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I dont know what to do :’) (6)

1 Name: Iz707 : 2021-02-21 10:31 ID:nXdDc7OA (Image: 720x402 jpg, 98 kb) [Del]

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Sorry, i’m not good at english. But I can only share this with you guys.
I’m otaku, it’s okay if i’m still teenager. But, i’m 21 now, everyone around me think i’m crazy, and that make me have no friend. (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
I tried not to show it out, but i think they already know it. I’ve watched wotakoi, and i think my life would be like that. But, it’s just a dream.
I’m very timid, i was tried to talk with my coworker, but i don’t know what they’re talking about. All i know it’s anime, manga. Do you understand the feeling that everyone was invited to lunch, and I was alone in the office, watching anime trying to be fine. Haizz, i know this is bullshit, but thanks for listen me (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)

2 Name: Anon : 2021-02-22 02:46 ID:8K0skOvn [Del]

Hi. You should not worry about being an otaku at 21, i mean anime is dope after all. Just like regular shows or movies.. but animated.. So yeah maybe if you want to fit in at work just don't sit by yourself watching anime and actually try to talk to people.. not necessarily about anime.. just life. Is not about hiding your personality, be chill and if they ask you about that just say yeah i watch anime but try to not make a big deal about that. Good luck!

3 Name: Chipsa : 2021-02-25 21:58 ID:wVoep+NQ [Del]

If you want to expand your interests and still watch anime, that's probably fine. And if you want to take suggestions from your coworkers, maybe they would have some suggestions. Some of them might even watch some anime with you if you become friends or something, although also maybe not, haha. Perhaps you could start a different interests group so people can share hobbies?

4 Name: Macabre_02 : 2021-03-01 10:34 ID:crSRskHP [Del]

It's okay to like anime. For us, it has become our comfort. I kinda get you, Some of us discovered anime way back in 2000 which is in most countries, when they found out that we watch anime they will bully us in school or call us names like weird or nerd.

But don't let them get in your head. Do and watch what makes you happy. And I believe that you'll find your anime friends soon, they're somewhere out there waiting for you too.

5 Name: Kimiko : 2021-03-07 23:20 ID:ZC1dxTlQ [Del]

Don't feel bad for enjoying anime/manga/cosplay when you're already considered an adult. I'm 23 years old and work as a scientist in a pharmaceutical company and still love to watch anime, read manga, and do cosplay for anime conventions. It's what I love and what makes me happy. And I have found some people at my workplace that are Otaku just like me. You'll find your people eventually, never be ashamed of the things you like. And even if you can't find fellow otakus at your workplace, you can still have them online. I've made a couple of friends online and they have been great!! :)

6 Name: Yoshiki[Knight] : 2021-03-11 04:30 ID:8mMzdaxf [Del]

Yep. Try to talk to some of your Co workers and see if there are any of them interested in animes. If there is none, remember that you're free to have a friend outside of your work. After your work, you guys can go hang out and talk about animes. The number of friends doesn't matter, one good friend is enough.