Dollars BBS | Personal
















umm (6)

1 Name: exoskeleton : 2021-09-20 10:13 ID:3e6okdjD [Del]

I have been having sexual fantasies with a kid who is 6 years old. What should I do?

2 Name: plebby : 2021-09-20 17:33 ID:0+hkIiCY [Del]

one way get dirty water out of a cup is keep pouring cleaner water into it so the dirty stuff overflows out, maybe distancing yourself from the kid or keeping busy with other things might help, if you can getting professional help might work out too since neurological or unprocessed emotional stuff you're not fully aware of may be contributing to this. In any case proud of you for not acting on the fantasies.

3 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2021-09-20 17:36 ID:oZq+rfFe [Del]

Unless you are somehow around the age of 6 yourself... genuinely, go to therapy. And stay the fuck away from any and all children until you get the help you clearly need.


4 Name: Hmmm : 2021-09-20 21:40 ID:1+aix3TW [Del]

We all have fantasies, some obviously less taboo than others. The issue here is whether you act on it. And that is only an issue because the other people you are fantasizing about cannot give rational consent if you were to act on it. Much like an Animal cannot give rational consent. No matter what, no child can reasonably consent to any single aspect of your fantasies. If you can't live with that, seek professional help. Not all of them cost money. Otherwise there is nothing to do. You live your life and your fantasies stay fantasies like the rest of us. It doesn't make you an outlier to have fantasies. Acting on them is what separates you from your humanity.

5 Name: Isaiah Orwell : 2021-09-21 07:26 ID:TM46yYV0 [Del]

Seek therapy for twelve years or longer.

6 Name: karo : 2021-09-21 10:02 ID:veC58J15 [Del]

Yeah, mabye see therapy. See if the reason you like that kid is because he seems vunerable and you need someone who cant defend themselves. It sounds like a personal issue.