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Coming Out Thread! (22)

1 Name: Taki : 2021-02-22 22:38 ID:1Z2zEal9 [Del]

Not too sure if this has been done before. It can be scary coming out to the people we know and love. So, this is a thread for people to practice, or just to announce their identity.

2 Name: kurai : 2021-02-22 23:17 ID:pHInUq02 [Del]

i never plan to coming out to my parents but ill state it here,,,
hello! my name is bat, please do not refer to my dead name. my pronouns are they/them and i have no idea what my gender is. my sexuality i choose to go by currently is lesbian but i'm not so sure if that is true to me. i might be pansexual but honestly its so confusing.
thank you for listening to me rant lol x

3 Name: ANDEL : 2021-02-24 14:54 ID:eqTiuY5N [Del]

I'm somewhere on the ace scale. I'm not asexual, pretty sure I'm greysexual. Since I'm young (highschooler) I doubt myself. What if I'm just a "late bloomer" and am making a something out of nothing?
As for romantic orientation...
It's even more confusing. I've only had one crush so I don't have much to go off of. I liked him on and off for four years. But in all that time I never wanted to be in a relationship with him.
Not because he's a bad person, he isn't, but because I was just happy being his friend. Being his friend was more than enough. I never felt the need or desire for anything more, even though my crush on him was long and strong.
I've seen some ppl who say that's lithromantic, but other ppl say that's not a real thing so idk.
Am I bi? Again, idk. I can see myself being with a girl, but I've never dated anyone so I can't rlly say how'd it actually go.

4 Name: Taki : 2021-02-28 22:37 ID:1Z2zEal9 [Del]

>>3 I'm also on the ace scale! It's all pretty confusing. You're doing great mate

5 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2021-03-01 04:06 ID:wWtCxT2Y [Del]

I've already been completely out as a bi trans man for over 3 years, but I remember the courage it took for me to come out. I was lucky to have as much support as I do.
Y'all are very brave and doing great. Questioning can be confusing, but don't focus too much on labels, especially if you're young. Let yourself figure out what it is that you're feeling, which could take weeks or even years, and then label it if you want.
Good luck to those questioning and to those who are preparing to come out! It takes a lot of courage, but you've got this!

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7 Name: PyroPegasus : 2021-03-01 23:42 ID:inSVwQnl [Del]

I'm heteromantic asexual. I've been out of the deck for a few years now. Sometimes I still question it though. I'm extremely sex repulsed and sometimes I wonder if I'm really ace or if I'm just so sex repulsed that I won't LET myself feel attracted. Idk. Anyways, I have a good boyfriend who is respectful of my asexuality and I'm happy. My parents were a bit confused when i came out but they got the spirit

8 Name: Anon : 2021-03-16 23:31 ID:1Z2zEal9 [Del]

I'm pretty sure that I'm bi. I dunno

9 Name: Vigil : 2021-03-23 06:57 ID:W1/9HhYK [Del]

Aromantic and androgynous

10 Name: S.O.R.A.!MO4LVZZpbQ : 2021-04-01 00:41 ID:4GZiP9Wo [Del]

i dont have a certain name but a lot of surrnames, just lurking and lurking

im in everywhere with great and shitty surrnames

11 Name: Kimiko : 2021-04-04 01:49 ID:ZC1dxTlQ [Del]

I'm bisexual, though it's not something I go around saying, not because I'm afraid, but because I'm sure some (if not most) people will just not take me seriosuly on since I'm a girl and I have a boyfriend, fiance actually. But that's still my sexuality. I'm bi and my fiance is pan and still, we found each other and love each other to death, enough to want to get married, and yet, that does not diminish our sexualities like some people might think.

12 Name: Taki : 2021-06-01 22:50 ID:x0qBvOQz [Del]

Happy Pride month!!

13 Name: red : 2021-06-01 23:23 ID:YNbI089v [Del]

Well, I'm bi, and im out to basically everybody but my parents. Happy pride month you beautiful souls

14 Name: laroqsoqs : 2021-06-04 18:07 ID:Vyje8uHV [Del]

I hope this doesnt lean too much into devils advocacy or speaking out of turn but I just want to relay my feelings as I have pondered much on this maybe it will help someone

Dont know what to call it but I'm attracted to both women, and more feminine men, transitioning or not. Sorry if I'm not speaking proper terms to define it hehe but I've only ever dated females. 21 of them to be exact, before realizing I had an attraction to men as well. And while I support this in anonymity- I don't believe it's a familys business who I choose for a spouse. It sure wouldn't be of interest to them what happens no matter whos in there with me lmao. I recognize its a cultural thing embedded into us because of bloodlines or what have you - and some despicable folk are superficially paranoid that anyone else gives a shit who their kids are courting. Perhaps ive said too much heh. Anyway I like humans. I think that sums it up nice. But who knows gotta peep a for real alien- see what that's all about lul

And if it is ever about kids, how would they dare shake a fist at adopting. And what glorious people come from those who aren't trying to fit themselves in a box and who live their true selves and search and discover that self without fear - to be adopted into such a household would be a blessing.

I am presumably older than most here, and it's taken the better part of my 20s tp realize and be open with myself about this attraction. I didnt force it nor resist it. I've been happy with the outcome thus far. And I don't see any loss or gain from informing those who I'm connected to if solely by blood.

And really this just buys you time for your parent to grow and learn.and wake up about trusting you to become who you are gracefully. They will always first presume the youth will falter, but there may be more people like me around today who would feel no one way or another about it - if only glad that my child is not resisting their truest nature, whatever that my be. Yes I'd like to think we are plentiful, we're just not particularly loud about it heh.

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16 Name: Taki : 2021-07-09 00:24 ID:GNbOwOUa [Del]

Here's some love and support to you various people out there, you are loved and valid!

17 Name: Jen : 2021-07-28 16:27 ID:uvP6C6pD [Del]

whats it about?

18 Name: Starz : 2021-08-03 22:30 ID:UvAXqTja [Del]

I've been out as a trans man for about 2 years now but I'm starting to think my gender is a bit more complicated than that. I have no idea how to go about it and so I've just been a bit scared to talk about it with anyone.

19 Name: Darkstrike : 2021-08-04 23:42 ID:9YpixkFV [Del]

I'm ace aro and it's hard not relating to 99 percent of the population.

20 Name: Moriko : 2021-08-07 03:25 ID:U5+9ua4O [Del]

To Starz,
Once, long ago, the lgbtq+ community was all about self identifying, if you felt you were gay, you could identify as gay. If you felt you were bi, you could identify as bi, regardless if you dated both sexes or anything in between (I still personally think bi and pan are the same thing). But if you are trans and you dont know exactly what you are/want to be, just call yourself queer, or whatever youd like, they're just labels, and you may choose whichever label youd like

21 Name: ハテナ : 2021-08-10 14:02 ID:D7h21R2y [Del]

I want to tell my mom that I want to talk like a boy since I'm not really into girly talk, but I don't know how. (I'm Japanese and there're certain words that girls use and boys use. (Like omae お前 and watashi 私))

22 Name: Nyx : 2021-08-10 14:33 ID:cAtVYrwP [Del]

Hello folks! I am a (mostly) closeted agender/trans masc individual as well as being pansexual. I also suspect that I may be aromantic, but I think I need to explore some more about myself to confirm that. <3