Dollars BBS | Personal
















A personal essay (1)

1 Name: 🇸​🇮​🇷​ ᴶᵉˢᵗᵉʳ !yj2w8JkAoQ : 2021-12-06 15:06 ID:vsMxFEJ5 [Del]

I feel that I've come to an understanding about the nature of evil, being a person that set out to understand it as a child and then became consumed by it but found myself again. Having to purge and atone for all of the guit and having first hand experience in dealing with directly the damage and hurt I've caused in my dizzy neuroses.

I wanted to confront and combat it because I never understood why I happened, but I discovered how energy flows and transfers from person to person. I learned about mortality and intentions. Psychology and sociology. I learned military and martial arts. I've dived into arts and conspiracy all in a pursuit to understand what I've been looking at my whole life.

Profound wide spread evil goes on everyday and it seems to me that the people who do engage in harmful behaviors are either have little empathy almost as if they see the world like animals do or they are completely blind to the fact that what they are doing is wrong. Being "ends justify the means", or getting caught in mental loops because of groups their apart of who all do the same things for a greater good.

Being human means being filled with love but also pain. How we treat our fellow humans is all that hold our world together and apathy really is the precursor to all worldly sins against others.

It is so easy, to assume that we are just animals in an indifferent world where no magic takes places but... this is not the reality.

The universe breathing, and singing and crying. We are also the universe. If we can't appreciate the beauty around us then we will only destroy what is around us with an unyielding avarice.