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mixed (14)

1 Name: karo : 2021-08-31 11:38 ID:veC58J15 [Del]

I am black, asian, and white. I do not say nigga or anything like that, but should i say that to fit in? I do not know where my place lies. I remember reading that mixed people have unique challenges in this constantly evolving world. Its confusing.

2 Name: Isaiah Orwell : 2021-08-31 13:12 ID:PQ5hwD9j [Del]

If you don’t feel comfortable saying it, then don’t say it. Peer pressure is a nasty thing, and sadly it still follows you well into adulthood. It’s one thing to try something new like skydiving, but at some point you have to stand your ground and stay true to what you’re comfortable with. Hope this helps.

3 Name: anon : 2021-08-31 14:09 ID:31dJ64fT [Del]

in my personal opinion, it kinda depends. like what the last person said, don't feel pressured to say or do anything that you aren't comfortable with. however, i also think that if the word wouldn't be applied to you (you aren't visibly black) then it might not be the best idea to say it at all. it might also depend on how and where you grew up, and if your family says it or not. i'm black, but i grew up around a lot of white people, so it's not a word that's engrained in my vocabulary. i choose not to say it for this reason, usually. it's true that mixed people will have a strange relationship with race in society, so whatever you decide to do, keep that in mind. keep in mind that if people don't know you're black, you saying the word could be upsetting for some, so in that way it also depends on who you hang out with. in general, i don't say it at all around people that i know will feel uncomfortable with it.

4 Name: karo : 2021-08-31 14:28 ID:OS6YMSRG [Del]

Yeah i agree, but at the same time, i do feel conflicted. I think I will do what I think is beast. Thanks everyone for responding so quickly. THANKS!!!!

5 Name: whoknos : 2021-08-31 15:18 ID:0inFjFqL [Del]

a single word should not dictate the becoming or your truest self; whatever that may be. This may seem important now but in some years time, you will find humor in wondering what concerned you so. Remember that the general implication which society presses on such a word does not mean each individual will harbor resentment towards you because of it.

If there are people in your life that would have a problem with it (with you discovering and becoming who you truly are) then reconsider your relationship with them. Rather than concerning yourself with what others may think; trust that those who actually matter will understand and know you enough for you to be yourself without hesitation.

Those people may not be in sight yet, but that is also contingent on your progression of understanding and becoming yourself. There will be people you meet who allow an aura of freedom to be yourself.

6 Name: hakeem : 2021-09-03 06:01 ID:D/Daw4sZ [Del]

you dont need to say it to fit in . and dont let your non black friends say it.

7 Name: whoknos : 2021-09-10 12:29 ID:G7rGaBEf [Del]

Bump for Justice.

8 Name: Darkstrike : 2021-09-11 21:04 ID:9YpixkFV [Del]

So I went to my tutoring center the other day and my brother was talking to his teacher (which also used to be my teacher) and he heard me saying hm? and he saying did I say (your name) I think I was talking to (brother's name) not you. I said sorry and I walked away. Now I don't want to talk to him anymore. Any advice?

9 Name: Morgana : 2021-09-12 09:13 ID:9YpixkFV [Del]

Please delete Darkstrike’s message because it is off topic.

10 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-09-12 19:22 ID:8zTe4W98 [Del]

>>8 Posting a new thread might be a better option pal

11 Name: Ammut : 2021-09-16 12:55 ID:oOOrUiaJ [Del]

Hell no, be you. I'm not mixed but I'm kind of light skinned and colorism is such a pain. I get told I "sound/act white" all the time, tou shouldn't pretend to be something you're not just to fit in. You're more than your skincolor.

12 Name: karo : 2021-09-21 10:56 ID:JTkII8w+ [Del]

Wow, there were a ton of responses. RACIAL AWARENESS!!!

13 Name: Anon : 2021-09-25 01:58 ID:v/5pu8cI [Del]

I feel like no body should be saying that as a personal opinion, But other people are going to say what they want. It really depends on how you feel

14 Name: Ozymandas : 2021-09-29 02:33 ID:YzT5oLAk [Del]

I hate the idea of "Sound White" or "Act Black" or whatever, people are too unique to group all people with similar traits into one way of acting, it's really the same as saying "Act Blonde" which is also so crazy. Just act like you, and try your best to not care what most people think of you, unless you're sure those people are in it for your best interest.