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Is this weird? (4)

1 Name: Kimiko : 2020-12-15 21:59 ID:ZhTqALMF [Del]

So lately I've been noticing something (like a trend) that's been following me since middle school (I'm currently 23 y/o). So basically, I've noticed that the times when I've had crushes I tend to crush hard on them for months, sometimes years. And I find them very attractive and fantasize about them and all. But then, once I find out they have a new girlfriend or after a while, I end up finding them unattractive. Like, I'd understand if I'd stop having the crush on them, but I full on see them as almost ugly and not my type, after months/years of finding them super attractive. Is it weird? Am I the only one that experiences this?
It's mostly happened with my older crushes whose current girlfriends are friends of mine, so I guess maybe that has a factor in it. Knowing that it's not fair (even if it's in my head) that I'm fantasizing about my friend's BF... idk

2 Name: omverse : 2020-12-15 22:48 ID:hTPx0k9n [Del]

Desire makes us blind to many thing.

Seems like a mental mechanism that allows you to let go of your attraction to them. Sounds perfectly normal to me.

If im not speaking out of turn here::: if your eventual lack of attraction leads to hatred or disdain for the crush or their new gf, then i would take some time to think about why.

Otherwise, normal.

3 Name: Kimiko : 2020-12-16 02:44 ID:xaM6YxDF [Del]

Thank you! That actually does make a lot of sense. A mental mechanism to let go of my attraction to them. I really do see it that way. Cause even though in the beginning it would break my heart to know my friend got together with my crush, after a while, I forget about my own attraction towards them and I find myself genuinely happy for my friend and the couple they've become! To the point where I'm genuinely rooting for them as my attraction for my crush is now nonexistent.
I guess I just found it weird cause I thought I'd feel jealous or heartbroken, but those feelings are fleeting. I guess this is how it should be then!

4 Name: Chipsa : 2020-12-29 18:33 ID:cyd3vC8t [Del]

That's great! I think it's cool. I think I may have done this before,and it seems pretty practical to me. :)