Dollars BBS | Personal
















Sigh (7)

1 Name: TaroBoba : 2021-10-21 14:06 ID:JTkII8w+ [Del]

For some reason, I think that the dollars have been inactive, and kinda rude. I looked back at the posts at 2015 and 16 and it is kinda strange. Its not just me.

2 Name: Hmmm : 2021-10-22 03:02 ID:nP/1gVer [Del]

This is probably me being rude from your persepctive...

Are you saying its not just you being inactive?

I see a lot of people come and go after complaining about the level of activity. Apparently the live chat is where the traffic is but I haven't checked. It seems people prefer instant response.

Nevertheless, it's no single person's responsibility to keep others active here. Posts like this never breed activity. How about a genuine topic?

Those of us who are active are doing our best. I'd love to see an appreciation post. Instead of shaming the people who aren't gonna see this and claiming that those who will see it are 'rude'

3 Name: Hmmm : 2021-10-22 03:06 ID:nP/1gVer [Del]

Even a post stating this site is inactive will convince others not to be active on here.

4 Name: Dice_ : 2021-10-22 03:32 ID:1OQv1caG [Del]

I haven't been on in a while and I mean yea sorry. But honestly it's not supper healthy to purely focus on the online. The real world is right out side and full of ppl too plus they are never "unactive" well unless there dead....

5 Name: Grim : 2021-10-22 10:58 ID:w8jHwNOw [Del]

If you want an instant reply then you won't get one here but there are still active members in this community and in all honesty I just enjoy being a part of this community.
It's less judgemental online than in the real world, it's alot easier to make connections online when you feel like an outsider.

6 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-10-23 05:04 ID:ES74L2mA [Del]

Funnily enough, this board is the most active place on the site. It's not Main, it's not Mission, only Random could match its activity rate.

Its kinda befitting actually, our predecessor intended Dollars to help people in the real world. They might've envisioned us as a non-profit charity organization, perhaps they envisioned us bringing supplies to the victims of natural disaster. Or gathering enough people down the road to raise awareness about something, they dream big. And for some, they probably wasn't able to see that dream realized.

This board was made from a submission, unlike the rest of the existing boards which came from the decision of the central influential members back in the days, by observing what kind of thread was frequently being made. Animation board was made to accommodate the members who frequently posted about anime and cartoons, Introduction board was made to redirect the flood of new members from making "WOW IM A NEW MEMBER & THIS IS SO COOL" thread on Main. But Personal board wasn't conceived because there were an overwhelming amount of people asking advice for their personal problems, the opposite in fact. [More on that if you wanna read the entire thread about it]

Some of the said influential members were a bit skeptical about it, but it did sounded right for that kind of place to exist in Dollars. After a bit of bickering back and forth, it was conceived. lo and behold it has remained and still is helping people until now, a decade long after its creation.

7 Name: TaroBoba : 2021-10-25 13:48 ID:OS6YMSRG [Del]

Yeah. Thank you for your responses. I have a feeling it provided some clarity. Later!