Dollars BBS | Personal
















food contol (1)

1 Name: teef : 2021-03-16 21:12 ID:0QVCLOZD [Del]

i went down stairs and asked if i could make a smoothie, my mom said yes, and described how she makes her smoothies, with include protein powder and i think peanut butter. I said i wanted to make my own with only frozen fruits. She said no and said, "If youre going to have a smoothie it has to have sustenance, so if you dont want a protein smoothie youre not making one.". I said, "You can control what Alyssa (my younger sister) eats but not what I eat i would like a smoothie." She got defensive and said, "Its not control, It just needs to be healthy" I said after that, "It sounds controlling" And she got more defensive and eventually she said I had to stop or there would be consequences. I think this kinda stuff started to happen after i got my weigh in before going in to get my I.U.D implanted. I weighed in 156 pounds at 5'9" Since then i have noticed the way she talks about my food has gotten more troubling. The way she comments on how i eat the same things, or i eat to much in one day, and how whatever i eat under her roof is completely healthy otherwise i cant eat it. We rarely even have normal pasta in the house anymore, and we typically have healthy, plant based pasta. Which was introduced by her boyfriend, and since meeting him she has become even more strict about what food i should be allowed to consume. It hurts the way she talks about the stuff and how much i eat. And she attempts and can control what i eat, always worried about how much protein and stuff im getting, not understanding I typically eat comfort foods and have issues with many textures (texture the reason why i dont like to consume many, or any meat). She says its because shes worried. I dont think its that. Once in a fight i even mentioned how she saw ive gained weight and thats the reason for this all and she went silent. I hate it. I already hate my body and the way it looks and she does this shit. My mom sued to be talked to about her weight, she says she got over it after almost having an eating disorder. If anything I think my mom has an eating disorder, she eats only healthy and complains after eating something "bad", she works out daily and sometimes multiple times a day and shes lost a lot of weight over the years. I hate the way she talks to me still and tried to control what i eat everyday. Im getting so tired of it. I wish she was like my dad and would let me eat what i want to eat and not comment on it. I hate my body and she makes me feel even worse about it.