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I might be fucking stupid but here goes (3)

1 Name: ehhhh : 2021-01-21 14:20 ID:n2iu5Gjj [Del]

Anyone with any knowledge on DID, please respond...


I recently experienced something that I need to get help with but currently cannot reach a therapist.
Here's some backstory:

I had a really shitty childhood, but never developed DID. I did, however, have that "someone else can handle this better" mentality. Then, after some years, I was assaulted by a really trusted friend. This set off a deep spiral of depression and dissociation. My dissociation was always ignored by my therapists.
I moved across the country, am doing much better. But then I had a falling out with my closest friend, and we will never be speaking again. Big bad for the brain game.
So, to the point: I was driving home and began dissociating really hard. Couldn't see, couldn't hear, was missing turns and forgetting where I was. Nearly crashed a few times. After the third near-miss, I "let go of the reigns" and "woke up" back at my house. I feel as though a separate part of my brain, or a different person altogether, drove me home to keep me from killing myself. I'm almost 18, so I feel like I am way too old to develop DID, but at the same time, I had the perfect childhood to "set my brain up for failure". Is there any weight in any of this??? Should I seek a therapist??? Does any of this make any sense? Am I bat shit? I normally dissociate 24/7 so I thought maybe I was struggling with DPDR but that night felt totally fucking different. I should probably write it down so I remember it. Idk. A voice at the back of my head kept calling the separate part of my brain "River" so that's what I've been referring to it as.

Any help?
Kinda just needed to rant I guess.

2 Name: Mirrored 617 : 2021-01-24 03:27 ID:uGw0MOWr [Del]

While I personally do not have much knowledge nor experience of DID, there is a YouTube channel called DissociaDID, if you were not already aware of the channel, that does discuss the disorder. The channel creator is a "system" of personalities, which could probably give you a bit more insight into what you're experiencing.

Sorry to hear about that unfortunate downward spiral. Betrayal is one of the things that can really tear someone from the inside out.

3 Name: Kimiko : 2021-01-24 18:12 ID:ZhTqALMF [Del]

Yes, as soon as you mentioned DID I immediately thought of the Youtuber DissociaDID. She's great, or more like, THEY are a great system. They make a bunch of great videos explaining DID and I'm sure it will bring some light into you. Still, they always say it's not good to self-diagnose, you still need to go see a therapist/psychiatrist, but her videos really help a lot to understand this disorder a lot better, plus lots of tips and advice as to how to handle it. I recommend the channel a 100%! I hope things get better for you eventually. Much love and take care!