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i need help im being mistreated improperly anyhow on purpose (33)

1 Name: VictimSOS : 2021-06-23 07:07 ID:a4t7kxo0 [Del]

i gets yelled at constantly i gets hit sometimes my clothes gets forced off im not allowed to wear undergarments and my belonging get taken away and destroyed

2 Name: VictimSOS : 2021-06-23 07:12 ID:a4t7kxo0 [Del]

im afraid of retaliation from the abusers all cause they older and im afraid cause authorities kills people i cant trust them all of them will take advantage of me

3 Name: sella : 2021-06-23 12:21 ID:YNbI089v [Del]

who is doing this to you?

4 Name: VictimSOS : 2021-06-23 13:26 ID:a4t7kxo0 [Del]

evil family

5 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-06-24 06:31 ID:nI9tCCpc [Del]

Doing this again are we?

6 Name: VictimSOS : 2021-06-26 04:48 ID:lEbtaeLV [Del]

People will think they are innocent in public and I’m the enemy I’m just letting people be aware of their actions and to not trust if you see them

I don’t know what to do anymore just sage this

7 Post deleted by user.

8 Name: VictimSOS : 2021-06-26 05:22 ID:hHXTxz4t [Del]

And please delete that old post why bring old posts from the past? it was an accident cause i just been through extreme torture

we can talk this elsewhere
Just sage afterwards

9 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-06-27 18:15 ID:TXVOD1oP [Del]

After wasting so much of someone's time, you want to even forget about how bad that leaves a bad taste in your mouth and do it to your next assistant?

I'll say it again just like what he said last time, YOU ARE MORE CAPABLE THAN YOU THOUGHT. Our site as it currently stands can't help your situation, you'd have a much better chance on Virginia's community group where locals are gathering online and are sharing latest information.

No, there's no bargaining on this one. If you had the nerve to still say 'No' to this, then there's no helping you. We've been through this countless times.

10 Name: Victim SOS : 2021-06-27 19:34 ID:951Wi4fv [Del]

At least try to help by letting people be aware of the abusers before people think they innocent I don't want to be viewed as the enemy when I'm the "victim"!!!

11 Name: omverse : 2021-06-30 18:09 ID:4C1g7B8Q [Del]

Well - an enemy you are not. However, I'm certain you aren't experiencing "extreme" torture. Nonetheless, I'm still sorry for what's happening to you. And I still think about you, and hope things change for you, and hope the failure you repeatedly reach from this, each time you get no results, will push you to make some new choices.

I apologize for the disdain that some members of the community may have for you, I'll take the blame there, since I was frustrated with you, aired my grievance, and made people aware of what 'help' you do and do not accept. I am sorry that I could no longer trust your words after I tried to help you, but that doesn't mean you aren't in pain. You deserve help like anyone else.

And you deserve to accept help too. People who get 'Help' are really being guided to make new choices in order to help themselves.

I'm sure we're all hoping the same things. We want your pain to stop and your experience to change for the better.

Time will change all things, but waiting isn't enough. You must change also with the flow of time. Otherwise, in the coming days of your future, where none of this pain is brought to you by another, you will still be hurting.

There's comfort in your life, otherwise something would change in you that leads to action. You're comfortable with this amount of effort, even though it yields nothing for you. You're comfortable waiting for change, so when will it happen, when those people die of old age? Can you stand another 10, 20, 30 years of this? How long will it be? How long will you continue submitting to this?

We all fall victim to someone else, for one reason or another. The abuse I experienced in my life was very intense and emotional as I was experiencing it, but it is not so hard to live today, given that I made changes to remove myself from that situation. With no guarantees.

And I'm a stronger person for it, but the freedom I eventually obtained didn't happen to me by accident or by miracle. I wasn't saved by anyone else. Though there were many people who helped me help myself, whether through pain or joy.

Today there is a greater opportunity to get the help you need but its not by miracles. It's by enduring, perseverance, survival, willingness, sacrifice, courage, and perhaps even a little logic -- all human traits that you are equally capable of if you stopped seeing yourself like they see you ---

When no one else respects you as a human being, you find self respect, or you resign to your suffering and become what they think you are. Will you allow your life to stay this way any longer?

