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I don't know.... (14)

1 Name: Darkstrike : 2021-08-27 23:24 ID:9YpixkFV [Del]

I felt different tonight. Like I was existing but nothing's fub for me anymore and what's the point of living life? What am I supposed to do? Why aren't I happy? Why is everyday the same? I hate my life so much and yet when I attempt to fix it nothing changes. God I wish I knew...

2 Name: E45 : 2021-08-28 02:22 ID:y1RooTuv [Del]

I feel you, but we just have to roll well at least on my view. It may not go well now, might get worse or not, god knows shit what's next and in stored for us but hey its always another day tomorrow. Maybe, just maybe some good news arrive or not-so-bad news. I don't really have any decent advice but hang in there keep going, though statistically uncertain and not probable but the life changing moment is possible to arrive.

3 Name: Anon : 2021-08-28 21:44 ID:xVpMrrK8 [Del]

Ask for help, someone to talk to, a shoulder to cry. Don't save this for yourself and some random people on the internet. Please, seek help if so. Althrough we can listen to you and advise you, the only one that can make it change is yourself.
I hope you are doing better

4 Name: sen : 2021-08-30 02:26 ID:PmG1KY1Y [Del]

I feel like some kind of trash floating in the vast oceans with nowhere to go and nowhere to come back to. I'm only living for the sake of those people who are trying to fight my battles for me. Only out of my conscience thinking what would happen to these people if I kill myself or something. But I've been fighting against anxiety and depression for so long that no emotional support is reaching me any longer. Im just tired.

5 Name: Darkstrike : 2021-08-30 20:34 ID:9YpixkFV [Del]

@Anon I will be seeing my school therapist so hopefully we'll figure something out.

6 Name: Anon : 2021-09-01 21:54 ID:xVpMrrK8 [Del]

Hey Darkstrike. I hope the school therapist helps. If not, don't give up. We care for you. Feel free to reply any time :)

7 Name: Darkstrike : 2021-09-06 22:04 ID:9YpixkFV [Del]

Thank you Anon and it kind of did help. Me and my clinician looked at therapists and we're getting closer to getting one.

8 Name: Anon : 2021-09-06 22:50 ID:xVpMrrK8 [Del]

I'm so glad to hear that. Keep us updated Darkstrike.

9 Name: Jodisan : 2021-09-07 20:40 ID:rPshWh0E [Del]

This feeling is ringing a lot of bells. Trust me you'll get used to it. There's this thing called sugar and it's gonna completely fix all your problems temporarliy.

10 Name: Sugarless : 2021-09-08 10:03 ID:eiW5cMHJ [Del]

>>9 Oh God please don't recommend sugar. Poison would be safer. I swear its like you all pretend to care but really you don't. What a terrible response. Stop treating sugar like medication. Your body will fall apart I promise you this. I've seen enough suffering in my family cause of sugar and all the other bullshit this shit country america labels as food. Unless the only thing you ever wanna be is a regular at the hospital for 2/3s of your life: don't listen to this person OP. It's a bad joke.


Its easy to get lost in this so called world of opportunity. With so much choice, no guarantee of success or fulfillment, and too commonly, less than acceptable support from the people were forced to live with/near.

This general point of life - there's no answer to it. We all find out at some point that we were lied to about everything. We all at some point hollow out like a dead tree being eaten by carpenter ants. But that creates a void, and space is a vacuum. What your feeling is all this life rushing into you each day, waking to sleep to wake to sleep. All you experience whether minor or severe, but nothings catching in the net of your being. So you stay hollow.

And with that feeling, we panic. And start weaving a net of our own; like sugar-lad above me. He weaved a temporary net that's gonna eat him alive. But that's literally everything.

All things eat us alive. Every successful person is a slave to the net they weaved for themselves, and whether they regret it or not is only up to them when they get to the point of success being Normal.

You have to weave your own net that will catch something and make you feel a little more whole.

Everyone else does it, eventually. You must answer those questions your asking for yourself. And it's not about finding the answer, it's about CREATING the answer.

You do have the luxury to choose what the answer to those questions are. And your personal adherence to your own principles will, over time, mold a reality you can at least tolerate.

It takes time with plenty of trial and error. I've searched for the answers to your questions and this is it.

What's fun?
Do you know something you enjoy but hold back because it might be shameful to the general population? Well genpop can fuck off if it means you live your life hollow and hoping. I spent years enjoying comedy but never ENJOYING it really because what makes me laugh the most is pretty rotten. But so what, there's another million like me laughing at the same thing. And no one was hurt by my laughter. Some people might be hurt by what they say, like my reaction to sugar-lad here; they were certainly making a joke but thats far too subtle man lmao.

The point of living?
Zilch. Nada. Net. Nothing.
We play the role of infinite possibilities and for that, we are but one of infinite selves. Each one just providing a morsel of data for the infinite consciousness.

