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mouse mice (4)

1 Name: rad : 2021-06-25 06:16 ID:YNbI089v [Del]

my boyfriend is ranting to me about how he has one mouse in his house because (his parents left the door open) ad hes calling it fucking disgusting and embarrassing (which i understand why) and its cool n all but ive had mice in my house for years lol

sometimes, whenever he complains it becomes very clear to me that he lives on a different economical standing

i dont wanna say that its annoying, but everything he complains about are things normal to me. idk, what should i do? i dont want to break up or anything

2 Name: Vino !INGtBRiEqg : 2021-06-26 12:31 ID:O9wxgE71 [Del]

Doesn’t seem like something to break up over, if it makes you upset the way he exclaimed his distaste for the situation maybe mention it and share your experiences that way next time he wont say something that is potentially hurtful. I can understand this a-bit because my girlfriend is the same way.

3 Name: yayoi : 2021-07-05 20:38 ID:x4ApxJM3 [Del]

well i completely understand but as the person above me said, this is nothing to break up over. it is perfectly normal to feel this way about the situation, but its abnormal to make it somebody else's concern. you can share your thoughts with your boyfriend, but i dont think its necessary to bring that up. there are certain things we better keep to ourselves at times.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2021-07-20 01:57 ID:1l7xfvC4 [Del]

I grew up very poor, and have spent the majority of my life working hard to create a better life for my kids. When I was young I always disliked it when my friends complained about things that to me where pretty commonplace, and not that big of a deal. As I've gotten older though, I've realized that happiness isn't something that has to be acquired throughout your life. It's something that everyone has inside them from the day their born. There's a very simple honor and happiness in a life of poverty, and I'll never resent or look down on my parents for being poor. Regardless of whether we wear rags or a rollex happiness is always a stones throw away. So don't sweat the little things, if he comes from more wealth and doesn't understand what it means to have little, then show him kindness and forgive him. Because he was fortunate enough to have someone sacrifice most of their life to generate that wealth so he could live comfortably, just like I had to do for my children.