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I'm back and I'm in control of my psychopathic behavior (4)

1 Name: Koji : 2021-07-10 08:17 ID:fa9N4rAV [Del]

Hello, this is me again, some may remember me and some do not matter a while ago I think it was two or three months I published a post talking about how I feel nothing despite losing my father and mother And he killed my cat that I've always loved or that's what it looks like Frankly, I do not feel any regrets, but at the same time I know that I am not normal and accept this The distance from you advised me to go to a psychologist, but I did not actually go, I only contacted a specialist via the Internet and he told me I'm a psychopath or something Frankly, I was not shocked, as I knew deep down that this was my truth, but I ignored it Previously, I could not control my psychopathic behavior or my desire to kill, but now I control it. I can say I passed this stage I joined the boxing club and now I'm fine but sometimes I lose control Just as information, I am actually a calm and cold person, I never show my feelings Even if you get angry, just suffice Infernal thoughts I think that I should use this personality for something, but I don't know right now I don't have any goal or dream even though I'm 16 And I want to ask about something, is it possible that a psychopath has an IQ of 204Because I can't believe this I took an IQ test and this was my average
I think I wrote a lot. Thanks for reading. Waiting for a reply:^)

2 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2021-07-10 15:53 ID:oZq+rfFe [Del]

Your specialist fucking sucks then and you should actually see a psychologist because psychopath is a term that often leads to confusion and isn't even what one would be diagnosed as. The actual diagnosis is ASPD, which typically isn't diagnosed until adulthood. And honestly, that doesn't even seem to fit based on this brief description (maybe it does overall for you, but not from what you wrote here). Some of the losing control is what I guess is just a result of puberty nd hormones being all wack. Trust me, I use to lose control often (full rage and violence) around ages 13-15, and I am by no means a "psychopath". People handle puberty differently and for some, it results in violent acts and surpression of emotions. It's something I grew out of as puberty ended, which is why ASPD is typically diagnosed in adulthood so that puberty isn't a factor. Lack of empathy, which was your original concern, does NOT necessarily mean psychopathic.

My advice? Don't get strung up on the term psychopath. It likely isn't what you actually are and you accept it so easily because it seems "cool" to teens for some reason. Give yourself time to figure out who you are and let yourself develop. And if anything genuinely concerns you about how you think or act, see a PSYCHOLOGIST.

3 Name: Koji : 2021-07-10 17:45 ID:8yC+Qbne [Del]

First of all, thank you for replying and giving me your point of view from your previous experiences Your statement may be true, and this nonsense you wrote may also be true I said I could only be a teenager, but I'm actually a calm and reckless person I draw my plans in my head and then I do them and I don't think it's great to be a vision He has an anti-social personality, but at the same time he doesn't care All I care about is to control my desires, thoughts, and how I perceive people And if I keep my true personality deep down and no one knows it and continue acting as a normal person
Thanks for reading, waiting for a reply

4 Name: Anon : 2021-07-22 23:06 ID:OCP3A/D5 [Del]

As EpicKeith said, they suck.

You're not the first person I see who recently get diagnosed with "psychopathy" which is extremely weird seeing as a normal psychotherapist or psychiatrist absolutely shouldn't diagnose that - you should have someone who's specialized in the field of psychopathy have a look, because most likely you'll come out with a completely different diagnosis.

From my pov, based on these diagnosis's I've run into, most people they put as "psychopaths" today are kids who either just were abused and are desperately trying to protect themselves from the world, or kids with high-functioning Autism who come from abusive homes and/or just never experienced empathy from their surroundings, because that behaves uncannily similar.

Either way, get a second opinion from someone licensed who has more experience with psychopathy.