However one of those infinite selves of yours has already lived your best life, as time is not linear. Within you is a connection to that self; the one who has already lived through the trial and error of your becoming. If you can believe in that concept, you'll unlock the cage your in. But that's just the lock. It doesn't open the door. It doesn't push you through it. You still must create a reason for leaving your cage. And adhere to it. No matter if it will take a lifetime you must be true to yourself when you have created this reason.

The world wants to label us and direct our path but it will only leave you as you feel now. Trying to adhere to what the world creates as a reason for living will only fill you with hope; but hope is made of sand and you are a net.

And as a net waiting in an infinite void to catch an asteroid --- very small odds that the world will lead you down a path you will be happy with.

What are you supposed to do?
Fail. By no sense or meaning of the word itself; Fail.

Let's define failure in a new way now, because we can. Change the word Failure to Experimentation. You must be willing to experiment. You must be willing to Know what doesn't make you happy through direct experience. Some lucky people find a path and adhere to it and it's Enough. And fewer and fewer still get lucky and become the people we wish we were~ when they were panicking the same way and killing themselves trying to figure out what the hell to do. Somehow, they caught asteroids. But if everyone caught asteroids, this wouldn't be infinity, it would by copypasting. It wouldn't be an experiment. There'd be no data to collect.

Well, No... these people did not catch asteroids... some of them Became asteroids and crash landed on our earth, fuckin everything up lmao. But their desperate panic to find a reason to live lead to something. They weaved themselves so tightly they crashed. Nevertheless, their successes didn't always mean fulfillment for them; even though from the outside it seems like they've got it all figured out. They don't. Success by the world's standards did not always mean happiness. But it can for everyone once they unlock the cage and walk out of it, if in pursuit of the Creation of their own happiness.

Not everyone can be a famous actor or have a perfect band, but you can create something that is Enough. That fulfills you. And even tho there will always be someone to compare your success to; they would not succeed on your path, and you would not succeed on theirs. Simple. However don't decide what paths you would or would not succeed on before experimenting; see?

Why aren't you happy answers itself with Why is everyday the same.
We're not machines. We're not robots, but they damn sure need us to be. But whos excited about marketing. I digress.

Your brain craves stimulation. FEED IT. EXPERIMENT. Do or learn something new everyday, doesn't matter what it is, what matters is having done it and having stimulated your brain. You could walk by a tiny brown paper bag with a miracle inside but youd walk right by it because your brain is numbbbbbb. You could have watched the asteroid pass right by and be none the wiser cause your brain is dormant. But infinity doesnt work that way. The universe waits for you. It has more time than you do and compassion to boot. You have to physically, mentally, consciously enact change in your days. However big or small. Start with something small like a short story from an author you don't know for a genre you haven't given a chance. Give it 10 minutes. Only With the intention of stimulating the brain. Not with the intention of finding a miracle, see?

This is the experimentation. You cannot simply assume all paths lead to this empty feeling you have. That would be the true meaning of Failure. NOT experimenting.

Lastly; "Fixing It"

I T 'S N O T B R O K E N

The very Idea in itself is an admission. You believe it's broken and so it is broken. But that is a net you weaved. Consider it a failed experiment.

You're not broken. It's easy to hate yourself and your life and settle for being hopeless. It's so damn easy. But its the hardest way to live when that's the net you weave.

A miracle isn't going to occur. Not unless you Make the miracle. For starters, take on a new lense for the way you look out onto life.

The world has such bullshit in it; and we wrap our hearts around it like it's a precious gem. Everything is fake. Nothing has meaning. All of it was created by us.

We created the importance of Acting. Putting scripted lives in a box and putting that box in our home and idolized it. Comparing ourselves to everything we see. But its all bullshit man. It's all created out of the panic of reality's meaninglessness.

Weave a new net my friend.

11 Name: Darkstrike : 2021-09-09 22:35 ID:9YpixkFV [Del]

Thanks for the advice, sugar.

12 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-09-10 07:12 ID:8zTe4W98 [Del]

>>10 I thought this was going to be an overly long ramble about how life is pointless.

Nope, I'm actually going to save this.

"The universe waits for you. It has more time than you do and compassion to boot. "

13 Name: whoknos (Sugarless) : 2021-09-10 07:49 ID:G7rGaBEf [Del]

Lol well it is still an overly long ramble like most of my posts lmao. And sorry for the name change and mini rant in the beginning. My unhealthy passive aggression shining through heheheh.

Thank you both for taking the time to read it.

And thank you for picking that bit out, cause that's pretty much the whole thing wrapped up in a neat bow lol.

I would be delighted to hear any updates in the future, Darkstrike.

14 Name: whoknos : 2021-09-10 12:17 ID:G7rGaBEf [Del]

Bump for Justice.