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Just an outburst from an insignificant person (5)

1 Name: Xamers : 2020-08-19 16:36 ID:3TAw+E4w [Del]

I am 21 years old, Brazilian and I suffer a lot with my anxiety attacks. I cry practically every day and I feel totally helpless, sad and alone.

there are days when my only desire is to take my own life, because I feel that I don't deserve to be happy and that it would be a relief for everyone if I were dead.

I feel very broken internally. I work hard to improve and try to live happily, but with each passing day I feel increasingly weak and lacking the strength to continue. I feel like a hindrance in the lives of everyone around me. and strangely I still have this distressing feeling of always being alone ...

I would give anything for a hug at that moment kkk. Forgive me for bad English, as I said at the beginning, I am Brazilian and English is not my native language.

2 Name: Qubert : 2020-08-24 09:26 ID:NkevQxcU [Del]

'helpless, sad and alone'
i feel it too, as we are close in age and the way world is now, i am afraid of turning useless,
but Xami its ok to be happy, and many people will be sad if you die
don't try to do everything alone, its fine to get some help
it looks to me that you are trying hard,
its fine to mess up, you can start again we are still young

break your usual schedule
do something together with your family(anything, even cleaning the backyard together, dinner with a chat)
open up to your parents

also try my ultimate stress busting technique

anything that drains energy from every part of your body(sit ups , squats pushups, punch, kick(don't break anything))

3 Name: S.O.R.A. : 2020-08-25 10:28 ID:EQppE1re [Del]

its easy to say thaat, but to be honest is logical and realistic your answer, but how one can overcome that, i know that you give and straight answer but seems very generical to me, maybe he refers to a "inside problem" like the things messing with your mind

still i hope you get friends to pass the time, that could be a good solution because with friends you arent alone anymore but its up to you to do it

its good the solution of Qubert but i wanna get more answers hahaha to help more people (and me lol)

4 Name: TheApostle : 2020-08-26 09:23 ID:dJTQZSIS [Del]

I won't try to relate to you because to be honest I think my life has been overall a very happy one. But do you know why? Not because I'm rich or because I'm popular (I'm neither of those by the way I'm currently drowning in debt actually) But because I choose to make my life happy. I think the average person likes to think that there is nothing they can do about being sad (depressed people do struggle with this, and a lot of times that is what makes things difficult). My sister has depression but I just keep telling her to savor the positive things. The more positive you are in your daily life the better your life will become. If you feel that you have a lack of significance then please go to a church. I actually study theology (more proof that i'm poor) so I know what kind of work Jesus can do in your heart. Please just try it once.

5 Name: Leyaiza : 2020-08-26 19:33 ID:KIysogtW [Del]

You have to go to therapy, which would help you to take control of your life and find what makes you happy, it can be things as simple as watching series, caressing an animal, cooking, etc. always keep in touch with people who love you, even if you don't believe it, there is always someone who loves us and cares about us. Remember that many times our mind deceives us when it comes to our self-conception. believe what the people around you tell you who love you