Dollars BBS | Personal
















I wish I was pretty (3)

1 Name: AnonAnon : 2021-02-08 09:53 ID:6nmQ6Bqt [Del]

I'm 5'9 tall and lanky with awful body proportions. My hips dip severely and my arms don't look like they belong to the right body. My thighs have meat on them but my lower legs look like a chickens. I hate my body. Maybe I would have so many issues with my gender if I was just short. With pretty hips and shorter arms. If my shoulders weren't so wide and my legs not so chickeney maybe I would finally view myself as pretty. I only see this body as a prision. It's trapped me here and I hate it. I wish I was pretty

2 Name: Haii : 2021-02-08 19:17 ID:viVdMJ7W [Del]

Dont wish to be pretty girl. I read that youre 5'9 and i also wish my height would be like that but thanks to my self confidence, i able to stand up and accept who i truly am.

First, dont even think youre not pretty. You may look yourself in the mirror and comment abt your appearance badly. We all experience to be insecure that we tried our best to reach the body goal that we wanted to be. You know, we mostly put comments to strangers telling, 'oh shes beautiful' and sometimes wish to be like her. Erase that thoughts and starr to byild connfidence. You need confidence because one you show everyone that youre confident and comfortable what youre wearing, they may look above you and you will be their role model. You dont need to be beautiful to be confident. You need to accept yourself and be confident.
We all know society's standards are unpredictable and unattainable so please, I encourage you to block all those negative thoughts and start finding yourself because once you know yourself more, its time your confidence will bloom in you heart. True beauty doesnt define in appearance but rather true beauty comes from within.

I hope it helps you even a little. I just want you to cheer you up. Im sorry for my bad english btw

3 Name: AnonAnon : 2021-02-08 20:38 ID:TAEAt5Hp [Del]

thank you. I appreciate your words.