back into the darkages with nothing but a campfire and seething hatred to keep us warm at night.

is that the kinda world you wanna live in m8?

If you enjoy your wifi you'd better fall in line and at least learn for yourself why its important to coexist with others, and why its important as well as good to work well with others. To share, to help, and to live in peace with what and who is around you.

3 Name: ˢᶤʳ !BgxF79hIoI : 2022-05-27 06:14 ID:+6kEvkO7 [Del]

just get outta ur head, stop dwelling on your depressive philosophies and go experience something.

You can't say jack shit about what the nature of reality is if you've never actually done anything with yourself. If all you're doing is sitting and stewing about how much you think the world sucks and why you think nothing truly matters- then you're just a paranoid cynic.

Go live a little bit and then come back and revisit these thoughts in like five or ten years bc m8 I'm sorry to be this abrasive with you but you obviously aren't ready to be dealing with the thoughts and questions that you're having.

you've got it all wrong and you're gonna hurt yourself if you keep on the way you're going.

4 Name: Woeffle Fries : 2022-05-27 10:36 ID:uKSNK5I1 [Del]

You felt the need to apologize for being abrasive but you convinced yourself the good your truth might do me is worth sacrificing empathy & clarity. I certainly don't believe the world is just eat shit sleep sex. I'm trying to understand where you came up with that & most of the aggression in your post. Almost seems like you're trying to talk to someone you know, because I'm having trouble connecting with SOME of what you say. Keyword some.

Do i have self-destructive tendencies/thoughts? of course. Survival of myself and the Planet~ right well I really don't know what to say here, I can't see where you surmised I was devoid of compassion, or that I was unaware of how important is it to be kind to oneself, one another, & the planet.

I'm not wondering why ethics exist, or why we perform formalities. I'm not asking WHY here. And I like to think I reflect internally before the respect I uphold for others faulters. I'd like to think I reach a point of attrition before I relinquish respect I have for someone. But to be abrasive and insulting in your response, and use shoulds & shouldn'ts & mostly presumption to defend your point can't possibly be the "probably have very *many* social skills" side of this.

Im not saying if people start acting like assholes; I'm saying in the direct experience of "going and living a bit" and applying compassion in all my affairs, and experiencing the life I have, and here is where the use of the word 'find' was important, but I realize I used the wrong term. 'In my experience' would have been more appropriate; and that experience doesnt solely include the internet, nor staying completely in one place for my entire existence and only having conversations with myself.

"If everyone started acting like an asshole just bc they don't think there's a man in the wagging his finger at you when you touch your no-no square then society would break down"
~ I feel this is where your disdain is stemming from. I am not saying 'Lets all act like assholes' ~ Im saying 'Am I the only one getting treated like an asshole for a.) showing compassion , or b.) reaching out for help , or c.) showing a willingness to learn/grow.'

I am not asking why do ethics exist, I'm saying in my experience, which I'm more certain than anything that you would insist on see my life experience as lacking in all facets even after hearing the life story.

I am also and especially not saying that people who think there's a man in the sky cant be assholes, or that people who dont think there's a man in the sky can only be assholes. I definitely dont think humanity would destroy itself because some of the world's assholes stopped believing in something that might prevented them from being total and complete assholes.

I really have no idea "that the kind of world you want to live in mate" how to respnd to this, or how you could think any of this would get through. Is this you applying the golden rule? is this how you want to be spoken to when you got something wrong? Is this how people improve? If I can make an assumption of my own; you seem like a spoiled rich kid, might be in the military. At the very least, it's apparent you have a bias that is the only tool you are using in this response.

'like my wifi' ~ do you expect a response to this? I'll get a repost on my carbon footprint just for you sweetheart.

"To share, to help, and to live in peace with what and who is around you."
~ spoken like a true presumption

How can you even speak what i've 'done with myself' ? And if you know more than you should, why are you telling me here.

THats the thing; im not just sitting and stewing, so this is a really difficult response to take anything out of. Another presumption from me, it sounds like you've fit me in a box, and have begun speaking to all the people you fit inside that box collectively, and now what you call advice is far too vague & desperate. Happens to me too.

I can agree with you that I have wrong thoughts, not a social prodigy, sociopathic thoughts, depressive thoughts, wayward philosophies; I don't think anyone can get away without having flaws.

