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Momentary depression (4)

1 Name: Sir Jester !BgxF79hIoI : 2020-09-06 14:25 ID:O9szIbqZ [Del]

I study all day everyday. I study what's inside me and I study what's around me. Information is the best coping skill I'm armed with do deal with the demonic memories from my past. I thought that psychology would cure me and my obession lead me stray to the fact that our actions create our lives as we know it. Now I can see inside of everyone's head yet I neglected to deal with what has been festering inside of mine. This didn't help anything and my own suffering is now amplified by the visible suffering of others in everything they keep hidden inside of themselves. Now I'm crippled by a glance. I should have paid attention to the fact that we are all connected, so when these horrible phantoms of the times I've devoured others come creeping around I could find solace in myself. Water my own plants because my garden is dying.

This momentary depression is the old skin I'm shedding to become something new, but while I lay here in agony and anguish I'm armed with the idea that all this energy is going somewhere and as long as I process this correctly I can jump away from this den of sorrow and I can continue to build and create in the world around me.

But I can tell you it hurts, and when I lay down in bed it feels as if I'm rapidly dying. As it should. Culling my own weakness and ignorance will cultivate a flower bed of majesty and grace.

2 Name: Envy !0UZD1OR/j. : 2020-09-07 22:32 ID:l+FMo2PJ [Del]

I guess I should mention first that I was born with the ability to see through everyone,(obviously I'm not acting like it's some super power.),and I suffered for a while because of seeing other people for what they were. Agony was the perfect word. You can't change what will happen,you can only change how you react. Some people lie to themselves,some people kill,steal,drink,smoke,do drugs,smile,be toxically positive etc. But even though this is very difficult,you need to find how you react. I know I make it sound simple,but I wish you the best in your journey,and I admire your very poetic wording. I'll always be here if you need support,or you can contact me by email, (, if you wanna vent or talk about something. I remember how I was,and I understand. Good luck out there friend. :)...

3 Name: Sir Jester !BgxF79hIoI : 2020-09-08 05:38 ID:EL3Bm/gr [Del]

Thank you.

4 Name: Envy : 2020-09-10 20:17 ID:ElV72rrQ [Del]

Of course.
