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Can someone just give me advice (4)

1 Name: Matalic_ : 2021-10-22 03:25 ID:1OQv1caG [Del]

This isn't much of a secret but I just got out of a relationship with this girl I loved with all my heart. I had proposed, she said yes. And we were ganna get married but she dumped me a few Weekes ago befor she ran away from her moms. After a week me and her aunt found out she was ok, I was glad to hear it but I still couldn't talk to her(she didn't have a phone) but she is now in a shelter and is using a friend's phone and we talk but she just wants to be friends I respect her for that but it hurts. she got with this new guy at the place she is at and I'm happy she found someone. But I'm still heart broken even though it's been like 2 weeks. Can anyone tell me what I should do. I love her so much still but I can't be with her. And I know we could just be friends but ever since the break up all we do is argue.does anyone have any advice?

2 Name: Grim : 2021-10-22 11:03 ID:w8jHwNOw [Del]

That seems really hard, I'm sorry but maybe it's better if you put distance between each other. I know you care about her but sometimes people just drift apart. It's okay to be hurt, your feelings are valid and I suggest you take some time away from her and take some time for yourself to process everything.
Things will get better <3

3 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2021-10-24 04:25 ID:oZq+rfFe [Del]

Two weeks? Dude, you're still grieving. Let it happen.
Also, man, I totally get it. I was in a long term relationship where we fully planned on getting married and having a future together. Instead, I got a brutal breakup. I tried talking to him a couple times since but he was pretty hostile each time and I just couldn't deal with it anymore. I still love him so much and really do care about him, but it just doesn't seem like it's possible to stay in contact with him. That was well over a year ago and I'm still heartbroken over it.
Sounds like you're finding yourself in a similar situation. So. Let's just give you the advice you probably don't wanna hear. Cut contact with her. It's not helping either of you right now, obviously. Focus on yourself. Try to be with friends and do stuff you enjoy. Try to keep your mind off her. The hardest part is accepting that it's really over and that everything you once had planned is gone. And that can take a long time to accept. But take care of yourself, alright? You'll get through this. It's hard as hell, I know that well, but you don't really have much of a choice. Maybe someday you both can come back around and be friends, but don't count on it.
Good luck, man.

4 Name: TaroBoba : 2021-10-26 10:59 ID:OS6YMSRG [Del]

I´m sorry for all this. Sigh. I hope you feel better.