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Says the freeloader (5)

1 Name: Lee Earl Sucker : 2021-06-19 10:08 ID:QhHhqJkV (Image: 423x817 jpg, 73 kb) [Del]

src/1624115335614.jpg: 423x817, 73 kb
What's worse, living in your parents' house or living in someone else's parents'house?

2 Name: Lee Earl Sucker : 2021-06-19 10:25 ID:QhHhqJkV [Del]

How can i be the one who's envious? He's the one with a broken family.... Wait sorry, he doesn't even have a family. His parents never married. And i'm the one who's insecure and envious? Guess again, bastard. #Bastard #freeloader.

3 Name: E45 : 2021-06-22 07:20 ID:4YO7gb/5 [Del]

Now, now, I understand that you find your current position to be in a tough spot, we all do find our position to be tough once in a while and we are reminded that some people have it rougher than us. Though I do understand that at a degree we are in no position to make a drama (sorry my en vocabulary is limited not an en adept) as others got is worse than us however I also believe that its not how tough the circumstance is but we also have to consider how resilient or brittle is ones heart.

There was a story of 2 butterflies, 1 independently broke from its pupa and lived independently, while the other was helped by people. A strong wind slammed them both to a tree, the independent grown butterfly "walked it off" but the human cherished butterfly immediately died. One experienced growing tougher in harsh conditions while other is fully loved and cared but turns out the one who experienced more pain is tougher than the other.

It's not about who has it rougher but we also should consider EQ, however low coping mechanism should not be an made excuse to make it all about you. Don't be so hard on yourself, remain grounded and be open that we all have our own battles and is not wrong to ask help in few battles. May you find this opinion helpful even a little and I mean you well.

4 Name: Lee Earl Sucker : 2021-06-22 08:25 ID:QhHhqJkV [Del]

He called me insecure and envious. That's what makes me mad. That's the point of my post. Sorry if i seem like i'm bullying him but if you heard all the things he's been saying you'll react the same way.

5 Name: E45 : 2021-06-25 00:16 ID:+3xCGmjA [Del]

Still, similar idea. It's not alone about who have it rougher but consider as well the person's integrity. People ask help for there is something they can't handle alone, In this author's opinion everyone should look on brighter side. The one who asked for help is not weak but brave but admit his/her vulnerability and the one being asked for help is asked not because s/he is stronger and is license to act high and mighty but is trusted that would not do such thing to a friend.

IMO, but i think you should both talk calmly? Try to see more of each ones good side than seeking for flaws? It may turn to good ending and help hand in hand to faces each of your problems or not. IDK, I am not in any position but I mean you well.