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Directionless Boyo needs advice (2)

1 Name: AJ : 2020-09-17 14:33 ID:rBFgzsRq [Del]

so I'm gonna graduate in 2022, and pretty much any authority figure in my life has been constantly asking me what I want to do or where I want to go, and I still haven't figured it out. for all you boyos and girlos who've been through that, how did you figure out what you wanted to do?

2 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2020-09-17 17:52 ID:1FXAfDxh [Del]

I don't know whether you mean highschool or college, but I assume you mean highschool.
I'll let you in on a little secret... most adults don't know what the fuck we're doing or want to do with our lives. Most of us don't have it all figured out. It's normal.

For me personally, I started off with a very vague idea when I was a freshman in highschool. I just wanted to do something where I could be creative. Super, super vague, I know. My sophomore year, I narrowed it down to engineering after I took a class I really enjoyed. And senior year, I was able to narrow it down further to software engineering.
I'm a senior in college now, super close to graduation. But although I knew what field I wanted to be in, I still didn't know what I really wanted to do?? Not until like a month ago, at least, when I realized, oh my god, I could work for Roblox. And now that's what I'm shooting for.
My brother, on the other hand, never knew what he wanted to do. He graduated from high school two years ago with no plan. And for the past two years, he's been working at Walmart, helping to pay the bills, and just chilling and playing video games in his free time. He's still figuring things out. He's trying to see if he can join the Navy.
One of my sisters is graduating highschool this school year and she has it all figured out. She is set up to go to college full ride for two years for culinary. Then she plans to work in a bakery. Jealous of her.
My other sister? Absolutely no idea what she wants to do. She still has a couple years from graduation, but she still is figuring things out.

My point is... we all take different paths and each one is unique to you. What worked for me or someone else may not work for you. You'll be pressured to have it all figured out by graduation, but so rarely does anyone really have it figured out. And even if you think you have it figured out, your plan may deviate as you gain more life experience.
My advice? Just take things one day at a time. Start with a vague idea and narrow it down as you figure out what you'd like to do. Try to get some experience in what interests you to see what it's like to work in that field and if it's something you'd actually wanna do. It could take you a day to figure out or it could take you decades to figure out. And that's okay. You'll get there. Just keep living and you'll find your way.