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I'm the only one? (3)

1 Name: Zenon : 2021-05-21 20:12 ID:tDH5+T9B [Del]

Lately I feel like tired, not wanting to do anything, I don't even want to go to virtual classes, lately I get bored with nothing, I just want to be lying in my bed watching TV or YouTube videos, listening to music or reading book. Or just nothing.

Am I the only one going through this? Is there someone else? Why is this happening?

2 Name: cookie_blue : 2021-05-23 10:33 ID:nFjAVi9X [Del]

I understand, I am also always tired and just want to rest. I don't know why this is happening, but I think that apathy (unwillingness) is a symptom of depression. However, this does not mean that you may be suffering from depression. I suggest that you try to find something that motivates you, even if one day you get tired, look for something else that keeps you motivated, until you get back to normal. If none of this works, see a psychologist.

PS: I know this because I got over it a few days ago.

3 Name: S.O.R.A.!MO4LVZZpbQ : 2021-05-24 13:50 ID:t78pAcUI [Del]

as a depressive one, i can tell because im the most ignored haha, it was a self joke to me
ahem jokes aside, it may depend if you are depressed or not
beign in you actual state may imply that you are bored without gain to do something that i could call empthyness, maybe all things for you reached a dead point and you need to do that cookie blue suggests, you need to pick up a motivation OR, you can get a nice rest, do a nice trip or doing something that could change totally your mood, the goal is that you get well and kill that emptyness mood, trust me, doing something that could get you better is a nice method

BUT, i dont think personally that you are starting / into depression, i can tell, but if you were depressive ask your best friends about that, its a good method if you have friends

but personally i dont think that you are depressed

good luck anon owo/