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sewing or coding? career choices and decisions !!!! (5)

1 Name: momo : 2021-02-15 21:39 ID:Wcu1KCs3 [Del]

hi, i'm 22 and decided not to go to college because i didn't have the money to waste since i didn't know what i wanted to do. now i'm at the stage where people my age are graduating. sewing is something i really enjoy but growing up poor i'm too scared to make that leap. with sewing there's no safety net and no real written path. with coding i do enjoy it just not as much as sewing. obviously with the way the world is going coding will have stability as long as i never stop learning. i dont't want someone to tell me go for sewing if it makes you happy,but honest answers and opinions. i dont want to regret anything and i dont want to be stupid either.... thank you for your time.

2 Name: Undecided : 2021-02-15 22:07 ID:/YTMIvhP [Del]

I'm in middle school so sorry but I don't have much experience. What I think, though, is that you should go for coding. Obviously, I don't know what kinds of things you're capable of making but I'm thinking that there are just so many people that can sew that you won't be very valuable since their are so many people to hire and it is a skill that is easy to learn, with discipline and determination of course.

If you're going to be self-employed, I'd say selling things you sew could be hard. Coding, on the other hand, can make you more valuable since their aren't many people that are great at it. Plus, if you can code then it is possible to learn game development and then you can make a simple mobile game with ads and get money by working on something once and then letting it get you money. You could also get a hell ton of money from learning how to hack and then using that skill to ethical hack, which is legal. Since companies don't want to get shut down because they got hacked and have to pay for the data breach, ethical hackers are great for the companies because you get paid to hack the company and show them the weaknesses in the company.

Of course, there is the choice of doing both but you should be more invested in coding and from time to time, you can sew. Those are my thoughts since I've been interested in making money as a programmer and since a programmer is more valuable than someone who sews or cleans since it is something that very little people can do. Hope it helps.

3 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2021-02-17 11:47 ID:1Y/ZZots [Del]

I find myself in a similar situation in which I love drawing and also desire to teach math, but neither earn much money, so I'm in college for software.
I am keeping my art as a side thing. Yes, I take commissions, but it's something I'd like to keep more of a hobby. And overall, my dream is to teach highschool math. Idk why, it just appeals to me so much. And I think I'd be good at it! But of course, I need money to live.
So my plan is to do software for a while to save up and maybe make some investments so that I'm in a good financial spot. Then switch over to teaching.

Maybe you could do something similar? You could focus on programming as a source of income while you do sewing on the side for fun and to build skill. Then once you're in a good spot, you can focus more on sewing until eventually that's what you're doing full time.

4 Name: Chipsa : 2021-02-25 22:04 ID:wVoep+NQ [Del]

You can probably sew and have fun and not much money... But if you become a good business with a lot of dedication, people will probably buy from you. And you can join promotive circles as well... Like share for share, small businesses helping each other out, and all that... Well, good luck! I hope things turn out well and good!

5 Name: Kimiko : 2021-02-27 03:37 ID:ZC1dxTlQ [Del]

I agree with everyone here and I was in a kind of similar situation but I made my decision early on. I recently graduated with a degree in Microbiology (which I love) and I'm currently working at my dream company. At the same time, I've always loved cooking and baking, specially makings sweets and pastries. I've always had that as a hobby but I love to practice my skills whenever I can because my goal is to have that as a side income. I'm gonna be moving in with my boyfriend in a couple of months and it's always good to have both a job that brings you money so you can have a comfortable life, and also a side job/hobby for that extra (sometimes necessary) income; also for your own relaxation and happiness.

That being said, I totally suggest you keep doing coding and programming. Even if you can't currently afford going to college, there are many ways you can still learn by yourself through the internet. And hopefully eventually you can actually earn a degree and/or start applying for jobs regarding that area. In the meantime, you can still practice your sewing skills and do commissions. You can start making cosplays and spread the word about your skills around so that you can get people interested in it. I know many people from the community that prefer going to a seamstress and pay to get their cosplays made from scratch to fit them perfectly than buying them online cause it can be a gamble.

My point is, you can totally (and SHOULD) do both. But obviously, for now, focus your time and energy on what will definitely earn you good money. Coders/programmers are very much needed and they can make really good money.

And also, you can actually earn your way to college by making sewing commissions! Save all that money you make to help you when you get to college!

I hope this was helpful and I hope you can find happiness in your chosen career. And remember, you DON'T HAVE to settle for either of them, you can have them BOTH!! <3