The only Guarantee is this -- nothing will change if you cannot take action. You will remain a victim, even when you are away from these people. There will be new suffering and you will blame them still, or you will blame the people who helped you, even when all of them are no longer in your life. Don't let yourself become a permanent victim of your past. Value yourself more then the scum who treats you this way, and make a choice.


And yea, I still try to help, cause this is a public place. You're not the only one with an experience or story. And the rest of us should recognize that too.

Despite this direct circumstance - someone new on this site may hesitate to post if they see a potentially serious matter being shoved away. I get it that some of us understand, and some of us will read through everything to understand --- but for those who don't, let's just try to write from a place recognizing that others eyes are here to read it. If nothing I say helps you, maybe it will help someone who doesn't have the courage to speak up, or deems their situation to be worse than yours, and avoids reaching out because of missing context from our experience with you.

Again I'm sorry for everything. I know your human too so if you can't believe in yourself, I'll do my best to believe in you. I look forward to the day you post on here to tell us you're free from those people. And I hope you will tell us what you did to better your life. Your story will help other people.

12 Name: VictimSOS : 2021-07-09 11:14 ID:N84LinzQ [Del]

Someone needs to remove that or post

13 Name: VictimSOS : 2021-07-10 04:37 ID:N84LinzQ [Del]

old posts

14 Name: VictimSOS : 2021-07-16 08:14 ID:09HrmTtR [Del]

If nobody gonna help delete the post at least or ill get in trouble

15 Name: VictimSOS : 2021-07-16 08:25 ID:09HrmTtR [Del]

But be very aware of the 4 abusers who are 2 old elders and 2 sisters (wig wearers. glasses) in Virginia and don't trust them if you ever see them in public places they are the ones who abuse and neglect me

I'm not sure who was helping me so you could contact me if want to

16 Name: VictimSOS : 2021-07-18 08:13 ID:MjepEl08 [Del]

Just in case anyone concerned my contact is the1100superm@gmail.on I have proof of the broken undergarment that I'll show on live video as evidence

17 Name: VictimSOS : 2021-07-18 08:14 ID:MjepEl08 [Del]

Just in case anyone concerned my contact is (I have proof of the broken undergarment that I'll show on live video as evidence in case people say I'm lying about it)

18 Name: omverse : 2021-07-19 18:07 ID:a9U+uzKg [Del]

Evidence? Great, that can be a huge help for you. Are you able to bring it to an authority. Perhaps you can email it to a local police department.

19 Name: VictimSOS : 2021-07-20 11:02 ID:xkiFgpda [Del]

i can't report anything yet until i get a backup buddy plus you got to know about "retaliation for the abusers" if i involve the authorities *STAYING IN THE SAME AREA IS DANGEROUS* if the authorities see not much problems occurred (which is the only broken undergarment i have as evidence) the authorities will leave the area to endanger me with the abusers and that can be a serious problem so right now im currently trying to wait for arguments to happen im also talking all over media describing what these abuser are and what they did to me so people in public can beware and not see them as innocent people (( even tho it risky im hoping if the abusers see how this info is happening they'll find out its me and if they do attack me i could **if able to** contact the authorities then but again i just need a back up buddy who can be my extra hand if im unable to

20 Name: omverse : 2021-07-21 13:38 ID:F/7XsM88 [Del]

I understand the retaliation your worried about. We've spoken at length, if you've forgotten. Doesnt change the matter at hand. You're already suffering. You dont trust that authorities will take immediate action, I get it.

But your also setting yourself up for retaliation for all your media posts, you just admitted to that, and as I said before, if you dont try another method, you wont get any closer to your goal.

Youre in danger one way or another. If you get caught doing what your doing - your additional suffering will get you nothing.

would it be totally unreasonable to take more of a risk, to accept a greater retaliation in order to ensure the END of the abuse? Am I so insane, even an enemy to suggest such a thing?

How can you do live videos btw? You have a phone now? Webcam? Can you record video with it? Can you covertly record an event of abuse for more sustainable evidence? If you can do a live video for someone on a while, I refuse to believe you can do any less. You can record video. The question is will you utilize this tool to your advantage, or waste your effort trying to pro e your story to people who can't help you anywaym Well?

Am I making any sense? Or am I just the enemy.

Because I was completely unable to be your "support buddy" - I couldn't physically extract you from your place to protect you from that very retaliation.

