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lack of social life but have big dreams (3)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2022-02-16 23:35 ID:JA30r+/7 [Del]

there might not be a connection between the two, like having little social life can still lead to personal success, right?

currently, im a 20 year old man, graduating soon. i kind of have a plan for the future and i am quite confident i can succeed. but looking at myself right now, i feel pathetic, like "is a loner loser like me actually gonna win in life?"

not sure if im making sense, so do tell me if you can relate, or point out the flaws in my thinking. thanks stranger.

2 Name: Iris : 2022-02-20 02:06 ID:CHlr7eOa [Del]

Well if you look at most great business people most of them had no social life except their co-workers but don't let that stop you. if you have a plan just stick with it, and no I don't think your pathetic because of a part in your plan.

3 Name: Alice : 2022-02-20 07:55 ID:AhrvJ4OQ [Del]

I’m well in to my 20s and when I first left home, I realized how many absolutely incompetent people were highly successful. People who didn’t have good work ethics or morals, yet they all acted like they were God’s gift. It was infuriating to see but it made me hopeful I could make it even bigger since I have the drive and discipline. Don’t get in the habit of negative self talk, it will only hurt you in the long run. You’ll be just fine if you can learn how to persevere because life will bring you to your knees. To quote the late George Carlin, “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”
Good luck!