Dollars BBS | Personal
















Self Harm (3)

1 Name: L : 2020-08-17 02:43 ID:QmkGArUM [Del]

When I was ten years old I started hurting myself. It started one day on impulse. Some kids in my class had been making fun of me at lunch, and it hurt a lot. I ran into the bathroom and lock myself in a stall. I cried a lot and before I knew it I was hitting myself, trying to distract myself from their words.

I started to do this every time someone was mean to me at school or something bad happened at home. In the eighth grade I started cutting myself with the blade of a broken pencil sharpener. Now, three years later I both hit and cut myself. My left arm and right thigh are covered in scars.
At the end of ninth grade I began going to therapy of my own will. My parents had made me go twice before, but I was unwilling then.
My therapist and I talked and we eventually formed a plan in case of an emergency where I was about to attempt suicide. At this point I had already tried to take my life once.
I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression. Though this was kept between me and her.
A few month ago I was diagnosed by my doctor with social anxiety and major depressive disorder. I began taking anti depressants,they have worked a little, but most of my days I still feel worse than I would like to.
I had dropped my self harm addiction for a couple months, not counting the occasional punch to the leg. However last night I ended up cutting myself.
I wonder if I will ever get better. I wonder if I will ever stop hatting myself.

2 Name: Yato-chan!!XI8GEi6V : 2020-08-17 10:57 ID:bAgcGRGi [Del]

Hey, I'm really sorry about all of that, these years have been really harsh to you... But don't be negative, you managed to stop harming yourself, that means that you can stop again, and that you'll get better. It may take time but it will happen, and with that you'll stop hating yourself because you have people on your side, your parents and your therapist, they care for you because they love you which means that you're someone great and that there's nothing wrong with you, it only shows even more that it's those freaks that have something wrong with them.
So, don't worry, you'll get better and you'll stop hating yourself because there are people supporting and loving you.😄

3 Name: Qube : 2020-08-17 19:41 ID:kyZrHtPf [Del]

Divert the harm from you to something else preferrably a homemade punching bag,imagine its you, punch it untill you are satsified mentaly , and exhausted Physically,from my experience TOTAL PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION NEVER FAILED TO ERASE MY STRESS,

Punching and kicking like a martial artist can drain energy faster

As for cutting ,(i know the relief it gives still) refrain yourself