Ill go back to my original questions, and take out the more biased ones;

Anyone want to share examples of this working out?
Examples of it backfiring?

cause right now you've just dumped a bunch of assumptions and ifs, insults and empty platitudes "go do something with your life" as if a phrase life that brings world peace. Don't know how you stepped up to be the example for humanities compassion.

You seem exactly like the type of person I described. I bet you feel superior to most, and talk in 'shoulds' to most of your peers. Here I go assuming now, heh. Well thanks for trying your best but ultimately proving my point that people will just be shitty because they can be, even while defending their own morality.

/sage but im sure you're gonna want to make an example outta me

5 Name: Woeffle Fries : 2022-05-27 10:52 ID:uKSNK5I1 [Del]

not fair having assumptions pressed on you. of course I have no desire to spend any more time on this, but I do have all the sociological flaws that would get you to waste a lot of time on me. There's a disparity in the data, thats all this post was originally about.

In my experience, there are more people taking my compassion for granted than not. That was the point. I just wanted to hear from others about their experiences with compassion whether given or received. crucify me for writing with a bad feeling in my chest, trying see who else shines a light out here. a philosophy of mine obviously pricked a philosophy of yours and apparently thats an affront to your life.

6 Name: Woeffle Fries : 2022-05-27 11:02 ID:uKSNK5I1 [Del]

ooo im gonna love sharing this in therapy next week

7 Name: Woeffle Fries : 2022-05-27 11:38 ID:uKSNK5I1 [Del]

but i do see the mess in all my nonsense below the initial prompt. expecting results from my compassion is easy road to disappointment & loss of faith. Thanks for unintentionally pressing just a bit of puss out of my brain with your own nonsense.

8 Name: ˢᶤʳ !BgxF79hIoI : 2022-05-27 14:22 ID:0u9caMDh [Del]

life isn't all about logic you giant turd. This is some toxic bullshit you're getting up to. Figure your shit out.

9 Name: ˢᶤʳ !BgxF79hIoI : 2022-05-27 14:23 ID:0u9caMDh (Image: 1088x837 jpg, 84 kb) [Del]

src/1653679409279.jpg: 1088x837, 84 kb
get after it then

10 Name: ˢᶤʳ !BgxF79hIoI : 2022-05-27 14:37 ID:0u9caMDh [Del]


you've probably got aspergers (a developmental disorder. Young people with Asperger's Syndrome have a difficult time relating to others socially and their behavior and thinking patterns can be rigid and repetitive )

You're mentally ill and you need to get off your own bullshit. Pull your head out of your ass because it's made you almost violently delusional.

If this is really how you see the world around you, it's only a matter of time before you end up in jail an you can sit and stew in your own edgy schizophrenia.

go take your medications and get the fuck off the internet until you can utilize these tools properly.

You're out here trying to hurt people. You're too fucking isolated, pissed off and negative to see anything passed the shit on the tip of your nose.

why are you even here m8?

11 Name: ˢᶤʳ !BgxF79hIoI : 2022-05-27 14:52 ID:0u9caMDh [Del]

what really pisses me off is you used a lot of words to justify why you're just an asshole. That's it. You don't have a problem. There's nothing wrong with the world, or the systems that are in-place to make sure our society and flow and progress efficiently.

You're litteraly just an asshole that sits on their computer feeling sorry for themselves. You're the type of lad that sits there and scrolls thru Facebook seething in envy at everyone because you're bored and don't have any friends. Then you go and post some super lame bullshit like "God I hate everyone, nobody ever hits me up and all I do is sit here by myself. Fuck you all if I'm dead nobody will miss me"

You don't even understand that your thinking like you do is exactly what's getting you the results you're sitting on right now and bitching about publicly.

You need to get a life m8. Stop debating with yourself about why you're right about the twisted, anti-social bullshit you tell yourself and get with the program.

if you're really that hateful of other people and if you're so suspicious that no good actions seem genuine to you, then stay the fuck away from people and stop bothering others with your fucking whining. Just shut the fuck up, stay by yourself and deal with life on your own.

12 Name: ˢᶤʳ !BgxF79hIoI : 2022-05-27 15:01 ID:0u9caMDh [Del]

Basically the options to your problems and your questions are either fall in line with everyone else or shut the fuck up stay isolated from what goes on around you.

