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Relationship advice? (3)

1 Name: Palm : 2020-08-27 21:55 ID:tX5/qqFY [Del]

Alright I need relationship advice. Let’s say I met a guy and I love him and would do anything for him but he’s cold and distance because he’s afraid of getting hurt. Let’s say he’s opened up a bit to you and you start earning his trust but some girl ends up getting in the way and tries to get him to like her. What do I do about it? Should I let go and let him be happy (he seems happy with her) or should I fight back?

2 Name: TheApostle : 2020-08-28 10:18 ID:dJTQZSIS [Del]

Let him be with who makes him happy. Talking from a guy's perspective, ignorance is bliss. If you're sure he's happy, leave him be. It's sad but I think it's true. Sorry to direct the question to myself but, since I gave you advice (obviously you should take my advice with a grain of salt because I've never dated) would you give me advice? I'm in college and there's someone I like but we don't really know each other, I asked someone out once and got rejected (that's about all the experience I have, last year btw). I thought that I was a good read of character but I suppose all guys make my mistake. I keep thinking that there are some people who are romantically interested in my but deep down I feel like they're just being nice. The girl I like happens to be the same. From a girl's perspective, what's your read? Any tips for a single guy in college?

3 Name: S.O.R.A.!MO4LVZZpbQ : 2020-09-02 12:53 ID:5CRm8uTr [Del]

sigh i missclicked my bad...

as an "cold guy" haha
like TheAphostole said ignosance is a bliss ok ok (sorry for my broken english ahaha)

an cold guy is the type whos doesnt gives a fuck about anything, he could be sad as he could be happy by himself, no one knows, the comment of the fella means that he doesnt gonna make a move if you doesnt make a move on him, because they dont except nothing unless they see a "change"

try to be yourself, because if you overdoit you can get upset him, also i disagree with the other comment : "let be him be alone" in my experience if you dont make a move someone can do it, there´s not a certain possibility of he beign ok with beign alone, because we are different even if we share similities

TL;DR be yourself, make your move, dont rush it, make your time, because someone like that he can take the a bad idea of your moves, a cold guy is always thinking of something i can relate

i hope this helps