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how to chill out (3)

1 Name: thunderstorm : 2020-11-03 01:51 ID:ryK/TvGS [Del]

lately it feels like when something goes wrong i flip out, every small thing feels like a huge issue. at the end of the day they're not big problems at all, i understand that, each one usually gets resolved really easily but i feel like my stress tolerance has taken a huge blow, how do i fix it?

i've tried taking a walk, venting vocally, eating chocolate drinking tea, watching something cute like bears, spending time with my SO and friends, playing games, etc.

the emotions i feel are like a stubborn concrete block that randomly decides to go on it's own, not my own accord anymore. i hate it.

how do you force a shitty day to not feel so bad?

2 Name: Skeptix : 2020-11-03 07:46 ID:X626oUIU [Del]

I've heard if you tell yourself you're not in a bad mood it somewhat helps. Kinda like a mind trick maybe?

Your emotions and freakouts could be a problem stemming from more than what's apparent at that moment. Do you have any huge sources of stress eating at you? Perhaps guilt, problems with relatives/peers, a huge test coming up, etc, etc. Anything that would overweigh small situations. Personally speaking, when small things cause me to blow up I'm usually dealing with something much bigger like handling one two many things at a time. Maybe break off from things overloading yourself?

Otherwise, I can't offer much else. Do try to avoid competitive pastimes if you are a competitive person.

3 Name: ThatGuy!AnOHItoBQY : 2020-11-03 09:07 ID:+I1xp5gW [Del]

Focus on the things you can control. If it starts raining cats and dogs all of a sudden and you get drenched, well that's just life; it's not like you could control the weather, and nothing good is going to come out of you being pissed at something like that.

On the opposite side, if you're nervous because you have an important test tomorrow, just focus on studying. You may still fail the test because it was too difficult for you, just plainly unfair, because you were kind of sick and couldn't focus properly, etc; but again, there's nothing you can do about that. But by just focusing on studying, you increase your chances nonetheless, no matter what other variables may be at play.

Of course it's not always easy, but I think that just making the effort to think like that is worthwhile.