Yet another risk you are willing to take that may earn you a worse fate than you can fathom. That's still your eventual plan, I assume; Hoping a stranger/hero will take you in to their home and not kill you, and wait for you to find a place of your own? Or maybe your willing to try a shelter at this point?

Also - Are you back to taking classes at a physical college yet? If so that opens up a whole lot of opportunity to make a report about your a user's while OUT of the dangerous area. And if the abusers come to the college, then you have witnesses. And from there you should be able to get into an emergency shelter since they will likely leave you there. And don't be afraid of emergency homeless shelters, no one there is interested in hurting you- because if they did, they'd lose their home. Of course that's all assuming your college isn't on lockdown anymore.

If I'm wrong, please let us know what a 'support buddy' is expect to do for you.

Save everyone some time and please explain how someone will help before they agree to contact you.

But more importantly, find a way to build additional evidence - if you can do a live video to prove you have broken undergarments, you can find a way to record what's happening to you.

If there is something that someone without a car or money, living several states away from you can do, let me know, I will drop everything, as I already have. Otherwise sorry to waste your time.

21 Name: VictimSOS : 2021-07-25 09:18 ID:aVg3/HXX [Del]

I need everyone to beaware of the abusers in Virginia that I keep describing

22 Name: VictimSOS : 2021-07-25 09:25 ID:aVg3/HXX [Del]

I just need a backup buddy who can help collect the evidence of what is occurring for example on discord they can watchvon camera and witness and be prepared to call for help when my hands are full while still collecting evidence and if someone close to me can come in case shelters don't help which they don't answer my email

23 Name: VictimSOS : 2021-07-25 11:05 ID:aVg3/HXX [Del]

I always come on the chat room sometimes to give feedback
I explained what my plans was cause it's a safe plan for me before I get in trouble because of "retaliation from the abusers" and I don't want that to happen

24 Name: VictimSOS : 2021-07-25 12:34 ID:J8SdmobA [Del]

and violent actions occurs happens unexpectedly in this house i cant always be at the recording button

25 Name: omverse : 2021-07-25 13:48 ID:9hVWELT+ [Del]

you cant be at the recording button, but you can have a live video feed for someone to watch?

if you can set up a live video feed for someone to watch. you must be able to set it to record. You can do it if you wanted to.

its literally the same thing as hitting a button to start a live feed for someone to watch, except there is --- a recorded, tangible file that can be sent to police ---

you still find plenty of opportunity to get on whatever computer your contacting us with.

Will you sit and do nothing just because it doesn't go exactly the way you think it should?

If it doesn't work out exactly your way, will you do nothing and remain as you are?

will you ever compromise and do anything for yourself besides come up with reasons why you cant do this cant do that.

there's nothing safe about your situation, your plan is sloppy and over-complicated and puts you in danger with more people than these abusers.

Your plan is not a safe plan.

good luck.

26 Name: omverse : 2021-07-25 14:07 ID:9hVWELT+ [Del]

again i dont know HOW you're setting up a camera for a live feed, but if its something that runs on a battery, its still the same logic

you would want to start the live feed while no ones looking, right? well you would start the recording when no ones looking the same way, and just hope the battery doesnt run out before something happens.

either way whether someones watching of its set to record, you get the same result.

even if i sat and watched and called the police to report a domestic violence issue, the response would be the same.

they would show up, take their report, and leave, just like youre worried they would, and when you say - wait I have a witness, watching a live feed, thousands of miles away --- I would be surprised if they took it seriously.

the recorded video file might be taken more seriously.

but you understand what I'm saying right? I keep trying to give you options and ideas around your personal preference of how you'd like to be helped, and you always have a reason why you cant do something about your suffering. Every time.

I feel as tho there will never be a perfect situation for you to take action here. I need to keep stressing your unwillingness to compromise.

Youve made zero progress, and its been, what, 9 months since we've first spoken? Nothing has changed for you. in almost a whole year of this same thing, over and again.

27 Name: omverse : 2021-07-25 14:25 ID:9hVWELT+ [Del]

and that 'spreading awareness' thing you keep resigning to --- sounds like giving up.

I'm certain no one in the world could pick these people out of a crowd with the description youve given this far. You couldnt be more vague about them. What about Height? Weight? Hair Color? Car make and model? Tattoos? Particular limp, gait, sway in their walk? Glasses? Piercings? Scars? Moles/Warts? If thats really what you want, then try actually describing them.

