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Addiction (3)

1 Name: Jodisan : 2022-01-25 08:21 ID:5xsAIe8K [Del]

I’m having trouble containing my carnal urges and I’m so horny all the time. How do I stop? I can’t stop looking at porn and it’s real bad. My family and friends don’t know. Help please.

2 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2022-01-25 14:17 ID:oZq+rfFe [Del]

I don't mean this to sound rude and mean this as genuine advice, but try getting a new hobby. Think of something you'd be interested in learning to do and then take it up. Don't worry about if you're bad at it, just focus on enjoying it. It doubles as a distraction and also helps you feel productive and fulfilled as a person.
There's nothing wrong with feeling horny now and then, but since you feel it's a problem, it must be consuming a lot of your time. So find something else to occupy that time with. Slowly decrease the amount of time you spend with your addiction and slowly increase the time on a new hobby. (Rushing it or going cold turkey might not help, so would not recommend)
I personally would recommend a hobby that doesn't involve electronics with internet access so that your attention doesn't get easily drifted away and oh no, porn again.
Could be something as simple as just exercising, something with minimal material like origami, or something that you really have to devote resources and research into like gardening. As long as it's interesting to you, try it out!
I also specify new hobby, because then your brain will think of it as something different and exciting!

3 Name: Jodisan : 2022-01-26 08:12 ID:UdzOVaFH [Del]

How about drawing? I’m fairly good and I play piano too! So I guess I’ll just focus on these activities. Thank you.