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What should I do in this situation (4)

1 Name: Murmur : 2022-04-22 14:28 ID:8roSFiHd [Del]

So I'm 18 and he is 17 and is turning 18 next month. we have been close friends for 3 years and the during the time he had a huge thing for me. We have been dating for 5 months know and I fell in love with him and he wants to propose. He was going to propose to me at are school prom which is 2 days after his birthday and he was going to do it in front of everyone with no hesitation, but without thinking about how he was going to do it and who he should ask, he texted his mom "is it ok if I propose to (my name) at prom" like that and she said no that he needs a job (but he has one waiting for him) and a house ( which we have all suited. He explained it without hesitation " she's said no and she's not going to change her mind". I told him what he needed to do to fix this ask my dad and have a real conversation with his mother and the head of his family. But he just said that we are to young and we will do the proposal with family. I am sad about the situation and feel like he doesn't want to try at all, it has always been my dream to be proposed to at prom. He has the ring and he will be of age so am I be to pushy or does he needs to put the work into it and do it the right way. I don't want to make him do something that makes him uncomfortable or he's not ready for but he has prepared for a few months know. I. Don't know what to do so I need some of your guys wisdom. Because we are see my dad tomorrow and I hope my BF asks him for My hand. Help

2 Name: 3rd : 2022-04-24 20:31 ID:o426XOnZ [Del]

This is going to come off brash. But you are too young and immature for this right now. Marriage or engagement is not needed for a fulfilling relationship or happy life. This doesn't need to happen now, and certainly doesn't have to happen when you two are still in highschool. You're Prom dream isn't neccessarily a problem, but with your post so fixated on this one single piece of your life I have to ask, what else do you want? Like what are you looking at in the future past this marriage, what are you wanting to do? Is it so important that marriage happens before these things? Why do you want the things you want the most (presumably this marriage)?

These might all sound like dumb questions or needlessly philosophical perspectives, but there is so much out there in the world and there are so many possibilities. I'm not saying I don't think this marriage isn't a possibility you should take, if you and your boyfriend think it is, then that's totally fine. I just think you should be more understanding and willing to take your time.

3 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2022-04-25 11:51 ID:gvydxYSF [Del]

To add on to >>2, I don't necessarily think your age is the main issue here (some people do have a solid stance on their future at that age, and if you do, more power to yah! I certainly didn't).

See, I more have concern with the amount of time you've been together. 5 months is nothing, really. There's so much you should learn about a person and your romantic compatibility with them that just isn't likely within 5 months. Especially while also in high school. It sounds incredibly romantic to be proposed to at prom and would certainly be a cute story to tell, but is it the best idea? Not really. Not now.

Like... have you guys discussed where you'd want to live as married adults? Have you even lived together to see if your lifestyles mesh well? Have you discussed finances and what to do in times of hardship? What about the possibility of children? Pets? Religious beliefs and political opinions? What you envision your future together like?
These discussions are incredibly important to have. And if you have had them and you've already figured this all out, then go for it. Who cares about getting anybody's blessings at that point.

I've been in several relationships, almost all lasting at least 7 months. And in fact, in one of them, we were together for nearly 3 years and had discussed marriage and it seemed like a sure thing for us. But things changed. And that's okay. You live and you learn.

You know yourself and your relationship far better than I do, so I can't tell you what is best for you. You have to decide that for yourself. Give yourself time to think and discuss things thoroughly with your boyfriend. Good luck and I wish you two the best!

4 Name: Lyric : 2022-04-30 16:26 ID:UDALH1Yf [Del]

Like everyone else has said I do think that you guys are still a bit on the young side to be getting married however I will say that it sounds like you both have a strong bond.
Just take your time and live your lifes together for a bit longer and enjoy your youth together before it's too late and you make a commitment and make a connection with eachother that can stand the test of time.
I will say though if there is a wedding I expect an open invitation for all dollars members.
Truly wish you both the beat of luck in the future