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Should I seek professional help? (2)

1 Name: mii : 2021-10-05 03:47 ID:MzFzdnBz [Del]

So for the past few months, I've been finding myself trying to stop myself from not getting distracted by a number of things that have been hindering me, especially when it comes to online class and doing school-related work. One day, I accidentally came across an article about ADHD, and read the signs and symptoms of the disorder and found it all perfectly matching my situation. I've been wanting to tell my parents about it but I'm so scared to bring the topic out to them every time (and it just keeps on bugging me, especially because I feel like I'm giving a big burden to my classmates for class group works because of how I currently am acting). I know it's probably not a good choice to self-diagnose, especially with a disorder such as this one, but I really don't know where I should get that courage to speak and tell them.

2 Name: whoknos : 2021-10-05 04:01 ID:87mWNchR [Del]

Its good to be cautious about asking your parents for help. I don't know your parents but I've seen many cases where parents ignore their child's initial call for help. Parent's want to think their children are well enough, so it's likely they will assume what your feeling will pass with time.

Persistence is key, but getting them to accept what you believe is wrong might be more difficult. I suggest involving a school counselor that could vouge for the matching symptoms and could suggest that your parents take you to a psychiatrist for a proper diagnosis and possibly medication. Unfortunately when we need something like this, we have to reach out and get all the help we can get; because that means your parents essentially need to adjust their life a bit to ensure you're ok.

If they believe you're ok, and you're the only one saying something is wrong, they might not listen right away. instead of trying to simplify it for them to understand, try to be as detailed as possible, and verbally ask for the time to be heard~ so they know you have something to say that will take time to say it.

There's nothing wrong with trying to improve yourself. Use that to your advantage. The reason you want this help is to be more present with your responsibilities. That's perfectly admirable and you aught to get the help you need. You deserve the help you need, so don't give up if it's not successful right away. There is always a way.