Dollars BBS | Personal
















Wanting something new, anybody else? (8)

1 Name: Venom : 2021-01-18 03:47 ID:945kiqzL [Del]

As 18 slowly closes in on me and all the people I care about move far away from me and focus on their own interests, I find myself wanting something to fill the void. I’ve already done drugs and I’ve been thru that cycle ain’t gonna do it again so that’s out of the picture, and I have no significant other let let alone a male role model to look up to. I wanna start a REAL groups like the dollars, or if you’ve seen IWGP (Ikebukuro West Gate Park) which DRRR was heavily based off, the G-Boys. Just a groups of people who help each other and the community. I don’t care how big it gets, I’m not gonna be mikato and just give out free passwords to anybody. I really wanna change my life and myself as a person. Anybody want in? If you think I’m crazy or stupid, I’m just desperate for fun and adventure. That and I wanna help people. Let me know!!!!

2 Name: Kero : 2021-01-18 07:35 ID:xrVESio0 [Del]

Hate to break it to you but the Dollars is pretty much a dead group. Asking to do something related to the Dollars like a meeting or something will unlikely happen. Dollars is pretty much a join and chat type of group. You can probably make some friends here but I doubt you will see anything like the Dollars from the anime.

3 Name: no color : 2021-01-18 10:04 ID:PTyay3pc [Del]

you dont know it could happen we could make it happen it all counts on is who is in your area and their age

4 Name: Venom : 2021-01-18 11:26 ID:JbFuiQMJ [Del]

That makes sense but like no color said we should make a dollar group! No color if your down let me know!! Anybody else is welcome too. Not exactly like the dollars either, I have a few key differences in mind.

5 Name: Kimiko : 2021-01-24 18:43 ID:ZhTqALMF [Del]

Aside from the Dollars idea (which is still great as long as you find the right people), I'm gonna give you a life advice. Join a club/organization related to anything you love, even if it's just a hobby. Example: if you like to read, join a reading club, if you like to cook/bake, take lessons, etc. Whatever it is that you like to do, pursue it, even if it's just for the sake of trying out something new. It's good to get out of your comfort zone every now and then, it really helps to develop as person. I'm only 23 but I've done many things in life, and I recommend you do the same. Idk if you plan to go to college or work, but whatever free time you have you should spend it harboring and perfecting new skills. It really gives you a different perspective in life, plus, you get to learn new things and have fun! :)

6 Name: Sora-kun : 2021-02-02 10:21 ID:QdTBJVzl [Del]

Honestly I'm 17 and have felt the same way, I haven't resorted to anything that future me would disapprove of, but I have been ultimately bored and fed up and wanting change. Right now the only remedy I had found other that trying to speak to new people (which is hard enough considering im introverted as hell) is just learning. I'm currently trying to learn a language, reading a lot more than I used to and just trying to use my brain as much as possible. I want to rediscover the love for learning that I had as a child, since to me that's the best chance of being able to grasp the opportunity to change something in the future, is to try to learn and do new things right now.

7 Name: Danny Ant : 2021-02-04 10:53 ID:LfvDGWjb [Del]

I would like to help you achieve your goal as well. I might not be able to help the community a lot, but I would still like to try to and help as much as I can. Aside from helping the organization could boost in popularity by having people from different areas around the world working together to make one large helpful community. If you wouldn't mind allowing me to assist of course.

8 Name: celty : 2022-01-08 16:10 ID:BGVhnez/ [Del]

I'm kinda late but i literally feel the exact same way T.T
i'd love to join if there's a group like that!!