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seriously not feeling well (9)

1 Name: Jodisan !C2aYxqEoEA : 2022-03-28 19:57 ID:+sapMhDt [Del]

Welp... All my friends and acquaintances have had someone to love in their life except me. This may sound stupid and self-centered, but I'm seriously starting to regret my life. I have so much love to give and no one to give it to. It may be because of my pre-pubescent appearance being a late bloomer and all. I just feel like I had to say this. I don't know if you care or not, but thank you for listening and have a good day.

2 Name: greetings : 2022-03-29 07:06 ID:fysSigOi [Del]

It can be really rough. I’m a 26yo that has never even dated or anything, so I’m in a similar situation. I feel the same about wanting to have someone to love and give to. It’s frustrating and can be lonely. I don’t have a solution or advice or anything, but your pain is valid. We’re all struggling in our own worlds, and it can hurt if no one else even sees your pain, or just dismisses it as nothing. I hope you find what you’re looking for. Take care

3 Name: Jodisan !C2aYxqEoEA : 2022-03-29 07:25 ID:FSfxmPCe [Del]

>>2 I see. So we are facing the same pain. Honestly, I don't see the point in going on if we're not happy.

4 Name: jerk : 2022-03-30 07:04 ID:AHds4SVq [Del]

"I don't see the point in going in if we're not happy"

"I have so much love to give"

Happiness isn't an object to hold and fuck when your horny. Happiness isnt owed to you through someone else. It has to be found on your own. Life is miserable pinning the responsibility of your Happiness on others. Turn all that love you have on yourself. And don't encourage other people to hurt themselves.

5 Name: Jodisan !C2aYxqEoEA : 2022-03-30 17:19 ID:TuS8she8 [Del]

>>4 You don't understand. I don't care about sex. I just want someone to cuddle and spend time with. Have fun and go out with. I just came here to vent, not put pinning my happiness on others. Also, when I said we shouldn't go on, I meant to just do whatever we want.

6 Name: jerk : 2022-03-30 21:26 ID:APpunhrS [Del]

Then yea I agree. Move on and discover happiness that isnt hinged on others being near you and by sharing affection. Find ways so show yourself affection and appreciation. Sorry to misinterpret.

7 Name: Neto : 2022-04-01 17:38 ID:QDlt8Lyd [Del]

How old are you? I was in your same shoes. I didn’t really peak until I was maybe 22. Even now I could pass for HS.

8 Name: B94 : 2022-04-03 17:49 ID:GreWLAWX [Del]

happiness isn't searched for, it's built on yourself by small things and habits

eventually the fog will subside

9 Name: Iris : 2022-04-06 03:00 ID:dK3g4Axn [Del]

Jodi We will always lend a ear, It's what we do. Now Idk what to say about what you stated but I know about being alone, I'm almost 30 and I also have no one. But I choose this because of my Mental Health. But now what I say to you is "There will be someone, may-be not now or Tomorrow but in time you will find someone" But Jodi I also say this from heart. Never Regret Your Life, Only Regret The Past. But Over All The Past is the Past and Start Looking Forward into the Future and make the best of it. and No it does not sound stupid it takes courage to open up and tell someone or Posting it. Anyway I hope this can help you somewhat