But you must assume you're special for some reason.

i'll fill you in on a little nugget that you may have never picked up on.

you aint shit. Nobody cares if you don't agree with how the world works. If you want to get along, you'll have to just grow some balls and deal with the world. Maybe smile once or twice. Stop trying to defy just for the sake of being defiant. It's not cool. It's not cute. It doesn't make you some lonestar badass. You're not achiving or winning anything with your obvious ill-will toward things you don't agree with.

But the world doesn't give a shit about what you don't agree with, or what you don't understand. You fail to perform. You have no real willingness to work with others or even do what's expected of you.

You have nobody to blame but yourself, and until YOU change. You can keep eating the cock-sandwich life is stuffing down your throat for being a selfish little turd.

13 Name: Woeffle Fries : 2022-05-27 17:26 ID:uKSNK5I1 [Del]

sir yes sir right away sir falling in line sir thank you sir your honour sir im cured sir

14 Name: ˢᶤʳ !BgxF79hIoI : 2022-05-27 17:44 ID:0u9caMDh [Del]

man it's not even like that.

but we all bring about into this world exactly what it is that we feel about it. I'm abrasive but I'm not trying to hurt you. I only want to communicate with you that this frame of mind is a dangerous one. Dangerous for you, and nobody else. I had a lot of the same thoughts, and probably a lot of the same issues that you are dealing with right now.

You cannot commit yourself to these ideals because they are harmful to you. You preach a language of pain and consequence, and project the world as being filled with fear and hostility. You have a bright mind with a willingness to question, and explore your own curiosity. This is a very good thing!

But the side of the barn that you see it as is only one side of the barn. The grass might be a little greener on the other side. I'm speaking in a vague poetic language because I am trying to describe something to you somethat words really can't do any justice for.

it's like making a permanent choice regarding a temporary feeling but whatever it is that you're fighting right now will not last forever. The character in your story never keeps the same narrtive. You are always changing, shifting and growing much like the earth and soil, the rains and the weather.

Everything is in a continual dance with itself. Everything that happens flows into everything else that happens around it, is a surprisingly uniform manner. Everything supports itself in inoder to stand along side one another, see?

War, injustice, fear, death, crime. These are all things about this world we would like to avoid if we could. We would love to solve these things. We don't want to see people hurt, and it hurts us to have to hurt others.

Turning cold in spite of this is cowardice, and if you turn cold and mean just out of the pain you've felt when you were loving and kind then you're basically a pussy that gave up.

Bad things happen all of the time, and it's okay. Sometimes we're not okay, and that's okay. Fear and anger and sadness hurt, and that's okay.

we can't run away from pain, we can only learn from it. Just because it hurts, doesn't make it a bad thing. Sometimes it's beautiful to have lived through tragedy and watched the passage of time in which building burned can stand tall again.

15 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2022-05-27 18:00 ID:+XuwrB7u [Del]

tfw this inflammatory wall of text Sir, what the fuck. Cut it out if you're not gonna have a civilized response and are just throwing aggression.

I understand the sentiment of giving out kindness but then just kept being asked to give out more and more without so much reciprocal in return. My mom had 4 sisters that almost always borrows her money since she's the only one who's somewhat successful in life among them, but they never really repaid that debt at full and this has been going on for years, and it gets on her nerves every now and then. She maintains a good relationship with them still either way, because, I don't know, that's just how it is I guess.

16 Post deleted by user.

17 Name: Woeffle Fries : 2022-05-27 18:03 ID:uKSNK5I1 [Del]

I'm happy to stop the antagonization on my end.

18 Name: Woeffle Fries : 2022-05-27 18:05 ID:uKSNK5I1 [Del]

>>15 thank you for the relevant response. I appreciate it

19 Name: ˢᶤʳ !BgxF79hIoI : 2022-05-27 18:06 ID:0u9caMDh [Del]

>>15 I'm very passionate but 10-4 captain.

>>17 this song helped me when I was lost in a dark place.

maybe it can help you too.

20 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2022-05-27 18:14 ID:+XuwrB7u [Del]

>>19 Humanity is a pain in the ass, yes. Honestly, the way you conveyed things really gets on my nerves. But that's just how we are I guess, always getting worked up by things we cared about. Can be really blurry to see what is ironic and unironic. No hard feelings though fam, sorry for getting biased.

21 Name: ˢᶤʳ !BgxF79hIoI : 2022-05-27 18:23 ID:0u9caMDh [Del]


Hah! m8 you're gr8. You're always a very warm sight to me whenever I happen by your day to day around here.

I appreciate you checking me, I need that when I really get on one. History knows all.