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i feel like im wasting away (6)

1 Name: greenapple : 2020-12-09 09:28 ID:QO/UZd4g [Del]

I'm probably not alone in this.

I'm pursuing a college course I have no love for out of parental pressure. I guess you can say I don't really have an option of choosing something else because although they exist, putting what I want over what my family expects of me isn't easy. Telling me otherwise is lip-service.

I'm doing pretty fine coping with that among other things; it's not as if I have a shortage of things I do love.

Still, everything I do ends up feeling really empty.

2 Name: Ananta : 2020-12-09 21:53 ID:MzrGIQh0 [Del]

Funny thing, there were also people like me who weren't even sure what to do in my life and wished that my parents would be more strict into ordering me to take a major of their choice, but were instead giving me full freedom to pick whatever I want when I'm not even sure what I really want.

In the end, I picked something half-heartedly.

3 Name: akirakki : 2020-12-10 05:44 ID:aOPVRAI4 [Del]

>>2 I also feel the same way. I was never forced by my parents to do anything they wanted for me related to my studies etc. But now I feel like I'm wasting away everything because yes, I like what I'm doing, but it's not something I really love. It's something I'm slightly better at than other people, maybe. But I don't feel like it's a quality, I don't feel accomplished and I'm just stuck.

Maybe in the end it's all about doing something we're slightly better at than other people but still... it doesn't feel fulfilling.

4 Name: RotttenBlue : 2020-12-10 07:39 ID:mtoGEyMq [Del]

Hey guys. I Just wanna tell you that, after you finish those course, your Lives are still ahead of you. You can still Explorer what you feel pulled to, what you like, your talents. Life does not end after college or starting work. Use those years to find yourselves and remember it's never too late to start over. Even if you don't know where you are right now, keep on going ahead. Take care and wish you all the best

5 Name: ThatGuy!AnOHItoBQY : 2020-12-14 12:58 ID:+I1xp5gW [Del]

Oh, hey, I didn't realize that the other post was a dupe. Pasting my reply here:

Well, I don't know about your situation in detail, so this may not be feasible; but still, I'd say that life is too short to waste it doing something that makes you unhappy. If there is any chance for you to talk things through with your parents or somehow make it on your own, I'd give it a go.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2020-12-23 10:18 ID:/M/6eKNp [Del]

It's really tough being in that situation, it must be really hard on you. I've never been in your shoes, but I had people around me like that, they worked part time while studying to earn money, and once they graduated they gave their certificate to their parents and told them "here's you certificate" and then came back to university to study what they want, their parents couldn't do much because they've already did what they want. Once you grow older you start becoming more independent and firm with your decisions, and maybe your parents will see how hard it was on you and let you. I know you'd still be giving away years of your life, but that's just one of the options. Or you can try to accept and like what you're currently studying, I don't agree with what your parents are doing, but sometimes we want somehting but can't have it, so we go for the option that we don't like and find out that it's actually not bad and you're doing well with it. Trying to have an optimistic approach towards a problem isn't a bad thing.