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question for ftm/ftnb trans ppl (5)

1 Name: lucky : 2021-01-30 16:40 ID:xXzqzmPq [Del]

im an afab enby and recently my dysphoria has been acting up so i was wondering if there were anyone who could share some binding methods? im not out to my parents so i cant really ask for a binder.. help is appreciated :)

2 Name: Anonymous : 2021-01-30 18:29 ID:31WZhbSg [Del]

Does this help? I don't know anything about binding myself, so I resorted to google.
If u do come out to your parents, I hope things go well

3 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2021-01-30 19:38 ID:HBpUFuLk [Del]

Before I got a binder, I went with two sports bras, one worn forwards and one backwards, and that works pretty well. I think that is the most readily available way for those who aren't out. As with an actual binder, don't do this for more than 8 hours and if it hurts at any time, take a break.

4 Name: lucky : 2021-01-30 22:15 ID:xXzqzmPq [Del]

ty guys sm i'll try these! :D

5 Name: Shyren : 2021-01-31 12:11 ID:+QdRf6W5 [Del]

I feel like I'm obligated to put this here as I am a walking example of this: I wouldn't recommend binding with anything else than actual binder as it's the safest way because anything else (except like trans tape) can cause serious injuries!

Anyways, that out of the way, I do recommend the sport bra technique the best because when I didn't have a binder that was the most comfortable way! Also if you live somewhere where it's not constantly hot, layering your clothes can help to give an illusion of flat chest! I used to put on (and still do on days I can't bind) a tank top, T-shirt/long sleeved shirt, oversized thick hoodie and if it's cold enough a jacket on top of everything else.

Also, about getting a binder, if you are out to someone like a friend you could order the binder through that's also an option! Though make sure to order a good binder from the start as bad binders are more painful and annoying than any bad binding method I can think of