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Relationship (2)

1 Name: Jade : 2021-02-28 13:44 ID:CUhSm+T1 [Del]

Me and my BF are currently on a relationship break, the reason is due to him feeling like he doesn't fully understand in what way he loves me. We are still able to visit each other even with the Covid thing due to how close we are. But I feel like he's overthinking things, I don't want to get into too many details but he has had a lot of stuff on his plate recently and I feel that it has just overwhelmed him and just caused him to doubt anything.

I know this might come across as me just being selfish and thinking of myself, but anytime he's had issues I've always tried to help but he's the type of person who prefers to handle everything by himself, I know it's how he does things but I feel useless because of it.

I feel that one of the causes of the doubt in our relationship is due to we haven't been able to due any of the things that we used to in our relationship due to either Covid or other issues.

I don't want to lose someone who I care so much for, I don't want to be a bother and I don't wanna feel like I'm being useless.

If it matters we've been together for a little bit over a year. I don't want to lose him but I have no idea what to do.

2 Name: casanova : 2021-03-10 15:58 ID:WwMVPw9C [Del]

I might be wrong but you know what it may give you some thoughts.
1: understand what is the level of love for him and I mean like gf, friend, acquaintance, and everything.
2: is he really thinking abt that or could it be that he's scared of sum like not being able to provide, not satisfying your needs
3: when you truly have figured whats the problem you can organize a special date, talking session, etc... or you could let him time to think.

I hope it will help