Also its unlikely that anyone on this site has a car, lives near you, and is willing to help with your plan, all at once.

Your plan is a bad plan.

So if youve given up with the exception of the perfect execution of that impossibly particular plan, I will stop bothering you.

But don't give up.

28 Name: VictimSOS : 2021-07-26 13:33 ID:9fu00eMh [Del]

1. (back up buddy plan)
they will be viewing on the discord video call or google meeting feature *since hangouts gone* and will be online 24/7 watching the camera by *listening & watching* taking notes and evidence of whats is happening in the house. they could call authorities if they see something suspicious not right idk but yea if authorities comes here while a back up buddy not at the location same a authorities it'll be a danger against two groups of aggressive people (abusers and authorities) if i can find someone within my state who's interested to come to my location to to be a witness and drive me out the danger-zone (with my bags) then great i can do the rest myself after im out of area.
2. (spreading news about the abusers)
im been trying to let people know who the abusive people are in public hopefully people in the virginia which i know are here on this website. i kept describing the two elders and two sisters (this is only to let people be aware of them if they ever see them)i gotta be kinda careful tho cause i need a back up baddy first before i get into alot of trouble giving a full description of weight, height, and etc
3. i have evidence of the only one garment i have ( i can show you if you it if you think im lying) but this isn't enough to report i need to record and gather more evidence which are arguments (e.g, yelling to take off my clothes and so forth) <<---hence i need more proof of the allegations before i do anything a simple one broken garment not enough
*note** no arguments occurred yet

29 Name: omverse : 2021-07-26 17:30 ID:DBu25va+ [Del]

Someone to drive you away from the place after 24/7 surveillance. Great - as long as we all know what you expect of us; this being the part you needed to be honest about all this time, not your underwear.

No one HERE needs to see your underwear, stop. For real. It's not about your underwear. Plus it's not proof to show us torn underwear anyway but no one is asking you for proof of your abuse.

No one said you were lying about being abused. I said you were omitting details about what you wanted from us. But now that's clear.

I hope you can find such resources. However in the extremely likely event that this doesn't work out exactly a you want it to --- try finding a way to recording as much as you can, for as long as you can.

You can email yourself the files, delete the received email, and the original file - and a copy of the video file will be saved in the sent folder of your email. There's also Google drive.

This way the video files aren't taking up space in the computer as a hidden file either, several long video files can add up quick.

but discord doesn't make sharing video files easy. They'd have to be edited down to 30 seconds or less, maybe someone knows better in that regard. But as far as I know, discord alone cannot record audio or video. The only program I know that will record video and audio is streamlabs, but there could be more.

Don't do nothing because your not getting everything you think you need. Your backup buddy plan is terribly, sickeningly unrealistic. It pains me to repeat myself anymore so I'm hopefully finally shutting up. Good luck.

30 Name: omverse : 2021-07-26 17:51 ID:DBu25va+ [Del]

If you insist on refusing to find a way to record on your own, and insist on using discord - a buddy can set up a program to record what's happening on discord separately.

If they can set it up to record your discord call with them, you raise your chances.

Because your buddy wouldnt have to be watching 24/7. If they just set it to record the live video call, they can go about their daily lives.

Good luck finding someone. Again, will you do nothing if this doesn't work out exactly the way you want it to?

31 Name: VictimSOS : 2021-07-27 08:51 ID:jQvXgcj2 [Del]

It's either you come here to get me out or I continue finding someone closer to help me

But likevi said I need to continue spreading the word out of who the abusers are and what they did to me before the public think they innocent that's all I'm doing I know I been saying the same words but that's because nobody gives a helping hand you claim that youll drop everything and come help but yea your in a few States away if someone from my area can visit the house in time to be a witness the story will be done and all of this will stop

32 Name: VictimSOS : 2021-07-27 09:25 ID:jQvXgcj2 [Del]

I do feel uncomfortable talking about personal information but I got no other choice

33 Name: Ezra : 2021-07-28 02:56 ID:sU8d90q+ [Del]

Omverse stop wasting your time… somethings clearly going on with this person but it just seems like they keep going in circles. Don’t entertain the situation