Dollars BBS | Personal
















man (3)

1 Name: sigh : 2021-01-15 07:15 ID:y0osVcoT [Del]

i've always been alright with handling pressure, simply cuz I've been under it constantly all my life so I've just learned to deal with it. But lately it seems like there's just more and more and more, and every time I adjust myself to deal with what I have to do the onslaught of work seems neverending. Another thing to deal with, and another, and another. I'm naturally a confident person (confident in my abilities) so honestly, if that were the only problem, I feel like I wouldn't feel so down. But my mom is very paranoid almost and checks up on my progress nearly 20 times a day and obsessively repeats and rerepeats the same things that she's told me to do 3, 5, 10 times. It kinda makes me feel like I'm suffocating every day. It makes me sad too, because I've developed an auto-reflex of becoming wary or scared or easily irritable around my mom, which I don't want—she's a good person, just not helping my situation very much right now. Just wanted to get that out of my system. now back to work ig :,)

2 Name: Undecided : 2021-01-15 14:29 ID:gt8Nqc+0 [Del]

Sorry you are going through this man. I think talking with your mom and trying to repair or renew a positive relationship could somewhat fix the situation. I hope you can find a solution. Good luck to you with your work!

3 Name: Kimiko : 2021-01-15 17:10 ID:xaM6YxDF [Del]

You definitely need to have a serious conversation with your mom. I'm sure, in her eyes, she's doing her best as a mother to motivate you and trying to push you to be your best self. But you need to tell her how you truly feel and that for a long time you've been under a lot of stress and her pushing you like that is not helping your case. I'm sure she'll understand.

When I was younger (elementary), my mom used to compare me to one of my friends at the time saying that I should be more like her, study more like her, work harder and get better grades like her. In her mind, she was motivating me to do and be better, but in reality, it made me feel like shit and I was even less motivated to do anything. I guess eventually she figured it out cause she stopped doing it. And now, a couple of years ago (I was like 21) I was having a talk about that with my mom and after finally understanding she apologized for what she had told me all those years ago and told me she really thought she was doing a good thing not knowing how it was affecting me. And now we've moved past that and everything is better now!

Really, having an actual conversation goes a long way. Better do it sooner than later for the sake of both of your mental health!