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Rant (4)

1 Name: Mallow : 2020-10-22 17:51 ID:ITO4ndQE [Del]

I just need to have this rant because I can't have it with my friends cuz it'll prob get leaked but im so sick and tired of one of my friends acting very rude to me.

So backstory I like this guy let's call him A and my friend let's call her B used to like him/still kinda does. He rejected her though awhile ago and now me and him have a thing we both like eachother and she constantly makes rude remarks like "he has shit taste in women" "if its a slut he'll get along great with it" he used to sleep around in his past but now doesn't but she still puts that over him and tries to make me doubt him by saying things like that shes even messaged me before stating "ive slept with A before he sleeps with everyone" and ik she still asks him for sex even though he tells her no. And it's like really getting on my nerves cuz when I invite him out with my family b gets all butthurt cuz I didnt invite them.
And the other day when I asked how she was going and made a joke to lighten the mood she legit accused me of mocking her when I 2asnt 😒 im kinda getting done with her but there's not alot I can do because A is close friends with B even though she makes advances on him he thinks its a joke and there's times where he is like wtf did she just say to me?

I just want to tell her to cut it out or fuck off :/ because a real friend wouldn't be acting the way B is

2 Name: OneYeetyBoyo : 2020-10-22 23:12 ID:aZQp/kvV [Del]

You're absolutely right. A real friend wouldn't be acting that way.

My best advice would be to tell both A and B what's going on and how its making you feel. You may want to do this separately, but that's up to you. Don't back down either. If they try to make light of it and tell you that you're wrong, don't let them. They need to understand your side of things. Once they do, how they react will be very telling.

Good luck.

3 Name: omverse : 2020-10-27 15:08 ID:o4bxKnP4 [Del]

Devils advocate here.
Might be a little tough to read, Take a breath and consider---

There's nothing good, peaceful, friendly, or fun about watching a friend of yours get with someone you like. Whether or not they've rejected you. whether or not it was 'a while ago'

.....Just flip the roles.
Absolutely NO justification for treating each other badly, and by all means, remove her from your life--- but there are 3 humans in this situation and all of them have feelings ((and to me it seems like the one who cares the least of the 3 is the boy)) --- and the only feelings taking space in your head are your own. You'd be doing both of you a great service by removing yourself from her life.

Yes, her feelings are not your responsibility; her feelings are her own responsibility. But obviously she isn't strong enough emotionally to overcome it AS its happening before her eyes. She's not strong enough at the moment; and probably won't overcome it in a time frame that suits you. Personally, I couldn't overcome watching a friend date someone I'm interested in, especially when the friend knows, unequivocally, that I still have feelings for the person. And its not about the boy at this point, imo. He doesnt give a heck about me. Who is he anyway? At least I have my friend, right? or do I?

If you took this the other way, and said "okay, i'll wait a bit longer for your sake, but as a person, I make my own choices."

If you came from the perspective of::: "you dont dictate my life, and as your friend I'd hate to see you broken up over someone who doesn't care about you. So lets compromise." ...

Talking it out at least shows you cared at some point throughout the friendship; any point at all. But leaving her to tend to her wounds while you toss salt at her, thinking you are the only one taking jabs... It shows that you are so very willing to throw away how ever much time and joy there might have been between you- for a boy. Again, I'm making assumptions, but I have one of a three part story, so forgive me for filling in the blanks.

But main thing seems like::: both of you have let this guy come between you, without talking to each other like human beings with feelings and needs.

People need time to change, heal, think, and especially love themselves. The human spirit is not impenetrable. Frankly, I wish she could be the one writing to us so I could say; "leave them be and move on with your life. Nothing to gain from trying to get back at them. No sense in becoming so bitter that you start hurting people. And if someone wants to set aside the feelings of a friend for someone they want to date, then good riddance."

Which is all it is. She's just in pain and she's certain you don't give a heck, thinking why she should consider your feelings. and Now her bitterness has passed onto you, ANDDD you have the boy.

No benefit in responding to her with the same bitterness. People can part ways from each other without insulting one another, even if there is bad blood. It will put a stain on your heart, and years from now you'll wonder why you spent so much time concerned about it.

It's ok if you hate me for advocating against you; A real friend would not be acting as your friend is, but it's the same with the way you are acting. Both of you can learn from this experience.

If you are the bigger person, like you are presenting yourself to be, then do the right thing. It's obvious you care enough to come here and seek advice. I just hope you'll take it.

You can bring proper closure to the relationship without any one else getting hurt, or you can embody the same carelessness and tell her to fuck off like you want to. Think about it.

Thanks for sharing. Sorry for being brash and verbose... And I'm sorry that someone you considered a friend has begun to hurt you. Just want you to see that both of you are experiencing the exact same thing, albeit different perspectives.

4 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2020-10-28 10:52 ID:/XfArdgN [Del]

I think you do make some really good points, but I don't think OP and the boy A are even dating, they just have mutual feelings for each other? Regardless, you bring a really great perspective up and I hope that OP does consider it.

And I've definitely been through my friends dating someone I liked and I currently have sorta a thing but not really with a friend I know at least two of my friends also have liked, and yeah, it's definitely not a fun thing to deal with. But if you're really friends, you can deal with it maturely and minimizing hurt feelings.

The big thing? Communication. If you communicate these things, it makes it much easier to deal with. It's the big reason why my friends are still friends and although there's gonna be a bit of jealousy no matter what, we still have respect for each other and are happy for each other.

Have a serious talk with both of your friends, OP. As the reply before me, you can do this separatly or all three of you together, whichever is better for you. But let them know how you feel about the situation and get their feelings and perspective on it as well. Make decisions from there.

At the same time though, if I'm correct that you two aren't even dating, friend B's behavior just seems really toxic and if I had a friend acting like that just because someone I'm not even dating happened to like me, I'd question their friendship. Friend B's behavior would make more sense if y'all are actually dating, but it still does not excuse it.