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I've been thinking about doing volunteer work before working (3)

1 Name: Skeptix : 2020-11-15 19:28 ID:X626oUIU [Del]

I've been incredibly keen on starting a part-time job. But the job I really want to do requires me to be 18+ for insurance reasons. I just want to work at a bookstore by the way. I love bookstores.

But perhaps I should get myself used to doing jobs first. Starting out with nothing on my resume (I've never taken part in clubs and school activities) looks pretty dull. Plus it would be great to have a reference that isn't my teachers. But I don't really know where I should start out.

I considered my local library and that's probably where I will end up. But y'all know any kind of place that would accept a volunteer. Not establishments but rather... types of places. Like er- y'know some people work retail or fast food. Things of similarity like that categorizing.

2 Name: Chipsa : 2020-11-17 21:37 ID:iTd7G1fr [Del]

Well, for volunteering, there's probably some sort of drive you can volunteer to help with- like a book donation drive, or something like that. Although I'm not sure how wise that would be at the moment, considering the current public situation with illness and whatnot, Covid and that sort of thing.
So perhaps working at the library would be good? If it's experience you want, you might try checking out some citizen science websites. I know that at least one of them has book-involved projects. :)

3 Name: medial : 2020-11-17 21:53 ID:nZwaTyQO [Del]

Chipsa has good advice for sure! Also, I would recommend looking up book-related charities, or other non-profit organizations that interest you. Even if they don't directly post opportunities for volunteers, you can always reach out and express your interest/passion. Hope it works out!!