Dollars BBS | Personal
















Just feeling nostalgic today :') (5)

1 Name: Mira : 2020-12-03 03:48 ID:0tv7wEnr [Del]

Wasn't feeling great today and haven't been able to sleep properly for a long time. Honestly I haven't been on this site in a long time but I was feeling nostalgic after the emails piled up from the old Facebook account which I used to chat with people here - pretty sure they don't hang around anymore since we all met around 6 or 7 years ago.... Which is crazy!
I wonder where or how everyone is, or if anyone's heard from them...Chat rooms were part of my early high school life , and looking back there were some genuinely creepy messages from one or two people on that account but overall I hope wherever you are you're all doing well! To Voltic , Makara , Kurowind15 and Wisp and everyone I've forgotten in between...
Overall I've been okay, I met new friends on my own irl and I've met someone who actually likes me back. School's worse than ever before but I think I'll get through it somehow.
If anyone has seen or heard from them or if they're here let me know! (Even though I know it's unlikely since we've all gone our separate ways) or if you've somehow been in one of the old dollars chatrooms before it was shut down, I'd love to see how you're doing !
- Mira (I believe this was the name I used )

2 Name: akirakki : 2020-12-03 10:47 ID:H3fNrb+P [Del]

I sometimes wonder about my old friends from when I used to go this site, well, basically everyday! I've been feeling very nostalgic lately so I've decided to come at least once a day trying to get back into it... maybe because I don't want to see it die? I guess.
I really don't know how to find my friends from those days. I hope they're ok and same goes for you, op!

3 Name: Mira : 2020-12-03 12:41 ID:0tv7wEnr [Del]

Thank you akirakki, I feel like I've seen your name around before haha , and yeah I didn't expect it to be so dead, I guess the last time I checked on it was 3ish years ago...
Maybe I'll try sticking around more often , and yes I hope your friends are doing great as well!

4 Name: yateli spaghetti !mt7nmZahr. : 2020-12-07 20:17 ID:+nUp9JAg [Del]

I miss the old gang from back when I used to hang out here every day all day. I think about them very often and sometimes wonder if they think of me too.
"We didn't realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun."

5 Name: Mira : 2020-12-08 02:57 ID:0tv7wEnr [Del]

Love the quote you used yateli , I definitely was not expecting to lose contact with them for some reason :')