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I'm so angry (3)

1 Name: Jodisan : 2021-11-24 12:25 ID:UJs9eLdJ [Del]

In life, we just keep losing people and things the more we go on. We have to keep going, but others just give up. I'm so angry that life is this way. I don't know what to do anymore

2 Name: イロハ : 2021-12-01 00:35 ID:D7h21R2y [Del]

I don't know what to do either, but all we have to do is keep living this useless life. There's not really that much of a choice.

3 Name: E45 : 2021-12-05 21:04 ID:7YAcB1Th [Del]

Useless so far. It is not that you have no choice but to continue living but it is because you know that among the available options, continue living is the best risk you could bet on.

I been through the same position, but its always that uncertainty of tomorrow that refrains me from giving up.with a sliver of hope that maybe just F maybe despite my life being a cold F stormy sail, that maybe just maybe there is light/hope/something good at the end of it.

I may not know much nor the specific details but I know a few things. It's (life) been rough, you did your best didn't you? isn't it enough? even if you fail you don't have to justify anything cause I know you did your best and what you think is best at that time. It's ok to be sad, it's ok to cry, shout if you must. I know you might be angry or frustrated but don't you think its a good point of you? That you actually care about things that could improve yourself? You've been through a lot, lost people, got hurt, left behind, etc. and you will go through more but someone (not necessary me, cause I'm a bit of a stranger to you), someone out there will be there for you for the rest of the journey, you may not find him/her/etc. now, s/he/etc. may not be currently present or known to you but someday you will meet him/her/etc. Not necessarily in romantic view but could be as a friend etc. And I think the same applies to someone, someone is waiting for you to show up in their lives and be that person to be by their side, may not be forever but for a time. People come and go, we all have places to be, dreams to chase, other people to respond to but look on the memories bonded, it was fun while it lasted didn't it? Don't think too bad of them if they leave, they just have to, they might not have a choice. Maybe, just maybe someone in the future will be there for you again.